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Yes We Can! Part I

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  • Yes We Can! Part I

    Yes We Can! Part I

    Jan 15th, 2010


    Some dream of it, many don't! When contemplated, many say it is
    impossible! When brought to focus they give you a hundred reasons as
    to why it is a losing proposition; the faint hearted freeze at the
    thought; The ones who have guts to face the issue, don't have
    leadership, yet the leadership of the major political parties do not
    even have it on their radar screen! Or if they do, they tremble before
    its challenges! The issue on their political platform like Maurice
    Ravel's Bolero, is repetitious, rhetorical, and aimless. Yet they
    manipulate the emotions of their audiences by uttering the cliché
    rhetoric `Miatsial Azad Angakh Hayastan' (United Free Sovereign
    Armenia). This is the topic which generates all that is mentioned
    above, and it is the height of hypocrisy. People would not tolerate it
    anymore; the political Parties would lose whatever credibility they
    have left - which is less than that of the Congress of the United
    States- and the legitimacy of their leadership would further
    deteriorate to incredulity.

    Miatsial Azad Angakh Hayastan!

    The concept is right, the cause is legitimate and just, the task is
    difficult, and to some, who are oblivious to the vagaries of the
    political situation, it is unrealistic at best. These are people who,
    given a successful project will give you ten reasons why it will not

    The situation of all these factions is fully understandable; Armenian
    Diaspora, though fully recovered physically, is severely traumatized
    psychologically to a degree that mere mention of Turkey generates
    hatred, disgust, and anger. Even the third generation Diasporan
    Armenian, talks about their ancestral home in `Turkish Armenia', and
    recant the stories of horror, death and destruction that the Turks and
    some Kurds, mostly of Zaza tribe, have inflicted upon its innocent,
    most valuable citizens, the Armenians, the Assyrians, and of late the

    To these people, Turkey is a giant; it is a member of NATO, it is
    indispensable in implementing the policies of the United States in the
    region, it is an ally of Israel, it is a counterbalance to Iran, and
    can check Syria anytime. It has a unique strategic land mass, which
    enables her to control the Black sea despite the international
    treaties regulating naval passage. For all these reasons, and more
    Turkey is untouchable.

    This is how Turkey looks from outside! What is inside is another
    matter. Kemal Ataturk's pronouncement of Turkey being `Independent,
    layik, and democratic' has completely failed. Turkey is neither of
    those; Turkey may be relatively independent, but is neither secular
    nor democratic. One man one vote does not make democracy, and I am not
    even talking about Jeffersonian democracy; democracy is a way of life,
    which Turkey does not have, makes no effort to achieve, and can not
    achieve even if its rulers desired it, though they don't.

    Claimed secularism is contrary to the realities of Turkish society,
    which is Islamist, it is Islamist, it is Islamist, despite Turkish
    official denial. And the dominant sect is the Naqshbandi branch of
    Islam., which is now in power. This sect has many branches, of which
    the Golden Chain Naqshbandi-Haqqani, globally headed by Sheikh Nazim
    al-Qubrisi of Cyprus, is the most influential in Turkey. To this sect
    belong Necmettin Erbakan ( The mid 1990s Prime Minister of Turkey who
    was tried and convicted for embezzlement, stashing 140 kilos of gold,
    later pardoned by his ally, President Abdullah Gul), Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan (Turkey's Prime Minister), and Abdullah Gul (Turkey's

    It is this clique which has been elected by Turkey's people,
    admittedly in a democratic way. So, if Turkey is secular, how did
    these Naqshbandi Islamists come to power?

    The year was 1993. In a rally in Berlin, sheikh Nazim al-Qubaisi was
    introduced as the lead speaker. A long white bearded, turbaned man
    with bulged eyes ascended the podium acknowledging the thunderous
    applause of the audience, by glorifying God: `Allaahu Ekber', which
    echoed `Allaahu Ekbar' in the huge stadium, by their pronouncement,
    you could tell they were not Arabs. He was the epitome of the sheikhs
    and mullahs of the Ottoman era Turkey, who preached in mosques during
    the Friday Prayers, calling for the annihilation of the infidel
    Armenians and Assyrians, and asserting the supremacy of Islam, as
    being the Deen-ul-Haqq (The legitimate religion) and the Khalif, the
    Khalif of All Muslims.

    His speech spewed rhetorical flame asking the audience to win the
    battle against the infidels. To me he looked and behaved like the
    Ottoman General, who rallied his troops at the gates of Vienna, before
    being soundly defeated.

    In the audience, seated in the front row, were non other than Erbakan,
    Erdogan, and Abdulla Gul; the present top brass of Turkey.

    This situation does not sit well with the Kemalists, especially the
    military hierarchy. Their prophet is the Free Mason Kemal Ataturk
    whose orientation was secularism European style. To achieve that he
    beheaded hundreds of sheikhs and mullahs, like Sheikh Qubrusi
    including Kurds. The mere existence and strong presence of the
    Islamist government is a prime indication of the death of Kemalism.
    For some wishful thinkers, it is morbidly wounded, but not quite dead
    yet; for them Ataturk remains to be their prophet, yet for the
    Islamists the real prophet is Mohammed, and rightfully so.

    There exists bitter enmity between the Army, the guardian of Ataturk
    doctrine, and the Islamist government, which is the true
    representative of the people. The army, the guardian of the faith, has
    ruled Turkey with iron fist, since the inception of the `Secular
    Republic'. They continue to muzzle free speech; hundreds of
    journalists, including our Hrant Dink, have been tried and convicted.
    Utter criticism of the government is construed as `Insulting
    Turkishness' requiring punishment. This is none other than Pavlovian
    control of the mind Turkish society is thus split. Turkey's society is
    even more fragmented; Kurds and their non-Kurdish sympathizers, on one
    side, and the establishment on the other.

    This clash of faith and philosophy is Turkey's Main dilemma, and might
    be cause for its transformation to another entity, especially when the
    Kurdish Cause is entered into the equation. Could the condition be

    This is Turkey to which the corrupt Armenian Government is cow-towing,
    trashing the Nations interests. See you next week!