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BAKU: Moscow to turn anti-Armenia if Turkish-Russian rapprochement

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  • BAKU: Moscow to turn anti-Armenia if Turkish-Russian rapprochement, Azerbaijan
    Jan 15 2010

    Moscow's policy to turn anti-Armenia if Turkish-Russian rapprochement continues
    Fri 15 January 2010 | 12:26 GMT Text size:

    Rasim Aghayev Turkey is currently facing important tasks that distract
    it from fulfilling ally obligations before Azerbaijan, political
    scientist said.

    Moscow's position that insists on impossibility to bind the Karabakh
    and Armenian-Turkish issues shows the obsoleteness and ineffectiveness
    of the balance in the foreign policy observed by Azerbaijan many
    years. Political scientist Rasim Aghayev proposed to disavow this
    policy that did not give any effect in the resolution of the Karabakh

    The foreign policy course of balancing between the interests of Russia
    and the West has become obsolete due to the new realities that emerged
    in the world. The Azerbaijani policy is growing ineffective due to the
    global economic crisis, deepening of Islamic anti-Americanism and
    Turkey's transformation into a big regional superpower with its
    independent course, Aghayev considers.

    He said Turkey is currently facing important tasks that distract it
    from fulfilling ally obligations before Azerbaijan. This is a Kurdish
    issue, the Armenian problem and Turkey's intention to become the full
    member of EU.

    `The power and influence of Turkey was demonstrated during its
    diplomatic conflict with Israel that ended in Tel-Aviv's apologizing.
    Turkey's influence is growing and if the Turkish-Russian rapprochement
    continues we will see Moscow's policy turning into anti-Armenian. In
    these new conditions Baku should propose its own foreign policy
    initiative like `a roadmap'. If we use old things, we will lose',
    Aghayev concluded.

    Novosti Azerbaijan