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BAKU: Turkish PM discussing NK issue in Russia for positive solution

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  • BAKU: Turkish PM discussing NK issue in Russia for positive solution

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Jan 9 2010

    Turkish prime minister's discussing Karabakh issue in Russia to
    positively affect solution of problem: deputy executive secretary of
    Azerbaijan's ruling party
    08.01.2010 21:57
    Azerbaijan, Baku, January 8 / Trend News, A.Huseynbala /

    Including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the agenda of the meetings
    of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the leaders of
    Russia can positively affect the solution of this problem, deputy
    executive secretary of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) said.

    "Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Moscow is
    aimed at addressing several issues in the Russia-Turkey relations. As
    known, over recent years, bilateral relations between the two
    countries have been developing intensively. The common interests of
    Russia and Turkey are recorded in several economic projects. These
    countries implement energy projects," deputy executive secretary, MP
    Mubariz Gurbanli told the website of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party
    (NAP) on Jan. 8.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
    armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.
    Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The
    co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the U.S. - are
    currently holding the peace negotiations.

    Turkish and Armenian foreign ministers Ahmet Davutoglu and Edward
    Nalbandian signed the Ankara-Yerevan protocols in Zurich on Oct. 10.

    Diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey have been broken due
    to Armenia's claims of an alleged genocide, and its occupation of
    Azerbaijani lands. The border between them has been broken since 1993.
    In addition to the so-called "Armenian genocide" in 1915, Armenia has
    voiced territorial claims on Turkish Anatolia.

    According to Gurbanli, who remembered the existence of problems
    between Turkey and Russia during the U.S. period, now the relations
    between the two countries are developing in a positive direction. "The
    rapprochement between the two countries, strengthening of economic and
    political relations ultimately has a positive impact on the solution
    of problems in the South Caucasus," said deputy executive secretary.

    Referring to the Turkish press, Gurbanli said that during the visit,
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict question will also be on the agenda of
    negotiations. "It is not accidental, since Turkey has initiated
    various projects, including Platform of peace and stability in
    Caucasus, in order to restore peace and stability in the South
    Caucasus. In August 2008, during Russian-Georgian war, Turkey was one
    of the most active countries, making many efforts to restore peace in
    the region," said the spokesman of the ruling party.

    He said that including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the agenda of
    Erdogan's meetings with the leaders of Russia can positively affect
    the solution of this problem. "Russia is a co-chairman of OSCE Minsk
    Group, and Turkey is a member of the Minsk Group, and a big state.
    Russia has enough possibilities to influence Armenia. The question of
    opening border between Turkey and Armenia is also in Russia's
    interest. Because opening the border would "give breath" to Armenia,
    which is under a difficult economic situation," he said.

    According to Gurbanli, despite all these, Turkey's position is clear.
    "Without solution of the Karabakh issue, borders will not be opened.
    >From this point of view, I think that comprehensive discussions over
    several issues during the forthcoming visit will bring positive
    results," said deputy executive secretary.

    NAP was founded in 1992 by Nationwide Leader Heydar Aliyev when he was
    Chairman of Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan. Now the ruling 16 years
    organization is chaired by President Ilham Aliyev.