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The 'Smoke' That Killed Hrant Dink

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  • The 'Smoke' That Killed Hrant Dink


    Jan 15th, 2010

    >From Today's Zaman

    The island is not an ordinary one; it is like a living organism. There
    are many aspects of this island that deserve to be mentioned, but for
    our story, the "smoke" is the most important one. There is black smoke
    that is called the "monster"; it takes the lives of the islanders who
    are not wanted by "the island" anymore. This "smoke" is not a person;
    it is the dark side of the soul of the island.

    Who killed Hrant Dink? Dink was killed by the "smoke" that encompassed
    this country in 1915. This "smoke" is the dark side of this country,
    and it was on duty during all the steps that led to the murder of
    Dink. Dink knew this darkness very well; he knew the "smoke" was
    following him. He could see it.

    Everything started with a campaign against him. He once wrote an
    article about the adopted child of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Sabiha
    Gokcen, whose name was given to an airport. Gokcen was the first woman
    fighter pilot of Turkey. Dink said Gokcen was actually an Armenian
    orphan who survived the massacres in 1915. This revelation by Dink
    about the history of Turkey irritated the "smoke," which then decided
    to push the button for his annihilation.

    The long campaign leading to the assassination of Dink was launched
    on the front pages of the Hurriyet newspaper. All of a sudden,
    Dink's comments about Gokcen became the headlines of Hurriyet, which
    is published every day with the same motto, "Turkey belongs to the
    Turks." After the Hurriyet publications, the General Staff made very
    harsh statements about Dink's comments.

    After these publications, ultranationalist groups started to have
    demonstrations in front of the office of Agos, chanting slogans and
    holding placards that read "Love it or leave it," "Your hand will be
    broken" and "One night we may come unannounced."

    Meanwhile, threats against Dink were pouring in by mail and telephone.

    As if all these were not enough, a criminal case was brought against
    Dink on the grounds that he allegedly insulted "Turkishness" with one
    of his articles. This case triggered another wave of attacks against
    Dink. Dink was condemned at the end of the trial process.

    The "smoke" was surrounding Dink from all angles. For the final move,
    hit men made their preparations. Everyone in their district, Pelitli
    in Trabzon, knew that these youngsters were going to kill Dink. We
    now know that the gendarmerie, the police, everyone knew that there
    was intensive preparation for the murder of Dink. They just turned
    a blind eye, knowing that Dink's murder was the wish of the "smoke."

    The last move of the "smoke" came on Jan. 17, 2007. Dink was killed
    in front of the office of his newspaper, Agos.

    Dink was killed by the "smoke" that descended on this country in 1915.

    Turkey, by turning a blind eye to the sins of Talat Pasha and his
    friends, created this "smoke," the monster which was going to take
    the lives of thousands and thousands of people during the republican
    era of Turkey.

    The "smoke" is the dark side of Turkey. The "smoke" is made up of
    different ingredients. They are the gangs in the state, the media
    that cover up the sins of the gangs and the judiciary, which refuses
    to see the crimes of the state, the culture of denial and so on.

    The "smoke" is the dark side of this country. The bright side took to
    the streets during Dink's funeral and chanted, "We are all Armenians."

    The bright side is fighting against Ergenekon today. The bright
    side will be on the streets on the third anniversary of Dink's
    assassination. The bright side and the "smoke" are two sides of this
    country. The bright side has been mourning Dink. Dearest Hrant Dink,
    rest in peace. We love you, and we will always remember you!