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BAKU: Positive Result Might Be Reached In Karabakh Negotiations In 2

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  • BAKU: Positive Result Might Be Reached In Karabakh Negotiations In 2

    Akper Hasanov
    Jan 14 2010

    Zurab Todua News.Az interviews Zurab Todua, political scientist and
    expert on the post-Soviet problems (Moscow, Russia).

    What do you think of the report of the influential private US research
    company Stratfor whose analysts say Russia may revive as one of the
    leading superpowers in 2010?

    I believe Stratfor analysts are too optimistic in assessing the
    prospects of Russia's revical as a leading superpower. To return
    this status, Russia needs to several many problems in economy,
    as well as domestic and foreign policy. Meanwhile, the specialists
    of this campaign were right in defining the main tendency: Russia
    is on the way to revival as one of the leading superpowers. Its
    strong economic growth that stood even the world financial crisis
    has continued for more than 10 years. Crisis remained unnoticed
    for a greater part of the population. It was just virtual for most
    people. The comprehensive growth in Russia's strength will further
    continue which, certainly, does not lift the task of settling sharp
    current and long-term problems.

    Can it be so that this Stratfor report is just a part of the
    information warfare between Russia and US in the post-Soviet area?

    It would be too easy to perceive the report of this organization just
    as part of the information warfare which means disinformation for
    "soothing" the opponent or other goals. I think the officials of this
    organizations care about their reputation. Many other possibilities
    exist for disinformation. By the way, everyone in the Internet can
    find reports of the company and compare them with the real events
    and draw conclusions.

    "This year Russia will eliminate the main part of what has been left
    from the influence of the West and Turkey in Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
    Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan and try to lay basis for the creation
    of a political union on a greater part of the post-Soviet area",
    the report says. Is it possible to speak about possible revival of
    the USSR?

    No man of sense in Russia would seriously discuss the issue of possible
    revival of the USSR because nobody needs it here. The Soviet Union has
    many positive and negative sides (but this is a separate topic). Yet
    the form of distribution of resources and material welfares existing
    in the Soviet Union was irrational even for Russia.

    I remember it well on the example of Moldova and Georgia where I had
    to stay in the Soviet era.

    The living conditions in the more remote regions of these republics
    were much higher than in Russian depths. This gap former in the
    60's-70's when the concept of priority development of the USSR national
    suburbs was implemented. The Stratfor report speaks not of the USSR
    revival but of a creation of a certain political unit which is not
    the same. I think sooner or later Russia will become a center of a
    new political-economic unit in the post-Soviet area and most former
    USSR republics and, probably, other states would find it profitable
    to join it. This may be an analogue of the European Union.

    Yet it will require more time than Stratfor analysts suppose. Much
    will depend on the result of the struggle for Ukraine between Russia
    and the West.

    To what extent are the US and Russian capacities of influencing the
    situation in the world and the South Caucasus region comparable?

    The comparison of US and Russian capacities to influence the situation
    in the world is not at issue. No one even China is yet able to compete
    the United States. Yet Russia's capacities are quite significant to
    raise influence in the near abroad including in the South Caucasus.

    This was obvious during the five-day war in South Ossetia, the
    military defeat of Saakashvili's regime and the following recognition
    of independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The United States and
    the West showed a passive reaction to these events. There is a tendency
    of weakening of the US position in the post-Soviet area though it is
    not so obvious so far. However, the United States are seriously stuck
    in Iraq and Afghanistan for long. It would be interesting to recall
    the statements of some "analysts" and "experts" who predicted that
    the war in Iraq will last for several weeks and the coalition losses
    will not exceed 100 people (yes, there have been such forecasts!). The
    hopes that after the United States settle their problems in Iraq and
    Afghanistan (who would predict how much time would it take?) Washington
    "will raise attention to the South Caucasus" are hardly justified. In
    the 90s the United States were on the peak of their might and nothing
    distracted their attention. Did it have any significant impact on the
    Karabakh conflict settlement? The weakening of the military, political
    and economic strength of the United States is an obvious tendency. It
    causes concerns among the really serious experts and analysts which is
    proven by the article of Andrew Krepenevich "Weakening of fundamental
    of US strength".

    And the last question: what do you think of the Russian-Azerbaijani
    cooperation in 2010?

    The relations between Russia and Azerbaijan are positive. Despite
    the problems and some differences in the interests, Moscow and Baku
    demonstrate enviable pragmatism and patience in building them. This
    is especially obvious on the background of the policy held by Georgian
    in relation to Russia. If there are no unforeseen failures and delays
    in 2010, we can hope for the completion of Minsk Group's work at the
    basic principles of the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Under
    preservation of the previous approaches of the sides and dynamics of
    the negotiation process, it would be possible to further count on the
    coordination of the basic principles of resolution and development
    of the text of a peace agreement on their basis. It is important
    to preserve everything that has already been prepared, maintain the
    gained speed and then it would be possible to reach a positive result
    in negotiations on Karabakh in 2010.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress