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Netanyahu Must Avert Turkey's Slide Toward Syria, Iran

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  • Netanyahu Must Avert Turkey's Slide Toward Syria, Iran

    By Itamar Rabinovich

    Ha'aretz spages/1143623.html
    Jan 19 2010

    Now that the melodrama of insults and apologies has passed, the
    government of Israel should seriously tackle the challenge of its
    relations with Turkey - one of the most important elements of our
    national security. What's needed is a departure from routines, and
    primarily the engagement of the prime minister in managing the crisis.

    The strained relations between Ankara and Jerusalem affect the
    balance of power in the entire region. A decade ago, Turkey was
    an ally of the United States and maintained varied and extensive
    relations with Israel. In recent years, it has been sliding toward
    Syria and Iran and away from America, and has become a venomous
    critic of Israel. If it slides any further, Turkey could become part
    of an Iranian-Syrian-Turkish triangle that would be a key element in
    Middle Eastern politics - to the detriment of Washington, Israel and
    the moderate Arab states.

    Turkey's foreign and domestic policies have undergone a transformation
    in the wake of developments upon which outside forces, including
    Israel, have no influence. The end of the Cold War eliminated Ankara's
    dependence on Washington as a shield against the Soviet Union,
    and the European Union's de facto refusal to take Turkey in has
    weakened the part of the country that advocate a secular, modernist
    and pro-Western orientation. Most importantly, the Islamist party,
    which has gradually shed the moderate cloak it started out with,
    has been taking over the country's power centers.


    The secular parties are weak, while the military is paralyzed by a
    dilemma: Grabbing power in a military coup, as has occurred in the
    past, would finally slam the door on the European dreams harbored
    by the secular modernist camp the army represents. Meanwhile, the
    government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been systematically wiping
    out the opposition's remaining power centers. A similar pattern has
    emerged in relations with Israel: estrangement accompanied by calming
    rhetoric, followed by hostile rhetoric and actions. Turkey's role as
    mediator between Israel and Syria served to cover up the course of
    these developments, but it has ended in a breakdown.

    There is not much Israel can do under these circumstances. The
    sources that yielded the collaboration have for the most part dried
    up. The Soviet Union is no more and Turkey has joined the radical
    camp in the Arab world. The influence held by Washington and Europe
    has diminished. The main assets Israel still wields in its ties with
    Turkey are mutual economic and security interests, the need of the
    Turkish ruling party to take into account the opinion of the army and
    pro-Israeli elements, and the country's goal of playing a central
    role in regional politics. The Turkish leadership realizes that to
    mediate between Syria and Israel, or to help the Palestinians, it
    must maintain a dialogue with Israel.

    To take advantage of its assets, Israel has to make a concerted
    effort, managed by the top governmental echelon. A considerable part
    of the damage caused last week would have been averted if the prime
    minister had intervened earlier. He must ensure coordinated action
    and division of responsibilities. The embassy and consulates in Turkey
    must also be strengthened. Turkey is still a democratic country with
    a developed economy and infrastructure, and with which Israel should
    engage. Moreover, "Jewish diplomacy" - to which the Turks tend to
    ascribe great importance - should be put into effect. Having already
    made bitter enemies of the Greeks and the Armenians, they certainly
    don't want to do the same with the Jewish people.

    It is a difficult and complex task, whose fruits will not be
    immediately evident. The prime minister must place it high on his