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NKR: Artsakh Revival Day Celebrated In The Nkr

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  • NKR: Artsakh Revival Day Celebrated In The Nkr


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    2010-02-22 14:48

    Corresponding events dedicated to the Artsakh Revival Day and the
    22nd anniversary of the Karabakh National-Liberation Movement took
    place in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    On February 20, a grand meeting took place at the NKR National
    Assembly, and NKR President Bako Sahakian, leader of the Artsakh
    Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Archbishop Pargev
    Martirossian, NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutryunian, Deputies of the
    NKR executive body of all the four convocations, Government members,
    and others were invited to it.

    In his opening speech, Chairman of the NKR National Assembly Ashot
    Ghulian, in particular, noted: "We have proved to the whole world and,
    first of all, to ourselves that the decision of the Armenian population
    of Artsakh is final and irreversible and that our people's aspiration
    to live independently on its native land is surely legal and natural".

    The honorable right to open the grand meeting was given to Chairman
    of the historic session of the NKAO Soviet of People's Deputies of
    1988 Vigen Hayrapetian, according to whom "February 20 became the
    headstone of all our achievements and victories and will stay in the
    history of the Armenian people as one of its glorious days".

    NKR President Bako Sahakian made a greeting speech at the session.

    "February 20 became the start-point of our national revival. We stood
    for our natural right to free and independent life on our native land
    and independent disposal of our own fate, in accordance with the
    general standards and principles of international law. Azerbaijan
    responded to our peaceful and fair demand with a fierce and bloody
    war, which caused numerous human victims and destructions. The heroic
    people of Artsakh, together with all Armenians worldwide, could stand
    the tests it faced and took the way of building a democratic state.

    This way is steady and irreversible for us", noted the head of state
    in his speech.

    Noting that the Azerbaijani authorities are still adhering to their
    militant policy, keeping their own people in permanent tension and
    under the threat of resuming the war, Bako Sahakian said: "These
    actions are vain and irrelevant. We have a regular and efficient army,
    which is always ready to give a fitting rebuff to any encroachment
    on the security of our state and people".

    Chairmen of the NKR Parliament of all the convocations made speeches
    at the grand meeting.

    After the meeting, ceremonial opening of a memorial board in honor
    of the NKR 4th convocation Parliament's Deputies deceased in the
    unleashed-by-Azerbaijan war took place in the hall of the National