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The Crane As A Symbol Of 2010

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  • The Crane As A Symbol Of 2010

    15.01.2010 17:00

    The Crane is considered `Bird of 2010` in Armenia. That is the result
    of public opinion poll, undertaken by `the Armenian Society for the
    Protection of Birds` NGO. With the assistance of LOLO youth magazine,
    the poll was held within Yerevan, as well as in the localities that
    has been situated within Important Bird Areas. IBA custodians, who
    oversee the condition of above-mentioned areas, undertook the poll
    in the regions.

    The number of questioned people was 1025 total. 481 of them, or 47%,
    spoke for the benefit of Crane. Golden Eagle (297 votes, 29%), and
    Kestrel (184 votes, 18%), became properly second and third.

    In Armenia, Crane is a very rare bird. It nestles only in Southern
    and South-Western provinces. The condition of population is really
    critical: according the current data, only from 2 to 6 cranes'
    couples have remained within the surroundings of Arpi Lake.

    "There can be no doubt", emphasizes Luba Balyan, ASPB National IBA
    Coordinator, "that cranes merit serious attention and care. If proper
    measures are not undertaken, Armenian fauna can completely lose this
    unique species of birds in nearest future".

    Election of Crane as a `bird of the year` becomes particularly topical,
    because the Gray Crane inhabiting in Armenia recently was picked out
    as a separate subspecies. By a number of characteristics, this form
    strongly differs from Western and Eastern Gray Cranes: it different
    colour of beak, colour spots on his way are situated in a different
    way; adult specimen differ by dazzling white spots behind eyes,
    and they have no red "crown" on their heads, as well.

    According to available data, the subspecies nestles only within the
    Armenian Plateau, and in adjacent provinces of Georgia and Turkey.