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Has the `reasonable term' changed?

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  • Has the `reasonable term' changed?

    Has the `reasonable term' changed?

    Armine AVETYAN | February 20, 2010

    It seems that the `initiative policy' of the Armenian government
    related to the Armenia-Turkey relations comes to its end. The
    government has almost taken all the necessary steps, including
    inviting the Turkish President Abdullah Gul to the soccer match in
    September 2008 and signing the Armenia-Turkey protocols. Now is the
    time to solve the issue of ratifying or not ratifying the protocols.

    At the end of the last week RA President Serzh Sargsyan sent to the NA
    the protocols on Turkey-Armenia signed in Zurich on October 10, 2009.
    A week after signing the protocols the Turkish government sent the
    protocols for the discussion of the Turkish parliament. But the
    parliament of that country hasn't yet signed it. As the Turkish
    officials have numerously stated they are waiting till there would be
    certain progress in the resolution of the NKR conflict. But during
    this period various RA officials of various levels have numerously
    stated that Armenia waits for Turkey to ratify the protocols first.
    For the ratification the Armenian side brings the deadline or
    `reasonable timeframe' April 24. However, most probably the standpoint
    of the Armenian government has changed. At any rate, an RPA MP Rafik
    Petrosyan stated yesterday that the deadline is March 4. Indeed,
    Petrosyan didn't bring this up on his own and expressed the attitude
    of the RA government. Let us remember that the Foreign Relations
    Committee of the US House of Representatives decided to vote for the
    resolution 252 related to the Armenian Genocide. On the other hand,
    the protocols are already in the parliament and according to the
    legislation on international agreements they will be automatically
    included in the big agenda of the upcoming NA session. And during the
    last several days an opinion is heard that Armenia should itself take
    certain steps in the direction of ratification and not just wait for
    Turkey to ratify first. RA NA deputy-chairman Samvel Nikoyan finds it
    convenient that the foreign relations committee starts to discuss
    these protocols. And the president of the European Integration NGO
    Karen Bekaryan thinks that there will be no problem if Armenia
    ratifies the protocols first. Let us mention that often Karen
    Bekaryan's opinions match with the ones of the government. This means
    that the government can no more keep back from their initiatives and
    the adopted policies. And now Armenia should ratify those first to
    embarrass Turkey. The second document that is being circulated in the
    parliament is the bill sent by the government, which relates to the
    changes in the RA legislation on international agreements. As a result
    of the bill the RA President will have the power to cancel or annul
    the procedures of adopting of international agreements. The President
    will also have the power to assign the Foreign Affairs Minister to
    inform the other side of the agreement of the cancellation of the
    agreements. By the initiative of the government the RA President,
    Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister and other relevant bodies may
    come up with the initiative of the cancellation and annulment of
    international agreements. Let us recall that on December 10 of the
    last year, a month before the hearing of the protocols in the
    Constitutional Court of Armenia during the meeting with the President
    of Latvia Sargsyan stated that he had assigned the relevant bodies of
    Armenia to prepare necessary revisions to the legislation relating to
    international agreements and that he had already sent this initiative
    to the NA. And so the government has complied with this assignment and
    sent a legislative initiative to the NA. This should also be discussed
    in the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly. The other
    bill relating to this issue is brought up by the Dashnaktsution
    faction, why which they are suggesting that besides the RA President
    the NA should also have the power to object international agreements.
    The ARF has numerously stated that in the event of ratifying the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols certain appendices should also be attached
    to the protocols. And with the bill it is suggested that the NA should
    also object and make initiatives to annul international agreements if
    the RA President doesn't do so. In the opinion of the Dashnaks this
    bill will not only make Armenia flexible in foreign relations but will
    also raise the role and importance of the National Assembly in the
    international arena. As of the mere process of ratification of the
    protocols then it won't have obstacles in the parliament. The
    parliamentary majority RPA together with its coalition counterparts,
    the Legal State and Prosperous Armenia will vote for the protocols.
    The Foreign Relations Committee will also give positive assessments to
    the bill submitted by the government. Indeed, if later the authorities
    do not decide that such a bill is not necessary. And the bill proposed
    by the Dashnaktsutyun faction will be adopted if the government shows
    good will. ARF MP Artsvik Minasyan thinks that their draft is mutually
    beneficial for the government as well. But it is not excluded that the
    government will not even discuss the proposed draft of their former
    counterpart. In that case, as Minasyan says it is not excluded that
    they will benefit from their right of parliamentary opposition and
    will at least demand discussion of the bill in the extraordinary
    manner. Let us mention that yesterday Rafik Petrosyan stated that the
    protocols will be discussed in the upcoming third NA 4-day session.