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This Day In History

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  • This Day In History


    Jamaica Observer ry-JAN-14_7321666
    Jan 14 2010

    Today is Thursday, January 14, the 14th day of 2010. There are 351
    days left in the year.

    Today's Highlight

    1907: Earthquake in Jamaica destroys Kingston and takes 1,000 lives.

    Other Notable Events

    1784: United States (US) ratifies peace treaty with England, formally
    ending American War of Independence.

    1809: England and Spain form alliance against Napoleon Bonaparte.

    1814: Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden in Treaty of Kiel.

    1867: Peru declares war on Spain.

    1950: US recalls all consular personnel from China.

    1962: At least 36 Algerians and Europeans are killed in disorder and
    terrorist attacks in Algeria's major cities.

    1966: Indonesia closes its mission at the UN as it prepares to withdraw
    from the world organisation.

    1986: Vinicio Cerezo is sworn in as Guatemala's first civilian
    president in 16 years.

    1990: Azerbaijani attacks on Armenians leave at least two dozen dead
    in Baku, Soviet Union.

    1991: On the eve of UN deadline for use of force in Iraq, European
    Community decides it is useless to send diplomatic mission to Baghdad.

    1992: Israel opens peace talks with Jordan and resumes bargaining
    with Palestinians.

    1993: As many as 54 people die when a Polish ferry capsizes during
    a fierce storm in the Baltic sea.

    1995: In Colombia, leftist rebels attack police stations in several
    towns, killing six policemen and three other people.

    1996: Alvaro Arzu is sworn in as Guatemala's new president.

    1997: In Cairo, Egypt, a crowded public bus smashes through a metal
    fence and plunges 35 metres (115 feet) into the Nile. At least 39
    people die.

    1998: The UN Security Council votes unanimously to rebuke Iraq for
    not giving arms inspectors full access. Iraq accuses an American arms
    inspector of being a spy.

    1999: The US tells the World Trade Organisation that US$520 million
    in European imports will face punitive tariffs unless an agreement
    is reached on the sale of US bananas.

    2000: Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines agrees to pay Alaska US$3.5 million
    for dumping toxic chemicals -- including dry-cleaning fluid -- and
    oil-contaminated water into the state's waters.

    2001: Cambodia's Senate approves a law to create a tribunal to try
    Khmer Rouge leaders. A cabinet minister says the court will spare no
    leader of the murderous regime.

    2002: The US House Energy and Commerce Committee releases a letter
    sent in August 2001 by an executive of Enron Corp to Kenneth Lay,
    the energy company's chairman and chief executive officer, pointing
    out improprieties in the now-bankrupt Enron's accounting practices.

    2003: The US Food and Drug Administration suspends 27 US gene therapy
    trials after a second child in four months develops leukemia-like
    symptoms in a French trial that used a similar technique.

    2005: In Sri Lanka, Abhilasha Jeyarajah, the infant dubbed "Baby 81"
    nurses from a bottle of milk and kicks playfully at a pink blanket
    as nine desperate, heartbroken women quarrel over him -- all claiming
    he was torn from them by the tsunami.

    2006: The chief judge in Saddam Hussein's trial submits his
    resignation. Saddam and his co-defendants are charged in the deaths
    of more than 140 Shiite Muslims in the town of Dujail in 1982 in
    retaliation for an assassination attempt.

    2007: Iran and Nicaragua announce that they will open embassies
    in each other's capitals as Iran's hard-line President Ahmadinejad
    courts leftist allies in Latin America to offset Washington's global

    2008: Militants with suicide-bomb vests, grenades and AK-47 rifles
    attack Kabul's most popular luxury hotel as the Norwegian embassy
    holds a meeting. At least eight people, including one American and
    one Norwegian, are killed.

    2009: A French court acquits six doctors and pharmacists in the
    deaths of at least 114 people who contracted a brain-destroying
    disease after being treated with tainted human growth hormones.

    Today's Birthdays

    Valdemar I, the Great, Danish king (1131-1182); Zacharias
    Topelius, Finnish writer (1818-1898); Albert Schweitzer, French
    missionary-doctor-musician, Nobel Peace Prize laureate (1875-1965);
    Giulio Andreotti, former Italian prime minister (1919-); Faye Dunaway,
    US actress (1941-).