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Armenia-Turkey: Who Will Blink First?

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  • Armenia-Turkey: Who Will Blink First?


    Spero News =25768&t=Armenia-Turkey%3A+Who+Will+Blink+Firs t%3F
    Jan 18 2010

    Over three months have now elapsed since the signing in Geneva on
    October 10 of two protocols on establishing and developing "good
    neighborly" diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey. But the
    prospects that either parliament will ratify those protocols in the
    near future remain ...

    Over three months have now elapsed since the signing in Geneva on
    October 10 of two protocols on establishing and developing "good
    neighborly" diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey. But the
    prospects that either parliament will ratify those protocols in the
    near future remain slim.

    The major obstacle to ratification is Ankara's insistence on linking
    the normalization of relations with Armenia to concessions by
    Yerevan in the Karabakh peace process, specifically, the withdrawal
    of Armenian forces from districts of Azerbaijani contiguous to
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The text of the two protocols does not, however,
    contain any reference either to Nagorno-Karabakh or to Azerbaijan.

    Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian, who first argued the case for
    establishing relations with Turkey in an editorial published in the
    "Washington Post" three years ago, has warned periodically since
    October that Armenia may annul the protocols if the Turkish parliament
    fails to endorse them within a "reasonable timeframe." Sarkisian did
    not, however, set a specific deadline.

    In a January 17 interview with RFE/RL's Armenian Service, Foreign
    Minister Eduard Nalbandian too warned that Turkey risks reversing
    the progress achieved to date if it continues to peg ratification
    to concessions by Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh. He stressed that
    neither the Armenian nor the Turkish side set any preconditions when
    they embarked in 2008 on the Swiss-mediated talks that resulted in
    the formulation of the two protocols. "Had there been preconditions,
    we would not have started this process and reached agreements in
    the first place," Nalbandian told RFE/RL. "If one of the parties is
    creating artificial obstacles, dragging things out, that means it is
    assuming responsibility for the failure of this process," he added.

    Meeting in Moscow last week with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he considers
    Turkey's linkage "in one package" of relations with Armenia and
    resolving the Karabakh conflict unrealistic and "not the right
    approach." "It is difficult to solve either of these problems
    separately in the first place, and if one tries to tackle them
    in a single package, then the prospects for resolving them will
    automatically become quite remote," Putin reasoned on January 13.

    The next year can be 'historic' for progress on disarmament -

    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today voiced optimism that 2010 will be
    a "historic year" for progress on disarmament and non-proliferation
    goals, vowing to press ahead with efforts to rid the world of weapons
    of mass destruction.Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov repeated
    that argument in Yerevan the following day, telling journalists at a
    joint press conference with Nalbandian that "in my view, to try and
    artificially link those two issues is not correct."

    Erdogan, however, is quoted as having told journalists on his return
    flight to Ankara that the "Turkish-Armenian issue will find a solution
    only after "the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh ends." "If Armenia has
    good intentions, let it prove them by starting the liberation of the
    districts surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh," Erdogan added.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu by contrast has been less
    explicit and less categorical, speaking only of the "need for some
    progress in the [Karabakh] peace talks" before the two protocols can
    be ratified.

    Erdogan's obduracy raises the question whether Turkey was acting
    in good faith when it signed the protocols. Certainly the Turkish
    government must have anticipated the outraged accusations from Baku
    that it had acted in a way that "directly contravened Azerbaijan's
    national interests and cast a shadow on the fraternal relations
    between the two countries."

    Yerevan-based analyst Richard Giragosian told the Armenian
    daily "Hayots ashkhar" last November that contrary to its
    leaders' statements, Turkey does not expect the signing of an
    Armenian-Azerbaijani agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh soon. "Turkey is
    not that frank in its demands related to Karabakh.... This is a test
    of sorts in which the Turkish side is trying to determine the extent
    of Armenia's readiness to make concessions."

    In other words, each side appears to be waiting for the other to
    blink first.

    Nalbandian on January 17 offered little hope for progress with
    regard to a settlement of the Karabakh conflict. He said recent
    statements by Azerbaijani leaders, including President Ilham Aliyev's
    renewed implicit threat to restore Baku's control over the breakaway
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic by force, show that Baku "is not prepared
    for mutual concessions in 2010." Parliamentary elections are due in
    Azerbaijan in the late fall of this year.