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AYF Youth Corps @ 15: From Rebuilding Buildings to Reviving Spirits

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  • AYF Youth Corps @ 15: From Rebuilding Buildings to Reviving Spirits

    AYF Youth Corps @ 15: From Rebuilding Shattered Buildings to Reviving
    Broken Spirits

    Jan 8th, 2010

    A New Mission in Gyumri Touches Lives in Armenia and the Diaspora


    HOLLYWOOD-With its majestic architecture and storied past, the city of
    Gyumri is a living museum to Armenia's greatest catastrophe following
    the Genocide. The devastating earthquake in 1988 killed some 20
    thousand and nearly leveled Armenia's second largest city. Yet, the
    people of Gyumri are an inspiring example of how Armenians have the
    unique ability to look beyond disaster and despair, to come together,
    regroup, and work toward a better and brighter future.

    Although Gyumri's pre-Soviet structures still stand, many parts of the
    city still remain in ruin. It's hard not to feel the pain this city
    has endured when walking through its dilapidated streets. Little
    economic development has occurred here since the earthquake, and
    Gyumri's people continue to struggle to survive. They live much more
    modest lives than their counterparts in Yerevan and lack many of the
    amenities capital city residents have enjoyed during the last few
    years. Employment opportunities in Gyumri are limited and sometimes
    the prospects for change seem bleak. Only recently has the Armenian
    government become serious about rebuilding what was once the
    industrial center of the Caucasus.

    Despite the adversities they face, the people of this storied town
    posses an uncanny sense of humor. They turn despair into laughter and
    sorrow into cheer. This becomes all the more apparent when looking at
    its energetic youth. Their future may seem gloomy and their material
    possessions may be as meager as the third-hand clothes they wear, but
    these children and teens find joy and excitement in the most modest of

    This summer nine young diasporans from California traveled to Gyumri
    to set up a day-camp for the city's youth - to live among them, share in
    their experiences, and make a small but positive impact on their
    lives. They were not surprised that dozens of boys and girls flocked
    to the camp, excited that Armenians from abroad had come to their
    hometown to spend the summer with them.

    A mission for the youth

    Youth Corps began in 1994 as AYF's response to the desperate needs to
    rebuild war-torn villages in Artsakh. The program sent groups of young
    Armenians from the Diaspora to the Homeland every summer to help in
    reconstruction efforts throughout the region. In 2008, the program
    changed its focus from rebuilding shattered buildings to reviving
    broken spirits.

    Gyumri was therefore chosen as the pilot location for what is becoming
    an entirely new archetype for Diaspora-Homeland relations.

    `It's easy to blindly send money, but the impact and real value in
    rebuilding our people's confidence in the Armenian nation is
    priceless,' explains Sose Thomassian, the Director of the Youth Corps
    program. `The Youth Corps camp has given us an opportunity to interact
    with the children and youth of Gyumri, to build bonds with them, to
    teach them and learn from them, and show them that people outside
    Armenia have a vested interest in their future.'

    Youth Corps Volunteer Serop Chalian with campers
    Fifteen-year-old Arax Manoukian was among the 150 children who
    attended the camp this summer. Seeing first-hand how much her
    Diasporan brothers and sisters really care about her existence and
    future was inspiring, she says, describing her feeling about the group
    in her winning entry in the camp's essay competition.

    `The Youth Corps group is really inspiring the kids here,' says Arax.
    `Their love of nation is motivating because they show us how supreme
    the fatherland is for them, even from thousands of miles away.'

    That love of nation, and the invisible bond connecting young Armenians
    in the United States with their peers in the Homeland is evident in
    the effort Youth Corps volunteers make year-round to make their
    projects in Armenia a reality.

    AYF members worked tirelessly, year-round, to raise the money needed
    to execute their visions for the Youth Corps program. Their work
    enabled them to connect Armenians regardless of distance, borders, and
    financial obstacles.

    `Fundraising for the program began early in the year,' explains Sose.
    `AYF chapters worked with the Youth Corps committee to organize events
    in their communities, and they raised money for the program. Chapters
    worked with the Youth Corps committee to sell merchandise. They
    organized car washes, breakfasts, dinners, and bowling nights.'

    Alongside the fundraising was a thorough effort to plan the camp's
    day-to-day activities. Camp Gyumri's curriculum, schedule, and mode of
    operation were adapted from the program used by AYF Camp Big Pines for
    the past 32 years. The schedule consisted of morning exercises,
    breakfast, English lessons, song and dance practice, Karate lessons,
    lunch, art & crafts, and group activities.

    Touching down in Armenia

    After months of hard work and preparation Serop Chalian, Levon
    Abrahamian, Berj Parseghian, Kevork Babayan, Kevork Kebabjian, Sanan
    Haroun, Arianna Deleon, and Nora Injeyan arrived at Yerevan's
    Zvartnotz airport on July 11 to begin their mission in the Homeland.
    They were joined in Yerevan by Manuk Gerbinyan, a local AYF member who
    volunteered to work with the group during their stay in Gyumri. A few
    weeks later, an anxious and jet-lagged Alex DerAlexanian landed in
    Yerevan, hopped on the first bus to Gyumri and also joined the group.

    In the days leading up to the flight, Asbarez Newspaper established a
    blog page for Youth Corps to let the participants chronicle their
    adventure and share it with the community back home. It was through
    this blog that Youth Corps volunteers shared their experience of being
    in Armenia, many for the first time.

    `As we arrived to Zvartnots it hit me like a bag of bricks,' says
    Levon Abrahamian. `I was in my Motherland for the first time. The only
    thing I wanted to do at this point was step out of the plane and say
    `Parev' to everyone that I saw. I didn't know what to expect of
    Armenia once I got there, but I had a feeling this would all be worth

    The group spent its first week in Armenia touring the sites they had
    read about growing up.

    `We wanted to experience it all,' says Levon. `From the hectic trek
    across Yerevan's streets to find a 24 hour grocery store, to the
    exalting feeling of standing at the foot of the Sardarabad monument.'

    Along the tour through Armenia, the group made stops at the National
    History Museum, where the 4000-year history of the Armenian people
    resides. A visit to the Holy Sea of Echmiadzin left the group
    breathless. The volunteer were in awe at the vast sea of Armenians
    gathered from across the world at the soul of Armenian Christianity.

    The group at Stepanakert's historic "Mamig and Babig" Monument.
    `The designs and details and size of each of the buildings are truly
    unbelievable, especially after you find out that the churches were
    built around 600 AD,' says Serop Chalian, vividly recalling the red
    and blue colors and unique imagery of the religious icons. `I know I
    might sound generic when I use words like `amazing' and `unbelievable'
    but it's impossible to find words in any language that can describe
    the places we've seen. They really are places that you need to see for

    At Yerablur - the final resting place of Armenia's heroes - Serop laid
    flowers for fallen soldiers who had died for home and country. The
    cemetery is nestled a top one of three hills located immediately
    outside Yerevan. With its name meaning three mountains, Yerablur is a
    shrine for family, friends and strangers, who make regular pilgrimages
    to remember and pay their respects for men and women who put their
    lives on the line to fight for freedom and justice.

    `You walk around and you read each tombstone,' Serop says. `Some names
    you recognize from songs and stories, and some you don't recognize.
    Some died when they were only 19-years-old. But, you realize that each
    made the ultimate sacrifice for our people.'

    The weight of that sacrifice was all the more amplified for the group
    as they trekked across the mountains of Artsakh and visited the proud
    city of Shushi. The fog shrouding the fortress city - once the cradle
    of Armenian culture in this isolated region - was a breathtaking sight
    for most who had only seen this ancient place through photographs.'Be
    it a statue, a symbol, or a grave, nearly every corner of this
    mountainous republic serves as a testament to the soldiers who fell
    while fighting for freedom,' says Berj Parseghian. He is at an
    internet cafe in Karabakh's capital, Stepanakert, ready to update his
    blog and write about his many encounters during the trip.

    Here, amid the lush forests of Artsakh, Youth Corps volunteers spoke
    with locals and witnessed first-hand the limitless strength of the
    Armenian people, their determination to struggle against the odds, and
    their embrace of life and freedom.

    After the volunteers' visit to Stepanakert, the group began its
    journey to Gyumri to start a project that many in group say has
    changed their lives forever.

    Camp Gyumri

    The Youth Corps 2009 Camp t-shirt, designed by campers last summer,
    was given to every one attending camp.
    `Imagine your summer filled with breath-taking landscape, food that
    entices your senses, monumental structures, endless laughter, meeting
    locals that will offer everything in their household to you, and
    taking on the responsibility of being a mentor to a group of children
    thousands of miles away,' says Sanan Haroun, describing her first few
    days in Gyumri. `Reality transcends imagination when you find yourself
    in Gyumri.'

    Camp Gyumri opened its doors on July 22 at 10:30 AM. By 11:00 AM, the
    the run-down Armenian Relief Society (ARS) center used for the camp
    site had been flooded with more than 80 kids. `They were overwhelmed
    with excitement,' says Sanan, recalling how the campers couldn't sit
    still in their seats. `The smiles on their faces and eagerness to
    start the camp session was absolutely priceless.'

    The first few days of camp were difficult for the group. Though most
    had served as counselors at AYF Camp, nothing could have prepared them
    for the kids of Gyumri. The campers were unrestrained and full of
    limitless energy.

    `The kids in Gyumri are like AYF Camp kids, but on steroids,' says
    Alex DerAlexanian. `They are constantly moving at 100-miles-an-hour,
    and they have no brakes or any intention of slowing down. However,
    they are the most humble and the sweetest kids I have ever worked
    with. They joke with us, they pick us flowers, and they never

    Camp counselor Kevork Babayan teaching English
    Alex, who participated in Youth Corps through the Birthright Armenia
    Program, landed in Armenia a few days after the camp began its
    operations. He says recuperation from jet lag would've been a waste of
    time, so he set out to immediately experience Armenia.

    `It took us all a few days to get the hang of the whole thing,'
    recalls Kevork Babayan. It's past midnight, and he hovers over an
    authentic wooden backgammon board at the Youth Corps house. In this
    moment of meditation and reflection, he says, `the hardest part of it
    all was coming up with daily agendas and work for the kids. But we
    eventually grew into our jobs, and it became sort of natural.'

    The next morning Kevork holds up flash cards of images for the
    children to identify during English class, while Sanan Haroun and Nora
    Injeyan write down the words on a giant piece of paper for the kids to
    copy down in their notebooks.

    `We check their notebooks at the end of every class, and whoever has
    it all right gets a sticker. They really loved this,' says Sanan. `We
    have review sessions at the beginning of every day and have a quiz mid
    week on the words they have learned.'

    In a white-walled classroom furnished with school desks, the campers
    looked toward the future, working on essays about the Homeland. The
    essays will be entered in a composition competition at the end of the

    The campers also help design the logo for next year's camp t-shirt
    during arts and crafts. Between these activities, campers spend
    half-an-hour every day learning Karate with Berj, who holds a third
    degree black-belt. Berj says his goal for the trip was to instill
    discipline into the kids.

    Youth Corps Volunteer Berg Parseghian teaches karatee to his eager students.

    Donning their white AYF camp t-shirts, the eager students form lines
    in the center's courtyard. Behind them is the picturesque ravine with
    an ancient church on the other side. In the patio, the campers stand
    firm in a defensive position taught to by their sensei. They wait for
    Berj to shout commands, orders, and names of moves they should perform
    during their martial arts lessons.

    `Everyone needs to know how to defend themselves, so they don't get
    taken advantage of or hurt,' explains Hovo, a 10-year-old camper. Hovo
    says Karate lessons were his favorite activity and that `those people
    who know how to defend themselves need to take care of the weak, who

    `You could really see how much they loved the Karate lessons,' says
    Berj. `It's as if they have a natural inclination for learning how to
    defend. Maybe this comes natural to Armenians.'

    Campers jump with joy after winning the quizbowl.
    To keep the campers organized and involved, they were divided into
    tri-color groups-red, blue, and orange-with each group working
    together to prepare for a final song competition at the close of each
    of the two sessions.

    The blue team twice took first place in the song competition with
    enthusiastic performances that incorporated music and fast-paced dance
    compilations, explains Kevork Kebabjian. The groups also squared-off
    every day competing in short quizbowls on Armenian history and trivia.

    After jumping up with joy for answering the winning question for the
    blue team in a quizbowl competition, 14-year-old Rouben Abrahamian
    darts toward Kevork, his group leader, and thanks him. `I would be
    sitting at home, bored, and doing nothing if it weren't for you,'
    Rouben says. But because of camp, Rouben was able to learn new things,
    meet new friends, and spend his time `in a much more enjoyable way
    than at home.'

    `Our schools don't teach us the things they teach us here,' Rouben
    explains. `They don't go deep into Armenian history, about the
    Fedayees or their victories and struggles. But here, we have fun
    learning about our heroes and their stories inspire us and make us

    Early on, it was apparent to the entire group that these kids never
    experienced a summer like this before.

    `Every game, every song, every activity we do, the kids genuinely
    enjoy,' says Serop. `Seeing their looks of amazement when they watch
    Sensei Berj do some karate moves and the giant smiles on their faces
    when they do the chicken dance during morning exercises are all we
    need to let us know that the kids are loving the camp.'

    The beneficiaries of this summer of fun, however, weren't just the
    kids of Gyumri. On any given evening, one would find the Youth Corps
    crew reminiscing about memorable moments throughout the day as they
    walked down Gyumri's brick-laden streets to their home-away-from-home
    in the Turki Mayla neighborhood.

    `I have been a counselor at AYF Camp for quite some time now, but it
    is different here,' says Sanan. `It is very hard to explain with
    words, but there is this self-satisfaction you feel here. Because you
    realize that you are truly making a difference in these kids' lives.'

    Late one night, Sanan jots down notes into her journal, so that she
    will know what to post in her next blog entry. `Needless to say, this
    is worth more than anything in the world, because you know that it
    will shape your own life, and you will carry it on with you for the
    rest of your life.'

    A group becomes a family

    Strangers and acquaintances who participated in Camp Gyumri this
    summer quickly became a family. Two weeks into the trip, they had come
    to see this city - with its genuine people and picturesque
    surroundings - as their newfound home and the campers as a regular
    part of their lives.

    `The nine of us have gotten very close,' Serop says. He's sitting at
    the patio table of the Youth Corps house, slowly sipping a muddy brown
    mug with dark Armenian coffee. `We spend a lot of time in our living
    room just hanging out. We do a lot of talking. We play backgammon,
    chess, and different card games. And we joke around a lot.'

    The home they stayed in was atypical of Gyumri-a pre-Soviet two-story
    structure of mismatched rooms, with old rusty pipes and walls lined
    with pealing wallpaper and chipped paint. The house belongs to a
    family of five, who survived the earthquake of 1988 thanks to its 19th
    century Armenian-built home. The Youth Corps group rented out the top
    level of the house, sharing the kitchen and only bathroom with the
    family below.

    `Deegeen Lillig, our host, was incredible,' says Serop. `Everytime we
    saw her, she greeted us with a huge smile and always asked if we
    needed anything. He remembers ventured into Deegen Lillig's garage to
    discover a mini bread factory, complete with an Armenian tonir and a
    crew of bakers. `She cared for us like we were her own, working
    nonstop in the kitchen, taking care of the house, her husband, her
    three kids, and our group, all while smiling and giggling at every
    little funny or interesting occurrence.'

    Deegen Lillig would make regular phone calls to Youth Corps
    volunteers' parents, ranting and raving about how sweet they were and
    listing, in colorful detail, every single positive quality she noticed
    in each member.

    Having become a family over the course of the 6-week program, the
    participants often spoke regretfully of the day they would have to
    part from Gyumri to return to their lives in the States.

    The group skaling the mountains of Ijevan
    During late night conversations, Arianna Deleon recounts the `awesome
    times' she's had with her co-counselors, about the jokes, the laughter
    and the adventures she shared with her new family.

    The defining moment for the group, however, came on a rainy day deep
    in the mountains of Ijevan, at a mysterious site by the river known by
    the locals as Lastiver.

    `On that day we all began what would become a treacherous hour and a
    half hike in the mountains, through extremely muddy terrain, over
    slippery rocks, and underneath the constant downpour of a heavy rain,'
    Nora recalls.

    The group was guided on the high-altitude trail by a man Nora
    describes as a `lumberjack-esque man,' dressed head-to-toe in
    camouflage. `He was carrying a multitude of seemingly unnecessary
    weaponry, and would effortlessly sprint through the narrow passes on
    the cliff-side'

    `The hike really took a lot of teamwork, with each of us rotating
    turns carrying boxes of food and supplies down the slippery slopes of
    the mountains,' she says. `The experience did wonders for our bonding
    as a group, especially at night when we had to huddle together under a
    tarp to keep warm under the rain.'

    Laying the foundations

    For these young Diasporans, Youth Corps was more than just summer fun;
    they were in Armenia for a specific purpose, and each of them knew
    exactly what that was.

    `The AYF sent us to Armenia to set the foundation for a new generation
    that will take ownership of its homeland and look forward to a future
    living on the land of their forefathers,' explains Berj.

    The Youth Corps program, from its inception, has sought to close the
    artificial gap created by the Genocide and widened by decades of
    isolation during the Cold War. The program exists to encourage
    Diasporans to take on a more direct role in the nation building
    process in Armenia.

    `The homeland is very distant, and you can't fully comprehend what the
    situation is like here from watching it on television,' says Artak
    Avedisian, the Chairman of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's
    Central Committee in Shirak. He is also a volunteer counselor at the
    camp, and he says it's hard for Diasporans to understand how people
    live in Armenia, what their needs are, and what are things that are to
    be cherished and preserved without Diasporans seeing them and
    experiencing them first-hand.

    Sitting at a table at Camp Gyumri, Artak talks about his experience
    with the campers. He talks about working as a teacher and principal at
    a local school, and he sifts through a bucket of colorful beads,
    assembling tri-color bracelets for his campers.

    Youth Corps counselors and campers take a picture at Gyumri's ARF center
    `Through Youth Corps, the AYF volunteers experienced first hand what
    it is that Armenians here struggle with,' says Artak. The volunteers
    also saw the country and met the people they work to promote, protect
    and empower through their unique position in the United States.
    Armenia became real for them here. It became more than something they
    read about or talk about or a dream they work toward. I believe this
    experience will inspire them to work much harder for their ideals.'

    Artak is 35-years-old, and he is a veteran of the Karabakh liberation
    struggle. He has been working for years with his fellow ARF members in
    Gyumri to establish regular Sunday schools and day camps for youth in
    the area. There's a desperate need for it, he says, referring back to
    his own experience in the school system.

    `Quite frankly, the schools here don't instill love of country in the
    kids early on,' he says with an air of concern while preparing
    supplies for his Arts & Crafts class at the camp. `There is no school
    here that starts off the day with the singing of the Armenian national
    anthem, and no book that animates for them the achievements of our
    people throughout history.'

    Camp Gyumri is a welcomed change for Artak and may parents who sent
    their children and teenagers to the Youth Corps program. It gave
    dozens of kids in Gyumri a completely different experience.

    `Here the children sing the national anthem with pride every morning,'
    says Artak. `They learn national and patriotic songs, and about our
    greatest moments like the establishment of the first Republic of
    Armenia, the Battle of Sardarapat, and the liberation of Arstakh.
    These are historic moments they can be proud of.'

    He flips through the pages of an elementary school history book that
    only allocated two paragraphs to the liberation war in Artsakh. `These
    are things they learn very little about in their schoolbooks.'

    For Artak, and the families touched by the camp, these nine Diasporans
    who came to Gyumri from California had more of an impact than they may
    ever truly realize.

    `Youth corps has laid the foundation for the ARF in Armenia to set up
    Sunday schools and regular day camps not just in Gyumri, but
    throughout the entire country,' Artak proudly states. `At the end of
    the camp we had over 30 children sign up for the local ARF youth club.
    This would have taken us years of difficult work to do that without
    Camp Gyumri and the Youth Corps project.'

    AYF Youth Corps volunteers promise that extending this impact will be
    the mission of the program in the coming years. Upon their return
    home, volunteers quickly began planning for a second camp in another
    one of Armenia's less developed regions.

    The Youth Corps team on a stroll through the magestic streets of Gyumri

    Editor's Note: This article is featured in the Winter 2010 issue of
    Haytoug, a quarterly publication by the Armenian Youth Federation. The
    upcoming issue is set for release in late January. It will be
    available, free, at community centers, schools and local Armenian book
    stores. You can also download it in PDF or sign up to receive a free
    copy in the mail at

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress