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Scream against the Armenian genocide

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  • Scream against the Armenian genocide

    Green Left Weekly
    Feb 21 2010

    Scream against the Armenian genocide

    Review by Nathan Verney
    19 February 2010

    Directed by Carla Garapedian,
    featuring music by System of a Down
    Via Vision Entertainment,
    DVD95 minutes, $24.95

    This film invites us all to be `screamers'.

    A `screamer' is someone with a full understanding of what genocide is
    and so has no alternative but to scream to people all about it and
    tell them how it can be stopped. The genocide pointed to is that of
    Armenia in 1915, but the message is broader.

    Unlike other historical documentaries, Screamers combines the usual
    interviews with academics, historians and activists, and archival
    footage with music from a live concert ` performed by Californian
    alternative-metal band System of a Down, taken from their 2005 tour.

    For the uninitiated, System of a Down are notable for their political
    commitment. In 2003, they released a song called `Boom!' with a video
    featuring footage of that year's worldwide anti-Iraq war

    They are also of Armenian heritage, are personally aware of the
    genocide and are all active around the issue. They are not just the
    soundtrack to the documentary but are a large part of it, having
    grandparents who survived the genocide.

    The Armenian genocide began on April 24, 1915, when the Turkish
    Ottoman Empire began rounding up and murdering prominent Armenian
    intellectuals and community leaders. They followed that up with the
    forced displacement of the rest of the population, committing
    horrendous acts in the process.

    In the end, up to 1.5 million Armenians were massacred, their land
    stolen and their culture ruined. The perpetrators were never held

    This genocide is believed to have inspired others. When ordering his
    troops to slaughter Polish people in WWII, Adolf Hitler quipped: `Who,
    after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?'

    The Armenian genocide is historically irrefutable; however the
    documentary shows that the Turkish government not only refuses to
    admit it but has made mention of it punishable as treason. Turkey is
    not the only nation refusing to acknowledge these events as genocide '
    in fact only 20 nations do, including Canada, France, Switzerland and
    as of 2005, Venezuela.

    The documentary shows protest rallies and lobbying attempts by the
    band and others to get the US and Britain to recognise that genocide
    took place. The reasons for the US and Britain's refusal to recognise
    the genocide are thoroughly explored.

    One reason is alliance with Turkey. The Allied powers in World War I
    issued a statement saying they would punish the perpetrators. After
    the war, however, they did not follow through, because they wanted the
    new republican Turkish state as an ally against the Bolshevik
    revolution in Russia.

    After World War II, Turkey became a NATO member and a key part of the
    Cold War encirclement of the Soviet Union. Today, the reason for the
    US and Britain not wanting to embarrass Turkey is that they rely on
    Turkish military bases and airspace for continued occupation of Iraq.

    Turkey is a large purchaser of US arms. The film exposes the intense
    lobbying efforts by the US military-industrial complex to prevent the
    passing of a bill in the US Congress that would have recognised the
    Armenian genocide.

    System of a Down lead singer Serj Tankian says: `It's never profitable
    to save the victims of a genocide. We have to switch priorities from
    profit to people and until we do that, genocides will continue,
    holocausts will continue, and we will be living that holocaust as a
    planet, together.'

    Unlike some other documentaries that rattle off facts, dates,
    statistics and death tolls, what sets Screamers apart is its focus on
    the human side of genocide. The real horror is seen in the intense but
    vacant eyes of the surviving children captured in photographs as well
    as the first-hand accounts of the band's relatives and other

    In genocide, it is not only the dead who are victims, but the
    survivors as well.

    By also including similar images of and interviews with people who
    survived genocide in Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia and Darfur, we see how
    similar these events are in the scale of their absolute horror.

    However, other genocides are conspicuously absent. It is perhaps
    understandable that the lesser-known genocides (to a US audience) of
    East Timor, West Papua and Aceh were omitted; nless so those of the
    Tamils or the Palestinians.

    On the musical front, System of a Down plays songs across the range of
    their albums, with all manner of styles ' heavy, slow with Armenian
    melodies and politically-charged. The weaving in of their live
    performance with the rest of the documentary is not only fluid, but
    the songs' images and emotions add to those of the film.

    For example, the heaviness and intensity of `BYOB' ' with the rousing
    line `Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the
    poor'' is played at an intense point in the documentary. The haunting
    and atmospheric `Holy Mountains' provides the soundtrack to images of
    ruined Armenian cultural buildings and of the horror experienced by
    those killed.

    As the band has been on hiatus since 2006, this documentary is also
    something new for fans to enjoy ' even if the grim content of much of
    this compelling documentary makes `enjoy' not the best word.

    Screamers is powerful, innovative and emotional. The first-hand
    accounts of genocide are harrowing but necessary viewing. The
    interactions between Tankian and his grandfather emphasise the
    humanity of the survivors, even when the perpetrators have lost

    And melding post-punk heavy metal with historical documentary ' who
    would have thought it could be done?