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Celebrating The Feast of The Nativity and Theophany at St. Vartan

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  • Celebrating The Feast of The Nativity and Theophany at St. Vartan

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Karine Abalyan
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    January 11, 2010


    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), reminded the faithful gathered for Christmas services
    at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral on Wednesday, January 6, that "Christ's
    purpose in life was to exemplify God's love - and to call everyone to make
    that love a reality in our hearts."

    "God, our Heavenly Father, from His infinite love gave the most precious
    gift to us: He sent His Only Begotten Son in order to save us," Archbishop
    Barsamian said. "Christ came to this earth, walked among us, preached,
    performed miracles, carried the heavy burden of the cross, and was crucified
    because.He loves each one of us."

    "This feeling of joy and love is what God calls each of us to discover, in
    our own lives," the Primate said. "Our Lord calls to each and every one of
    us - and we must be attentive to hear his call, and accept our God-given
    roles in life. To some, that role is to take up our Lord's pastoral staff:
    to serve him, and serve his people, as priests of the church. In the coming
    year, throughout our Diocese, we will explore and encourage this most
    precious calling in our 'Year of Vocations: The Call to Serve.'"

    Sharing his personal story of becoming a priest in the Armenian Church, the
    Primate said that it was love that "first motivated me to answer God's call.
    Love is what strengthens me every day as I live out my vocation as a

    On January 6, Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy and
    performed the Blessing of Water ceremony. Randy Sapah-Gulian, chair of the
    board of directors of the Fund for Armenian Relief, served as the godfather
    for the Blessing of Water ceremony.

    During the ceremony, which symbolizes Christ's baptism by John the Baptist
    in the River Jordan, Mr. Sapah-Gulian took up the ornate hand-cross after it
    was immersed in water by Archbishop Barsamian. At the conclusion of the
    service, Mr. Sapah-Gulian held up the cross for the faithful to kiss as they
    walked up to receive the water blessed with the Holy Muron (Holy Oil). Mrs.
    Corinne Sapah-Gulian, Mr. Sapah-Gulian's wife, also attended the service.

    "It was very moving," Mr. Sapah-Gulian said of the Blessing of Water
    ceremony. "I am very happy and honored to have been asked by Srpazan Hayr to
    be the godfather, and it's something I shall remember forever."

    Reflecting on his role as the chair of the board of directors of the Fund
    for Armenian Relief, he stressed the importance of the organization and its
    array of programs for families in Armenia. This year the Fund for Armenian
    Relief is marking its 20th anniversary.

    "Corinne and I are very involved," he said, "and everything that the Diocese
    does [through FAR] - whether it's FAR's child protection programs or the
    senior citizen programs - is an integral part of helping our brothers and
    sisters in Armenia."

    More than 900 people took part in services at the cathedral. In the
    sanctuary, the energy was palpable throughout the morning as some rose to
    light candles and people entered and left the building. The St. Vartan
    Cathedral Choir sang the sacred music under the direction of Maestro Khoren
    Mekanejian, with Florence Avakian on the organ.

    A Joyous Celebration

    After the January 6 services, a home blessing service and Christmas luncheon
    were held in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium.

    The event featured remarks by the Primate; toasts by St. Vartan Cathedral
    dean the Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, Randy Sapah-Gulian, and Armenia's
    Ambassador to the United Nations Garen Nazarian; and performances by the
    Antranig Dance Ensemble and members of the St. Vartan Cathedral Choir. Dr.
    Raffy Hovanessian, vice chair of the Diocesan Council, served as the master
    of ceremonies.

    Garen Nazarian made the first toast of the afternoon, thanking the Eastern
    Diocese for a wonderful year and close cooperation on new projects. "May
    2010 bring newly-found prosperity to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh," Mr.
    Nazarian said.

    Fr. Mardiros Chevian made a toast to Randy Sapah-Gulian, godfather for the
    Blessing of Water ceremony. Fr. Chevian thanked Mr. Sapah-Gulian for his
    dedication to the Armenian Church and to the people of Armenia, many of whom
    benefit from the programs offered by the Fund for Armenian Relief, which Mr.
    Sapah-Gulian chairs.

    Maestro Khoren Mekanejian led performances of Armenian songs by Hasmik
    Mekanejian and 10-year-old Dzovinar Aghavian. Anahid Zakarian was
    accompanied by Vagharshag Ohanian on the piano.

    Eight members of the AGBU's Antranig Dance Ensemble performed two dances.
    Archbishop Barsamian presented the dancers with small gifts in appreciation
    of their hard work. He also mentioned that Mr. Sapah-Gulian, once a member
    of the ensemble, is one of its founders.

    Mr. Sapah-Gulian offered the last toast of the program, thanking Archbishop
    Barsamian for the opportunity to serve as godfather for the Blessing of
    Water ceremony.

    Archbishop Barsamian thanked everyone for taking part in the day's
    celebration. "Participating in today's Christmas badarak is a great
    opportunity for us to feel unity with Jesus Christ," he said. "That is the
    ultimate goal for all of us, that connection with God."

    Concluding his remarks, Archbishop Barsamian said, "This is the season when
    we have to remember that love has to be at the center of who we are and what
    we do. When there is love, there is peace. When there is love, there is
    understanding. When there is love, there is unity."

    The day's meal was prepared by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan.

    Youthful Voices

    On Tuesday, January 5, the Eve of the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of
    Our Lord Jesus Christ, Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian celebrated the Divine
    Liturgy at St. Vartan Cathedral.

    Students from the Diocesan Khrimian Lyceum read scriptures in Armenian and
    assisted the Cathedral Choir. The Khrimian Lyceum is an Armenian language
    and culture school for students ages 12 to 17.

    Many parishes across the Eastern Diocese also held Christmas services on
    January 5 and January 6, with some celebrating the Nativity and Theophany of
    Our Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, January 10.


    Photos attached.

    Photo 1: Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St.
    Vartan Cathedral on the Eve of the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of
    Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Photo 2: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian during the Blessing of Water ceremony
    at St. Vartan Cathedral on January 6.

    Photo 3: The St. Vartan Cathedral Choir sings the sacred music under the
    direction of Maestro Khoren Mekanejian, with Florence Avakian on the organ.

    Photo 4: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian during the Blessing of Water ceremony
    at St. Vartan Cathedral on January 6.

    Photo 5: Randy Sapah-Gulian receives the ornate hand-cross after it was
    immersed in water by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian during the Blessing of
    Water ceremony on January 6.

    Photo 6: Randy Sapah-Gulian, chair of the board of directors of the Fund for
    Armenian Relief, served as the godfather for the Blessing of Water ceremony
    on January 6.

    Photo 7: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian delivers a sermon at St. Vartan
    Cathedral on the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus

    Photo 8: The faithful kiss the cross during the procession at St. Vartan
    Cathedral on the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus

    Photo 9: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian performs the home blessing service with
    Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium.

    Photo 10: Ambassador Garen Nazarian delivers a toast at the Christmas
    luncheon. Dr. Raffy Hovanessian, vice chair of the Diocesan Council, served
    as the master of ceremonies.

    Photo 11: The Antranig Dance Ensemble performed at the Diocesan Center
    following services on January 6.