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Verdict Of RA Constitutional Court Non-Binding For Turkey

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  • Verdict Of RA Constitutional Court Non-Binding For Turkey

    Mikhail Balayan

    16.01.2010 GMT+04:00

    As expected, after a 10-day New Year holiday the first working week
    was politically eventful. The main event was the assembly of the
    Constitutional Court of Armenia, which was to issue a verdict on the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols. More acute was Russian Foreign Minister
    Sergei Lavrov's unexpected visit to Yerevan.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Monday revealed preliminary results of the elections
    into the Armenian National Assembly, held in the Constituency number
    10 for the seat that became vacant after Member of the RA National
    Assembly Khachatur Sukiasyan laid down his mandate. These elections
    were of public interest for the reason that in this district,
    along with candidates Ara Simonyan from the party "National Unity"
    and Davit Hakobyan, Leader of the Marxist Party of Armenia, ran for
    the parliament also Editor-in-Chief of the opposition newspaper
    "Haykakan Zhamanak" Nikol Pashinyan, presently detained with the
    accusation of organizing mass disturbances on March 1, 2008. According
    to preliminary data provided by the RA Central Election Committee,
    National Unity Member Ara Simonyan won the pre-term parliamentary
    elections, gaining 7622 votes against Pashinyan's 5023.

    Later on Monday a protest action was held in Shahumyan Square in
    Yerevan against ratification of the Turkish-Armenian Protocols. The
    rally was organized by the ARF Dashnaktsutyun. Other political forces,
    particularly "Heritage", "Ramkavar Azatakan" and "New Times" joined
    the protesters. The rally attracted about 1000 participants, who
    with burning torches headed for the Constitutional Court of Armenia,
    where they handed to the representative of the RA Constitutional
    Court a statement and a legally sound conclusion, which stated that
    the signed Armenian-Turkish Protocols are a threat to the national
    security of Armenia.

    However, Member of the Republican Party of Armenia Karen Avagyan was
    sceptical about the success of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun to affect the
    decision of the Constitutional Court of Armenia through rallies and
    processions. According to the MP, this protest action cannot affect the
    conclusion of the Constitutional Court, as the fears that the party
    has on the current process of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
    relations are not reflected in the text of the Protocols. "Based on
    the abovementioned, I can conclude that the RA Constitutional Court
    will render a positive decision on the Protocols," noted Avagyan. The
    Party "Prosperous Armenia" also shares the MP's standpoint.

    On Tuesday the Constitutional Court of Armenia held a hearing on the
    conformity of the Protocols with the RA Constitution. At the briefing,
    Chairman of the RA Constitutional Court Gagik Harutyunyan announced
    that the Constitutional Court had handed out to all its members
    the statement and the legally sound conclusion received from the ARF
    Dashnaktsutyun on the Armenian-Turkish Protocols, and all nine members
    of the CC had acquainted themselves with the received documents. Long
    debates and discussions expected by the political establishment and
    the Armenian community did not occur in the Constitutional Court. The
    Court found the Protocols on Normalization of Relations between
    Armenia and Turkey conformable with the RA Constitution.

    Till the end of the week almost all major political parties of
    Armenia, political correspondents and analysts were busy voicing
    their assessment of the current events and developments.

    ARF Dashnaktsutyun expressed its partial satisfaction with the
    decision of the RA Constitutional Court, which had taken into account
    the legal conclusion earlier presented by the party. Nevertheless,
    Dashnaktsutyun announced that from then on the party was determined
    to move the struggle against ratification of the Protocols into the
    Parliament. "National Assembly of Armenia can ratify the Protocols
    only after making reservations therein," said Armen Rustamyan,
    Representative of the ARFD Supreme Body. He added that his party was
    determined to take the initiative on proposing amendments to the
    "Law on the National Assembly of RA" on the very first day of the
    parliamentary session. Rustamyan further noted that his party had
    collected about 70,000 signatures, which were to be provided to the
    MPs for examination. "We still have time to amend the laws to enable
    Parliament to introduce reservations to the documents. Otherwise,
    the President of Armenia himself, based on the legal decision of
    the RA Constitutional Court, can make such reservations and attach
    them to the Protocols during the ratification process," Rustamyan
    said. "If not, the ARFD itself can take the initiative to declare the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols void, which in the political sense means
    a shift of power," declared Rustamyan.

    RA Constitutional Court's decision received a positive assessment
    from Secretary of the parliamentary faction of the Republican Party
    of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov. In his opinion, decision of the RA
    Constitutional Court highlights three main points: obligations imposed
    by the Protocols apply only to Armenia and Turkey, and no other third
    country; the mentioned documents do not envisage the settlement of any
    disputed issues between the two countries, since for that purpose the
    parties must conclude new agreements. "Finally, the Protocols cannot
    be interpreted as contradicting to the Armenian Constitution and the
    Declaration of Independence of Armenia," Sharmazanov said. Besides,
    he reiterated the position of the Republican Party, which believes
    that the Armenian-Turkish Protocols contain no preconditions, and
    Armenia has not unilaterally taken on any commitments.

    "It is in the national interests of Armenia to ratify the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols before the Turkish parliament ratifies
    them," declared Stepan Grigoryan, Head of the Analytical Center on
    Globalization and Regional Cooperation. In his opinion, delay of
    ratification of the Protocols by the Armenian Parliament currently
    works to the detriment of the interests of Armenia. "The forces opposed
    to Armenian-Turkish rapprochement link them to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict in order to gain time for the implementation of their
    plans," underlined the analyst. Welcoming the conclusion of the RA
    Constitutional Court, Grigoryan noted that the verdict outlined the
    legal boundaries, which the Armenian authorities cannot cross in
    relations with Turkey. The expert also added that after ratification
    of the Protocols and opening of the Armenian-Turkish border, the role
    of Armenia will substantially increase in the region.

    According to "Heritage" parliamentary group member Stepan Safaryan,
    the haste of RA Constitutional Court to adopt a positive decision
    on the Armenian-Turkish Protocols testifies the existence of
    international pressure upon Armenia. "Before the court's decision,
    Armenian authorities claimed they'd ratify the Protocols only after
    Turkey. However, this decision shows that the authorities have changed
    their attitude," Safaryan said at a news conference in Yerevan.

    Safaryan also noted the decision of Armenia's Constitutional Court is
    aimed at resolving home policy issues only, such as whether there are
    preconditions in the protocols or not. "This verdict has no external
    power and it poses no obligations on Turkey," the MP noted.

    In the mid-week Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov paid a visit
    to Armenia. Against the background of a lively internal debate about
    the positive decision of the RA Constitutional Court, this event even
    further increased the interest of the Armenian community. The Head of
    Russian Foreign Ministry made a series of loud statements in Yerevan,
    noting that in the issue of Karabakh conflict settlement Russia
    shares the standpoint that in the elaboration of a peace agreement the
    position of the Nagorno-Karabakh people should be taken into account.

    Moreover, when asked about whether Russia's interests in energy
    cooperation with Turkey can be more important than the right of NKR
    people to self-determination, Lavrov answered: "The answer is simple,
    they cannot."

    The Russian FM also declared that Russia is interested in normalization
    of Armenian-Turkish relations, and Moscow's position in this
    issue remains unchanged: the earlier Armenian-Turkish relations
    are normalized, the more benefits the entire region can derive. In
    addition Minister Lavrov stated that Moscow sees no link between
    RA-Turkey rapprochement and Karabakh conflict settlement. "Trying to
    artificially link these two issues, in my opinion, is incorrect. We
    believe that both of these processes should be supported, but it is
    unreasonable to link them," declared Lavrov in Yerevan.

    And the last important political event of the past week was the
    surprise visit of OSCE Minsk Group U.S. Co-Chair Robert Bradtke
    to Yerevan. Bradtke, U.S Co-Chair on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    settlement, arrived in Armenia a few days earlier than the planned
    visit of January 20. On January 16 he met with Foreign Minister of
    Armenia Edward Nalbandian. Later on that day the American co-chair
    was received by President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress