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Obama's Brzezinski Plan

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  • Obama's Brzezinski Plan

    by Ted Belman

    International Analyst Network ?art_id=3314
    Jan 14 2010

    In Appraising Obama's Foreign Policy: From Hope to Audacity,
    Zbigniew Brzezinski, described Obama's, and his, world view which he
    characterized as "reconnect(ing) the United States with the emerging
    historical context of the twenty-first century."

    To this end, he writes Obama "has comprehensively reconceptualized
    U.S. foreign policy with respect to several centrally important
    geopolitical issues". I shall comment on each of these in turn.

    â~@¢ Islam is not an enemy, and the "global war on terror" does not
    define the United States' current role in the world;

    This has always been America's policy. Even Bush 44, with his neocon
    stalwarts, refused, after 9/11, to identify the enemy as Islam. He
    avoided naming the enemy by declaring "war on terror". He went so
    far as to declare Islam, "a religion of peace".

    What Obama has done differently was to publicly praise Islam, at the
    expense of truth and to bow down to its titular head, the King of
    Saudi Arabia. He has moved from tolerance to overt partnership.

    But a form of partnership has existed between Britain, US and the Arab
    oil interests ever since last century's thirties. The British worked
    with the Arabs in the Middle East to thwart Germany's expansion there
    all at the expense of Jewish settlement rights. In the late seventies
    Britain, with the complicity of the US brought about the downfall of
    the Shah because the Shah wanted to have an independent oil policy
    and not one controlled by Britain.

    According to "A Century Of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the
    New World Order", by William Engdahl, a German historian.

    Their scheme was based on a detailed study of the phenomenon of
    Islamic fundamentalism, as presented by British Islamic expert, Dr.

    Bernard Lewis, then on assignment at Princeton University in the United
    States. Lewis's scheme, which was unveiled at the May 1979 Bilderberg
    meeting in Austria, endorsed the radical Muslim Brotherhood movement
    behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the entire
    Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines. Lewis argued
    that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds,
    Armenians, Lebanese Maronites, Ethiopian Copts, Azerbaijani Turks, and
    so forth. The chaos would spread in what he termed an 'Arc of Crisis,'
    which would spill over into Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.

    So not only was this scheme intended to protect British oil interests
    in Iran, it was also intended to put pressure on the Soviets.

    In a Counterpunch translation of interview of Zbigniew Brzezinski
    in Le Nouvel Observateur (France) 1998, Brzezinski took pride in
    having brought on the Russian defeat in Afghanistan by supporting
    "some stirred up Moslems", the Mujahedeen, and dismissed the idea that
    "Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today". He said,.

    Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to
    Islam. That is stupid. There isn't a global Islam. Look at Islam in a
    rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading
    religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in
    common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan
    militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing
    more than what unites the Christian countries.

    Pres Reagan continued this policy of working with Islamic
    fundamentalists when he rescued Arafat and his minions from total
    destruction by the IDF in Beirut. What other reason could there have
    been other than to use them one day to put pressure on Israel to
    return to the '67 armistice lines.

    Present Clinton also co-opted Islamic fundamentalist, this time from
    Kosovo, to dismember Serbia in order to reduce the power of Russia.

    Obama's policies totally reflect this mentality in his downplaying the
    "war on terror" and overplaying "engagement". Obama wants to deal with
    each Moslem country as though it was not part of the whole of them,
    as though they aren't all followers of Islam as represented by the
    Koran or "The Holy Koran" as he refers to it.

    Saudi Arabian fundamentalism has invaded Pakistan, Afghanistan,
    Yemen, Europe, US and parts of Africa. It has influenced the Muslim
    Brotherhood which is attempting to overthrow Egypt. Al Qaeda is
    an outgrowth of such fundamentalism. Iran with its Shiite brand
    of Islamic fundamentalism has taken over Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza
    at least politically if not religiously. Iraq with its 60% Shiite
    population could fall to them and already Turkey is cozying up to them.

    Yet Brzezinski and Obama maintain "Islam is not an enemy" even while
    the fundamentalists and the Arab street attack America as the Great
    Satin and not Russia.

    Remember that Brzezinski was a founder the Trilateral Commission along
    with Rockefeller, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in
    New York and has attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group. Thus he
    strongly favours World Government and its institutions as does Obama.

    Nation states, such as Israel, are in their way. They find common
    cause with Islam because Islam too favours its own version of world
    government, namely, the Caliphate.

    â~@¢ the United States will be a fair-minded and assertive mediator
    when it comes to attaining lasting peace between Israel and Palestine;

    This conflict is so politicized as to make it impossible for anyone
    to be "fair minded" or "even handed" or any other liberal balm. While
    these notions sound great, they both ignore the facts and the law. You
    cannot do this and reach a "just" solution.

    The US and Britain are just as determined to undermine Israel as
    they were the Shah and for the same reason, oil. How can they be
    "fair minded" or trusted?

    "assertive mediator" is an oxymoron. Mediation is not arbitration. The
    role of the mediator is to help the parties reconcile their differences
    without coercion. To assertively mediate is to coerce.

    Obama certainly has been coercive to Israel. But all US administrations
    have been coercive to varying degrees. The difference being that
    Obama intends to impose a solution if he can.

    Brzezinski and Obama propose that

    1. "Jerusalem has to be shared, and shared genuinely".

    2. "a settlement must be based on the 1967 lines, but with territorial
    swaps" 3. "US or NATO station troops along the Jordon River".

    4. "Palestinian refugees should not be granted the right of return
    to what is now Israel."

    He argues that

    "It is important to remember that although the Israeli and Palestinian
    populations are almost equal in number, under the 1967 lines the
    Palestinian territories account for only 22 percent of the old British
    mandate, whereas the Israeli territories account for 78 percent."

    How could a man of his experience be so wrong. Israel together with
    Judea, Samaria and Gaza comprise 22% of the Mandate. The rest was given
    to Jordan in 1922. Now the international community wants Israel to
    divide up the 22% remaining, leaving even less for Israel than the 22%.

    He wants the refugees "to be resettled within the Palestinian state.

    They number in the many millions. How could Judea and Samaria possibly
    accommodate them. Imagine how destabilizing that would be. I venture
    to say that the present Arab inhabitants would be the most vociferous
    opponents to such an influx.

    Would it not be a better solution to resettle them all in Jordan. Not
    only is Jordan Palestine, its population is 60% Palestinian. Thus
    there would be no need to divide Jerusalem or put foreign troops
    along the Jordan.

    â~@¢ the United States ought to pursue serious negotiations with Iran
    over its nuclear program, as well as other issues;

    The US, even under Bush, has been unwilling to really challenge Iran,
    preferring to talk them out of their agenda. Obama made engagement
    with Iran, a political platform. After a year of trying to engage
    Iran in a most humiliating manner, he has achieved nothing. And yet
    Brzezinski is still beating the same drum. Give it up already.

    What might the "other issues" be? Presumably, Middle East hegemony.

    How much hegemony is he or Obama prepared to concede? If none or very
    little, there is no point in negotiations. Besides, what would Saudi
    Arabia and Egypt have to say about this, to say nothing about Israel.

    Brzezinski argues

    But it is still possible, perhaps through a more intrusive inspection
    regime, to fashion a reasonably credible arrangement that prevents

    It would not be conducive to serious negotiations if the United States
    were to persist in publicly labeling Iran as a terrorist state, as a
    state that is not to be trusted, as a state against which sanctions
    or even a military option should be prepared.

    Sanctions must punish those in power -- not the Iranian middle class,
    as an embargo on gasoline would do. The unintended result of imposing
    indiscriminately crippling sanctions would likely be to give the
    Iranians the impression that the United States' real objective is to
    prevent their country from acquiring even a peaceful nuclear program --
    and that, in turn, would fuel nationalism and outrage.

    Obama is following this prescription to a "T", without good results
    I might add. He is even unwilling to seriously support the opposition
    with words to say nothing of deeds.

    â~@¢ the counterinsurgency campaign in the Taliban-controlled parts
    of Afghanistan should be part of a larger political undertaking,
    rather than a predominantly military one;

    He wants to engage with "receptive elements of the Taliban" arguing
    that "the Taliban are not a global revolutionary or terrorist movement,
    ... they do not directly threaten the West." But they do host al
    Qaeda who is a threat.

    His prescription is to enlist the majority Afghans to defeat them.

    Does this not oppose the idea of engaging them? Will this plan work?

    The US has been trying for the last five years or so to build up Iraqi
    forces to maintain order. Many believe that were the US to withdraw
    from Iraq as Obama intends, that the Iraqi forces would not be able
    to do so. So much more so, for Afghanistan.

    Brzezinski recognizes that the support of Pakistan is a prerequisite
    but recognizes how difficult this would be.

    Given that many Pakistanis may prefer a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
    to a secular Afghanistan that leans toward Pakistan's archival, India,
    the United States needs to assuage Pakistan's security concerns
    in order to gain its full cooperation in the campaign against the
    irreconcilable elements of the Taliban.

    Will this result in ceding Afghanistan to the fundamentalists?

    Pakistan wants to focus the war in Afghanistan rather than Pakistan
    and thus has different objectives to those of the US. So the US
    will have to reconcile her objectives with those of the Pakistani's,
    to gain their cooperation.

    â~@¢ the United States should respect Latin America's cultural and
    historical sensitivities and expand its contacts with Cuba;

    Is that another way of saying that the US should accept that they
    are socialists?

    â~@¢ the United States ought to energize its commitment to
    significantly reducing its nuclear arsenal and embrace the eventual
    goal of a world free of nuclear weapons;

    Coming from the master of real politique, that's quite a fantasy.

    â~@¢ in coping with global problems, China should be treated not only
    as an economic partner but also as a geopolitical one;

    â~@¢ improving U.S.-Russian relations is in the obvious interest
    of both sides, although this must be done in a manner that accepts,
    rather than seeks to undo, post-Cold War geopolitical realities; and

    â~@¢ a truly collegial transatlantic partnership should be given
    deeper meaning, particularly in order to heal the rifts caused by
    the destructive controversies of the past few years.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress