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Monstrous Crime Has Got No Estimation

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  • Monstrous Crime Has Got No Estimation


    January 13, 2010 is the 20th anniversary of the Armenian pogroms in
    Baku, which had become the direct and logical continuation of the
    massacre of Armenians in February 1988 in another Azerbaijani city -
    Sumgait reputed to be "international".

    The unpunished evil was repeated, still on an expanded scale. The
    January 13-19, 1990 massacre in Baku, with the use of the most brutal
    and subtle methods of killing people, completed the ethnic cleansing
    of the Azerbaijani capital from Armenians - representatives of one of
    the state-constituting nations of the country, a nation representing
    the pride and fame of Baku. Thousands of Armenians in Baku deceased or
    became handicapped, and hundreds of thousands became refugees. Mainly
    children, old people, and women became victims of the really fascist

    The Armenian issue was resolved via the experienced Turkish tool -
    genocide, with the connivance of the central Soviet authorities,
    with the silent consent and participation of the Azerbaijani SSR
    leadership. And while the Soviet troops "were late" for 3 hours in
    Sumgait, they "were late" for a whole week in Baku, entering the city
    only when actually no Armenians were left there.

    The monstrous crime in Baku hasn't got any political, legal or moral
    estimation so far. The very fact of the Azerbaijani authorities'
    concealment of the atrocities against Armenians is outrageous
    cynicism. The lack of even a shadow of repentance, moreover, the
    increasing threats towards the Armenian people confirm that "bakus",
    "sumgaits", and "kirovabads" are still on the agenda of Azerbaijan's
    official policy. And all this is witnessed by the international
    community, which probably isn't going to take lessons from the past -
    as just the connivance of the international community made possible
    the bloody bacchanalia, which covered the whole territory of the
    AzSSR and achieved its peak in January 1990 in Baku.

    The Armenian pogroms in Baku are one of the convincing grounds for
    the impossibility of Nagorno Karabakh(Artsakh) Republic's being part
    of Azerbaijan.

    The atrocities towards Armenians, which were systematically organized
    by the Azerbaijani authorities during the whole 20th century, emphasize
    once again the rightness of the Artsakh people struggling for freedom
    and defense of its primordial rights.