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ANKARA: Turkey Shifting Toward Radical Islam, Says Israeli Intellige

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  • ANKARA: Turkey Shifting Toward Radical Islam, Says Israeli Intellige


    Hurriyet m/n.php?n=israeli-military-chief-says-turkey-shift ing-toward-radical-islam-2010-01-20
    Jan 20 2010

    Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak (R) held talks with Turkish
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Sunday in the wake of a serious
    diplomatic row between the two countries. AFP photos

    Turkey's recent diplomatic moves are indicative of its shift away
    from the West and toward radical Islam, Israel's chief intelligence
    official said, local media reported.

    In his address to the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee,
    Israeli military intelligence Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin linked the change
    in direction with the one-time allies' deteriorating relationship.

    Without specifically mentioning the recent diplomatic spat involving
    Turkey's ambassador to Israel and the Israeli deputy foreign minister,
    Yadlin said: "Beyond the specific tension, one must understand that
    the distance between the two countries is more significant and is
    related to strategic topics and shared interests."

    The intelligence chief's statements come days after Israeli Defense
    Minister Ehud Barak visited Turkey to help calm tensions that arose
    when Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon seated Turkish Ambassador
    Oguz Celikkol on a sofa lower than his own chair. Celikkol's subsequent
    public dressing-down sparked a sharp diplomatic row between the
    two countries.

    A Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman said Wednesday he has not seen the
    statements reported in the Israeli press. "I haven't seen the report,
    and I don't find it likely," Burak Ozugergin told the Hurriyet Daily
    News & Economic Review. "We often see such reports in the Israeli press
    about statements aimed at spoiling Turkish-Israeli relations. If there
    is such a development, I see their intelligence is not very strong,"
    he said.

    Cold shoulder from EU

    "In the past, Turkey had ambitions of becoming closer to the West,
    beyond its acceptance into NATO," daily Jerusalem Post quoted Yadlin
    as saying. He said Turkey wanted to be part of the European market,
    and it thought that relations with Israel would help them advance in
    the American market.

    "But then they received a cold shoulder from the Europeans and did
    not achieve what they wanted. In light of that, they changed their
    policies and are currently drawing away from secularism and going in
    a more radical direction. There are still joint strategic interests
    shared by Turkey and Israel, but it is not the same strategic proximity
    that they once shared," he added.

    Yadlin also highlighted Ankara's growing relationship with Damascus
    as a sign that Turkey and Israel were moving further apart. Turkey
    recently lifted mutual visa requirements with Syria and signed a
    series of cooperation agreements.

    "In the past Turkey acknowledged joint interests that strengthened the
    relationship. For example in the 1990s the Turks regarded Syria as an
    enemy. There was a joint enemy. However, over the years Turkey and
    Syria resolved their differences and Turkey doesn't need Israel's
    closeness anymore," he said, according to a report by Yedioth
    Ahronoth's Web site.

    Yadlin went on to address Iran's nuclear program as well, saying that
    Tehran is continuing work on it and the international community is
    preparing to impose sanctions against Tehran. "As long as Iran is
    not under heavy pressure, it doesn't feel the need to renounce this
    crucial issue," Yadlin said, reported Haaretz.

    He said Palestinians are also trying to persuade the international
    community to force Israel to return to peace negotiations, but on
    their terms, which include a compete halt to settlement construction
    including in East Jerusalem.