Jan 12 2010
After the January 10 service in Antelias St. Gregory the Illuminator
Church (Lebanon), Archbishop Komitas Ohanian read the Encyclical
Letter by His Holiness Aram I declaring 2010 year of Armenian Women,
press release by Communication and Information Department of Cilicia
Catholicosate says.
His Holiness calls Armenian men and women to reconsider the role
of women in families and society, referring to the Old Testament:
"God created men and women in His image, after His likeness (Genesis
1:26); thus, Aram I clarifies, women and men are equal in the eyes of
God and partners in caring for the created world," the letter reads. In
addition, the dignitary quotes New Testament: "the 'New Eve', Mary the
Mother of God, plays an important role in the history of salvation,"
the pastoral goes on.
Perorating, Aram I exhorts "all Armenians to reconsider the nature
of women-men partnership in the Armenian community, its organizations
and the family, in view of the moral values taught by the Church and
internationally endorsed documents," the release concludes.
The pastoral letter will be read in all Armenian churches worldwide
within the next weeks.
Jan 12 2010
After the January 10 service in Antelias St. Gregory the Illuminator
Church (Lebanon), Archbishop Komitas Ohanian read the Encyclical
Letter by His Holiness Aram I declaring 2010 year of Armenian Women,
press release by Communication and Information Department of Cilicia
Catholicosate says.
His Holiness calls Armenian men and women to reconsider the role
of women in families and society, referring to the Old Testament:
"God created men and women in His image, after His likeness (Genesis
1:26); thus, Aram I clarifies, women and men are equal in the eyes of
God and partners in caring for the created world," the letter reads. In
addition, the dignitary quotes New Testament: "the 'New Eve', Mary the
Mother of God, plays an important role in the history of salvation,"
the pastoral goes on.
Perorating, Aram I exhorts "all Armenians to reconsider the nature
of women-men partnership in the Armenian community, its organizations
and the family, in view of the moral values taught by the Church and
internationally endorsed documents," the release concludes.
The pastoral letter will be read in all Armenian churches worldwide
within the next weeks.