Jan 14 2010
Ratifying bilateral agreements with reservation is not standard
international practice. It is senseless and illogical, Vardan
Poghosyan, a specialist in constitutional law told a press
conference. Referring to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
(VCLT), he pointed out that such practice only applies to multilateral
"Imagine we agreed on some issues and fin five days we call the other
side and tell them we have reservations. They will just say to us: 'If
you had any reservations, you might have told us during the talks',"
Poghosyan said. On the other hand, history knows some instances of
reservations being introduced into bilateral agreements.
If the Armenian Parliament ratifies the Armenian-Turkish protocols,
the Turkish Parliament may not accept them. That state, which is
setting preconditions now, "will get into trouble."
Vladimir Vardanyan, Head of the International Agreements Depaertment,
RA Constitutional Court, stated that, even if allowed under
international law, no one will understand the reservations.
Jan 14 2010
Ratifying bilateral agreements with reservation is not standard
international practice. It is senseless and illogical, Vardan
Poghosyan, a specialist in constitutional law told a press
conference. Referring to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
(VCLT), he pointed out that such practice only applies to multilateral
"Imagine we agreed on some issues and fin five days we call the other
side and tell them we have reservations. They will just say to us: 'If
you had any reservations, you might have told us during the talks',"
Poghosyan said. On the other hand, history knows some instances of
reservations being introduced into bilateral agreements.
If the Armenian Parliament ratifies the Armenian-Turkish protocols,
the Turkish Parliament may not accept them. That state, which is
setting preconditions now, "will get into trouble."
Vladimir Vardanyan, Head of the International Agreements Depaertment,
RA Constitutional Court, stated that, even if allowed under
international law, no one will understand the reservations.