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Turkey Is More Active Than Minsk Group

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  • Turkey Is More Active Than Minsk Group

    Victoria Abrahamyan

    Hanrapetutyun (Republic) Party Chairman Aram Sargsyan sees a linkage
    between Armenian-Turkish relations and Karabakh conflict and claims
    that the first is the logical consequence of the second.

    He presented his stance on the issues during an interview with A1+.

    -Mr. Sargsyan, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced in
    Yerevan yesterday that the two processes are in no way linked and all
    attempts to link these two issues are wrong. What's your opinion of
    Lavrov's statement?

    -First of all, let me note that Lavrov reiterated Russian Premier
    Vladimir Putin's words said two days ago. Russian authorities
    would strange if they said the two issues were to be resolved in a
    single package. On the other hand, both Putin and Lavrov state that
    Russia has its key participation in the settlement of the two issues
    under question. They also underline the role of Turkey which is very
    dangerous in the sense that the OSCE Minsk group is in charge of the
    Karabakh conflict resolution and no responsibility is laid on any
    separate country. This is an ostrich policy. They seem to ignore the
    interrelation of the two processes and their sequence.

    Armenian-Turkish relations are already documented in the Protocols,
    now they have come to the Karabakh conflict. Both Russia and Turkey
    seek to see a document signed on the settlement, too.

    - Russian Foreign Minister yesterday said that Russia expects a
    serious breakthrough in the Karabakh issue in 2010. Do you think
    it realistic?

    -I am confident that all issues connected with Armenian-Turkish
    relations will be settled after the Karabakh conflict is resolved.

    Armenian-Turkish relations are resulted by the Karabakh conflict
    but Armenian authorities lack required resources to sit at the same
    negotiating table with Turkey. The authorities must first resolve the
    Karabakh conflict. They started negotiations with Turkey as they faced
    a problem of legitimacy and democracy inside Armenia. The decision
    made Turkey get engaged in the negotiations more actively than the
    Minsk group. History has shown that Armenia loses each time Russia
    and Turkey better their relations and deepen partnership. Armenian
    authorities are to blame for their short-sighted football policy.

    Turkey's engagement in the negotiations complicates the process of
    the Karabakh conflict settlement. I don't exclude that the USA and
    Russia might take measures to suppress Turkey's appetite without
    paying attention to Armenian leadership. They will do it out of their
    own interests.

    - The Constitutional Court of Armenian approved of the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols finding them constitutional. But as
    Republican Spokesman Edward Sharmazanov says the National Assembly is
    not going to ratify the Protocols and waits for Turkey's steps. What's
    there behind the latency?

    - Armenia has become an unpredictable country and I don't rule
    out that the National Assembly might start discussing the Protocols
    tomorrow. It depends on foreign developments.

    - And what is the opposition going to do? You only speak of the
    authorities' mistakes. What is the Armenian National Congress going
    to do? Is the Congress satisfied with the authorities' policy?

    - Surely not. I consider both Armenia and Karabakh to be my
    homeland. We are sorry for each trivial defeat and we shall express
    our sorrow by political events including rallies and mass meetings.

    Armenia's first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan has expressed a distinct
    stance on the Karabakh issue. The Congress will admit a settlement
    stemming from the interests of Karabakh people. If Karabakh people
    are displeased with the settlement presented by Serzh Sargsyan we
    shall undoubtedly back Karabakh people as we did in 1988.

    - During the last really of the Armenian National Congress (HAK)
    Armenia's first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan said that the next rally
    will be held on March 1, 2010. Doesn't HAK foresee mass meetings by
    March 1?

    - Given the recent developments I see a need for an earlier
    meeting. March 1 rally is fixed irrespective of all political
    developments but I don't exclude earlier rallies. Presidents Serzh
    Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev are expected to meet in the near future
    and I think we shall witness major events that will force people to
    go to the street. I am sure that public activeness will give rise to
    extraordinary presidential elections in Armenia.

    - When do you anticipate extraordinary presidential elections
    in Armenia?

    - I cannot fix an exact date. The earlier, the better.