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Azerbaijan needs `material for genocide'

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  • Azerbaijan needs `material for genocide', Armenia
    Feb 9 2010

    Azerbaijan needs `material for genocide'

    By at 9 February, 2010, 5:48 pm
    The interview of political scientist Levon MELIK-SHAHNAZARYAN

    to the observer of portal Goar KARAPETYAN

    G. K. Levon Grantovich, in your interview to the `Hayots Ashkhar' you
    said that one of the brain trust of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
    is located in Azerbaijan Republic. Why Azerbaijan needs it?

    L. M. ` Sh. Any state always tries to create/to get some influence
    leverage over the other, most often, over neighboring state. Even if
    between them were established very friendly relations. The presence of
    such leverage doesn't indicate its indispensable application. This
    necessary determent factor insures country from possible undesirable
    moves of ally in its foreign policy predilections. That leverage also
    could impact on foreign and internal policy of the `controlled' state.
    That is why some called superpowers for their influence on policies of
    the majority countries of the world. Azerbaijan today indeed has (not
    big) opportunities to influence the policy of Turkey and Georgia, and
    constantly attempts to build them up.

    In this case Azerbaijan's policy towards the current Turkey's
    government, despite Baku politicians' words is really hostile. Kurds
    are not the only problem, although one of the main. The problem has
    also religious denominational reason. The unbridled anti-clerical
    policy of Azerbaijan, when almost every month demolished and closed
    mosques, led to serious contradiction with the ruling in Turkey
    ideology of the islamist Justice and Development party. This is one
    more additional incentive for convergence between Azerbaijan and
    Republican People's Party the main opposition in Turkey, which
    continues the traditions of Mustafa Ataturk, an ardent opponent of
    Islam. At the same time, let's pay attention to the fact that
    Azerbaijan closely operates with Turkey's religious movement jaafari
    and among them there is a lot of ethic Azeri Turks.

    Toward the Kurds Baku exploits the ethnicity of Azerbaijani majority
    leaders, the Kurds nationality. Azerbaijani Kurds feed the ethnicity
    with money infusions so it would look more convincing.

    G. K. What about Turkey? How does it relate to this kind of behavior
    similar of the part `Bir millyat' (one nation)?

    L.M. ` Sh. The ethnic experience of Turks became accustomed to this
    kind of behavior even half brothers, without mentioning the
    dissenters, who fell away from the main mass of Turkish nomads? Azeri
    and Anatolian Turks not once fought with each other. Azeri Turks, are
    mostly Shias by centuries resisted Anatolian Turks confessing Sunni.
    `Bir millyat' appeared only at the end of XIXth and beginning XXth
    centuries, it was the wave of new Pan-Turkism ideology. Until that
    time delicate and sleek Istanbul beys (Bey is a Turkish title for
    `chieftain) disdained Caucasian Turks. However, today this ratio
    didn't change a lot. Anatolian Turks have same attitude toward
    Central-Asian Turks, Turks of Volga region, Siberian Turks and so on.

    All of the mentioned Turks never entrusted each other. They didn't
    trust even themselves. Let me remind you well-known fact: as soon as
    Ottoman Turkey's Crown Prince would become Sultan, first thing he
    would do destroy his brothers. They couldn't let survive anyone who
    could tomorrow relying on the `right of blood' claim to the throne.
    Now, between Turkey and Azerbaijan, in fact, is the same process: we
    observe mutual attempts on political will destruction of opponent.
    Baku and Ankara are brothers, attempting to achieve superiority over
    each other. All Turks relate to each other the same way: Uzbeks in
    constant dispute with Kyrgyz, Turkmens are in tense relations with

    G. K. Does Turkey undertake any actions against Azerbaijan?

    L.M. ` Sh. It would be wrong to say that Ankara is only defending
    itself. This is not so. Small plots, like the incident with trashcans
    filled with Azerbaijani national flags before the football match with
    Armenia, in the Turkish Bursa is only the visible tip of iceberg. The
    direct abuse of women members of Milli-Mejlis of Azerbaijan, when the
    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, in fact, called them prostitutes, also
    one of the obvious but unimportant, aspects of confrontation. The way
    more serious are troops of Turkish radical Islamic movements in
    Azerbaijan. Typically, they all consist of the radical Sunni
    movements' followers. In fact Turkey not only radicalizes Azerbaijani
    society, but also splits it to Sunnism ` Shia Islam We see how serous
    and contradictory these two Islamic movements are on the Iraq's
    example, where for many years the followers of these movements
    senseless and cruel kill each other.

    The most destructive in this regard are nursists, or nurchi, as they
    called in Azerbaijan. It's interesting that in Turkey they officially
    banned, but in Azerbaijan they function quite openly. The same as
    Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Azerbaijan doesn't recognize this
    movement as terrorist. Despite the fact that PKK recognized as
    terrorist organization in Turkey, USA, and many Europe countries. The
    fact that Azerbaijan is free for nursists preaches and for function of
    Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) cells indicates the deep contradictions
    between Baku and Ankara. But if Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK is badly
    disguised weapon of Azerbaijan against Turkey, then nursists represent
    if not the threat, but concern for Azerbaijan itself.

    G. K. Then, why Baku is not trying to get rid of them?

    L. M. ` Sh. At first glance it would be logical. However, not
    everything is so clear and simple. First, Baku sure that will be able
    to keep under control representatives of this movement. Second,
    Azerbaijan hopes that, if there would be need, it will be able `to
    return' the ideological bomb of nursizm back. Furthermore, it's
    actually difficult to extend nursists influence in Shiite Azerbaijan:
    the only region, where they find `understanding', is the northern part
    of Azerbaijan, predominantly populated by Sunnis. On the other hand,
    Baku obtains rights to `justify' repressions among Dagestan aboriginal
    people of Azerbaijan by the presence among them of radical Islamists.

    G. K. Dirty trick, I should say.

    L. M. ` Sh. I agree with you. But, tell me when in its short history,
    Azerbaijan tried to solve national problems in civilized ways?

    G. K. In Azerbaijan, there should be intelligentsia. Indeed
    intelligentsia represents moral standard of any society. In Azerbaijan
    should be academicians, poets, artists, creative workers¦

    L. M. ` Sh. You repeat common mistake. Intellectual person not always
    belong to the intelligentsia. The theme is interesting, and I would
    like to develop it.

    My deep conviction that intellectual ` a man living in harmony with
    its spiritual, moral, material values of his nation. I want to
    emphasize: his nation. An intellectual can't be cosmopolitan. Since,
    what is accepted in one nation, not necessarily greeted by another
    one. This applies both for the apparent trifles, in private life and
    for serious circumstances. For example, guests in Armenian family
    won't take off shoes; this is disrespect to the hostess. At the same
    time guests in Central Asia or, for example, Japan, should take their
    shoes off, and if they won't it would cause a deep insult. This is
    understandable. In Central Asia they used to eat on Dastarkh?n `
    special carpet used on the floor. Walk into the house shoes on akin to
    climb the table in Europe.

    One could be very intellectual, to know living and dead languages as,
    for example, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, but at the same time do not belong
    to the intelligentsia. On the other hand, for example, living in the
    village Armenian wine-grower, who didn't read a dozen books is often
    the true standard of intelligentsia. Every nation for centuries and
    millennia of its existence developed its own code of conduct, moral
    and intellectual values. They are different in different people,
    sometimes its something little, sometimes it comes to the mutual
    exclusion, and they often present the value only in their own nation
    and environment. But they are there in each and every nation and it
    should be considered.

    Nation, in general, can't commit crimes. At least, in the moral
    dimensions of this exact nation. We are different, and it should be
    considered. We all remember how Azerbaijan massively cheered their
    officer who cut down sleeping Gurgen Markaryan. We all were outraged:
    how could the scum, vile murder be admired? In fact Ramil Safarov
    didn't violated Turks moral code, on the contrary, he acted in full
    accordance with their unwritten code. That is why he still enjoys the
    glory of the hero. Murder, even the most vile, doesn't conflict with
    the mentality of Caucasian Turk. It's impossible for us. Of cause even
    among the Armenians could be found man capable on killing of sleeping
    person. I even think that there could be found few dozen people who
    would try to justify this murder. But among majority of Armenians such
    murder would be condemned.

    I would like to be understood correctly: I am not saying what is good
    or bad. I am just saying that this way thinking worked out by nations
    for centuries. I understand that some Transcaucasian Turks could get
    indignant by reading these words. But I understand that only marginal
    part, or those who have some not-Turkish blood would get indignant.
    True Turks will only smirk. You can't do anything with it. If Turks
    would be different, then they probably won't survive in the history.
    And conversely if we would be different, then probably we won't exist.
    It means that ideological codes worked out by nation to a large extent
    dictated by history and necessity.

    G. K. Do you want to say that Turks are not worse or better us?

    L. M. ` Sh. It's exactly what I want to say. We are different. It's
    just impossible to compare incomparable things. What is better, a cave
    or a tree? Turks and Armenians are civilizational antipodes. We have
    different outlook, different cultures, mutually exclusive lifestyles,
    different civilizations. We live in a different value dimensions. We
    should accept each other the way we are.

    G. K. Do we act different way?

    L. M. ` Sh. Yes, unfortunately. We always believed that Turk could be
    the way we are; it's a mistake, almost crime. Note: we had three wars
    with Transcaucasian Turks only in XXth century. Each time, immediately
    after the end of another war there were some Armenians, who claimed
    that Turks are not `the same'. Phrase `Turks, could be bad, but I have
    a Turk friend¦', probably heard every Armenian. The result of this
    thinking was the fact that after each war Armenian survivors after
    massacres remained to live behind Turk lines, turning in a voluntary
    hostage, or, I'll say tougher, `material for the future massacres'.

    It would be wrong and even unfair to blame people, but we can't turn a
    `blind eye'. People, extrapolated on Turks their own outlook became
    unwitting perpetrators of their children martyrdom. We don't talk here
    about Armenians, who lived in Artsakh and Utik: they lived on the
    territory of their historical Homeland. We talk about those, who lived
    on the left bank of Kura River, in Kakh or Shamakhna regions, in
    Sumgait or Baku. Nukha Armenians, for example, during each of three
    mentioned above wars were massacred. Altogether in Nukha-Aresh region
    Turks killed more than 75 thousand Armenians. More than 65 thousands
    of them were killed during summer-fall of 1918. Indeed it was possible
    to avoid, if not this ill-starred `Turk is not the same'.

    Turk is always `same'. We are always the same. He is always ready to
    cut, we are always ready `to understand it' and even `notice'
    imaginary changes. Even today some people in Armenia believe that
    `Turk is not the same'. They don't understand, or they don't want to
    understand, that it's impossible. In case if they understand and still
    repeat it, then I can't call them other way than traitors.

    G. K. Do Turks extrapolate their outlook on us, Armenians?

    L. M. ` Sh. Naturally. Otherwise they won't believe in delirium that
    Azeri government propaganda stuffs them with. Why the average
    Transcaucasian Turk believes that Armenians killed Khojaly people,
    tortured and shut prisoners and so on? Because he is able to do that.
    He can't imagine different way of things. Azerbaijani propaganda daily
    invent new stories of Armenian `atrocities', they all designed for the
    formed by centuries outlook of Transcaucasian Turk. Seeds fall on the
    well-manured soil, therefore there are such lush fruits.

    G. K. Does it mean that genocide and massacres ` unavoidable
    phenomenon, and we are doomed to survive it in the future?

    L. M. ` Sh. Fortunately, this is not so. But not because we,
    Armenians, suddenly saw the light or Turks changed. As I've said,
    among Armenians there are people, who believe that `the Turks are not
    the same'. Turks are still willing to cut peaceful and defenseless
    people. However, since 1988 situation radically changed. It's one of
    the main results of national liberation fight for Artsakh. Turk lost
    his advantage. It didn't happen intentionally, in some extent it
    happened occasionally, better to say because of the political
    short-sightedness of our enemies, who deported Armenians from the left
    bank of Kura River. But it happened.

    Artsakh war has changed a lot in our life. As war, it, doesn't stand
    out from thousands other collisions with the neighboring tribes, and
    its glorification is the consequence of its close aberrations and even
    incompleteness of war itself. The Artsakh war has the unique
    consequence: it geographically divided us with Turks. You see, it's
    very important: the resettlement areas of Armenians and Transcaucasian
    Turks are no longer intersecting. From now on Turks denied the
    opportunity to cut the civilian population. We lost the feeling of
    concern for the remaining hostage relatives. For the first time in
    many centuries! Even if you deny the historical truth, it would be
    enough do not let Turks in our rear.

    I am convinced that Turks attempt reoccupy Artsakh (mountains and low
    parts) not because they consider it as their homeland. Turk perfectly
    well know that this is not so. Azerbaijan seeks (at least partially)
    to restore the conditions, that would allow (if necessary) to begin
    new massacres. Azerbaijan needs hostages. Roughly speaking Azerbaijan
    needs `material for genocide'. And we should understand it. Nomads
    never had a feeling of the native land. Moreover, it never belonged to
    them. Pasture with the juice grass in Karavachar Mountains that's all
    what they've lost. They need the return `of refugees', I repeat, they
    need to separate part of Armenians from the main mass, to get back to
    cutting, thus blackmailing the remaining part of the Armenian people.

    G. K. Thank you Levon Grantovich. Hopefully, we'll have another
    possibility to talk.

    L. M. ` Sh. Sure. And we'll talk about our Army, the only and eternal
    guarantee of Armenian people's security

    G. K. Certainly. needs-%e2%80%9cmaterial-for-genocide%e2%80%9d/