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Yerevan-Ankara Negotiations: Derivative Processes

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  • Yerevan-Ankara Negotiations: Derivative Processes

    Haykaram Nahapetyan

    "Noravank" Foundation
    11 January 2010

    Besides the proper Armenian-Turkish relations and the processes going
    on in Armenia and Diaspora the last stage of the dialogue between
    Armenia and Turkey put forward some "sideline" or "derivative"
    processes which are also of certain interest for the Armenian party.

    Let us introduce several preliminary observations: recently the
    interest towards Armenia has grown in the West and mainly in the US
    both on political level and in the media. There have been statements
    made by the White House and the US Department of State rather often
    in the recent period.

    Particularly, recently, there have been new statements concerning the
    "protocols" made every day by the Department of State. On the day
    of the signing of the "protocols" several publications regarding
    those protocols, situation in Armenia and Diaspora appeared in
    the Washington Post. The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune,
    the Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston
    Globe and other newspapers, as well as CNN, ABC, NBC and other TV
    channels applied to the issue. The theme was on the agenda during
    the developments preceding to the signing, mainly during the visit
    of the RA president to the US. While working with the search engines
    it would be clear that during those months the American press more
    often applied to Armenia than, for example, to their traditional ally
    Georgia or Ukraine. One can suppose that the "protocols" will pass
    through many "challenges" and "adventures" and the interest on behalf
    of the US will not fade. On October 11 The New York Times brings the
    words of the American officials that the opening of the border is
    prospective from the point of view of providing new energy carriers
    to the West. Regardless of the attitude towards the "protocols" it
    should be accepted that rather peculiar situation has been formed in
    which Armenia acquired new significance for the West.

    In fact Armenian-Turkish process in our region develops in 2+1 format
    and directly includes Armenia and Turkey and indirectly Azerbaijan
    which "meddles" into the Armenian-Turkish negotiations, trying to
    make profit from "one nation, two states" format, the underlying
    deep connections with Turkey and definite gas and oil influence
    factors. It is remarkable that in all those three countries society and
    political fields express serious dissatisfaction with the processes;
    there has even been formed a kind of crisis situation. It is almost
    exceptional case when in all the three countries they speak about the
    neglecting of the national interest, about the serious sacrifices
    for the insignificant or even no achievements. When the Turkish
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoglu initiated his meetings
    with political parties, the head of the Nationalist Movement Party
    of Turkey Devlet Bahceli simply refused to meet him. Republican
    People's Party leader Deniz Baykal found it impermissible to open
    the border before the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    and blamed the government in telling lies, the deputy from the same
    party Oymen mentioned that "the signing of the protocols finished the
    principle position of Turkey concerning Karabakh issue". The leader
    of the Great Union Party Yalcin Topcu during the meeting with the
    Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that Turkey signed the protocols
    under the pressure of Washington. According to him the Turkish party
    should demand for "the opening of the border to go alongside with the
    withdrawal of the Armenian forces from Karabakh". And the leader of
    the Democratic Party, the former speaker of the Turkish parliament
    Husamettin Cindoruk mentioned that he supported the settlement of the
    Armenian-Turkish relations but he did not agree with all the items of
    the protocols. In the opinion of the deputy of the Turkish parliament,
    the former ambassador to the US Sukur Elekdag Armenia pursued the aim
    to open the border after which Yerevan would return to the question
    of the Genocide.

    In Turkey they are discontented that Switzerland, which recognized the
    Armenian Genocide, is the negotiator. The Turkish lobbyist living
    in Washington, analyst Ergun Kirlikovali on "History of Truth"
    web-site answering the question whether "Armenia would refuse from
    the Genocide claims or the reshaping of the borders" said the one
    should not count the chickens before they are hatched. "Now it will
    be more difficult to settle Karabakh conflict. Why does Armenia have
    to find it necessary to stop its military occupation and allow the
    return of Azerbaijani refugees if it has already received what it
    wants? What will happen if we lose the support of Azerbaijan because
    of some obscure deal with Armenia? Who will fill the Baku-Ceyhan oil
    pipeline?", - says Kirlikovali. Though the suspension of Baku-Ceyhan
    project by Baku seems to be a bit unrealistic because it affects
    the interests of Great Britain and the US, the usage of some energy
    leverages by Baku in regard to Turkey is not excluded and it is
    possible that this topic is already on the agenda of behind-the-scenes
    Turkish-Azerbaijani discussions. Kirlikovali notices that alongside
    with the development of the Turkish-Armenian relations Azerbaijan
    initiated the discussions with Moscow on selling Azerbaijani gas. The
    Majlis deputy Canan Aritman finds that the protocols serve not to
    the interests of Turkey or Azerbaijan but to the interests of Armenia.

    The discontent of the Azerbaijan party has almost reached the level
    of political hysteria. President Ilham Aliyev, the Minister of
    foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan (at least three times), deputy Mnister
    of Foreign Affairs Araz Azimov, the speaker of the parliament Oktay
    Asadov, vice-speaker Ziyafet Askerov, the vice-chairman of "Ana Vatan"
    party Zahit Oruc, political scientist Rasim Musabekov, too active
    deputy Ganira Pashayeva and other officials and structures have
    made statements for many times in the recent months saying that the
    opening of the border contradicts to the Baku interests and "signaled"
    about the prospects of the deterioration of the Turkish-Azerbaijani
    relations. Oruc also expressed the opinion that before the signing of
    the Armenian-Turkish document Baku should have initiated the signing
    of the Azerbaijani-Turkish protocols which would have stipulated that
    Ankara would not initiate any steps contradicting to the interests
    of Baku. Deputy Nizami Jafarov reminded Erdogan his promise given
    in Baku on May 12 that the border would not be opened. The consul
    of Baku to Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov stated that Turkey must count
    with Azerbaijan's opinion. We can go on bringing such examples.

    The other process which is derived from the Armenian-Turkish talks is
    the current condition of the relations between Azerbaijan and the US.

    It is clear that Washington is interested in Armenian-Turkish
    negotiations. The opposing of Azerbaijan to the relations between
    Armenia and Turkey means the opposing to the regional interests of
    Washington, and the US may express their attitude towards that. In
    fact, Baku has already received some warnings from the United States:
    firstly, Barak Obama has not set aside the resolution 907, which
    prohibits the direct American material help to Baku. As it is known,
    in 2001 the Congress carried the document which allowed the president
    every year to set aside resolution 907 for a period of one year.

    George Bush used to do it every January while Barak Obama has not made
    such a decision till the moment of publication of this article. The
    representatives of the Armenian Diaspora in the US suppose that maybe
    the White House tends to employ the resolution 907 as a trump card
    to exert pressure on Azerbaijan. It is remarkable that most of the
    members of the US Congress commission on the issues connected with
    Azerbaijan and Turkey are the same. Thus the congressmen fell between
    two stools. It is characteristic that the congressmen taking into
    consideration the interests of Turkey and the US from time to time
    make statements supporting the protocols which, in fact, contradicts
    to the policy of Baku, though a part of those congressmen are among
    the friends of Baku.

    On September 18, 2009, in the Georgetown University in Washington
    "The US-Azerbaijan Strategic Partnership: New Bilateral and Regional
    Dimensions" conference was arranged. The participant to that event
    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov in
    his presentation devoted to the Armenian-Turkish negotiations
    mentioned that the re-opening of the border would deteriorate not
    only Azerbaijani-Turkish relations but also the relations between
    Azerbaijan and the US. It is remarkable that the undersecretary of
    state William Burns who was present at the event stated that there
    was no connection between the rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey
    and the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. At the same time
    Burns and former undersecretary of state, the representative of the
    Marshal Foundation David Kramer criticized Azerbaijan for ceasing
    the broadcasting of Freedom, American Voice, BBC radio stations and
    the arrests of the oppositional bloggers Emin Mili and Adnan Hajizade.

    Kramer also touched upon the referendum on Ilham Aliyev's aspiration
    to become lifelong president allotting Araz Azimov another portion
    of criticism. In its turn Azimov rebuked the Department of State for
    the uncertainty round the resolution 907 and expressed his discontent
    with the fact that no US State Secretary had ever visited Baku. Despite
    the loud headline the conference passed in the atmosphere negative to
    Azerbaijan. One can suppose had there been mutual understanding and
    completely friendly atmosphere in the relations between Azerbaijan
    and the US, such bilateral allegations would have not prevailed. In
    the general scope of the bilateral contradictions, the lobbying of
    Washington directed to the re-opening of the Armenian-Turkish border
    has a definite "share". At the same time it should be mentioned that,
    according to various sources, recently the programme of renting
    Gabalar radar station in Azerbaijan has been discussed and this can
    again bring to the certain rapprochement between the US and Azerbaijan.

    Other issues of author

    dynamic of carrying on the Azerbaijani lobbing [16.05.2007]