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Oh, the ups and downs

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  • Oh, the ups and downs icles/2010/01/21/now_the_postmortem/

    Boston Globe

    Oh, the ups and downs
    By Yvonne Abraham, Globe Columnist | January 21, 2010

    Time to tally the spoils and count the bodies.

    There are piles of both in the aftermath of Tuesday's special Senate
    election: lots of winners beyond Scott Brown and the GOP and many
    losers besides Attorney General Martha Coakley and the strategists who
    helped her to this humiliating, unimaginable defeat.
    First, some of the victors.
    Charlie Baker and Tim Cahill: Both of these gubernatorial hopefuls
    have to love it that the voters who snuffed Coakley's ambitions hanker
    to do the same to Governor Deval Patrick next fall. If you're
    Treasurer Cahill, you have cause for optimism: Your antitax,
    throw-the-bums out message appeals to lots of the voters who put Brown
    over the top. If you're Baker, you may rue the fact that Brown has
    displaced you for now as the GOP's local superstar, but you're
    thrilled because a lot of Brown voters were looking for sensible
    balance in government.
    Mike Capuano: The combative congressman Coakley thrashed in the
    primary got some serious love nationally in the final week of the
    campaign. The chatterati were nostalgic for his fire, certain he would
    have trounced Brown. He might run against Brown in 2012, though many
    others are considering that prospect today, too, his former House
    colleague and UMass Lowell chief Marty Meehan, for example, who has
    mountains of campaign cash.
    Eric Fehrnstrom: Brown's senior strategist is now a national star and
    rightly so. He read the electorate right and ran a disciplined
    campaign, including super ads selling his candidate as an affable,
    common-sense kind of guy. Also brilliant: He actually had the
    candidate ask people for their votes.
    Change: Voters love it, they told us on Tuesday. But they don't want
    to wait for it. For example, if you elect a president because you want
    change, and he doesn't transform the world in a year, it's time to
    change again, even if that means voting for the party that blocks his
    every move.
    Robert DeLeo: If Coakley had won, the House speaker would have
    appointed her successor, a process which would have borne an uncanny
    resemblance to patronage. Second, DeLeo, in choosing, would have
    risked alienating supporters of either House Ways and Means Committee
    chairman Charlie Murphy or Representative Peter Koutoujian, both of
    whom wanted the job. He now avoids that sticky wicket.
    Some of the losers:
    Unions: Organized labor hasn't gotten one of its anointed candidates
    into a high-profile statewide office in forever. In addition to
    Coakley, former Treasurer Shannon O'Brien and former attorney general
    Scott Harshbarger were both union favorites, and they tanked.
    Therese Murray: The Senate president got behind Coakley early and was
    intimately involved in her campaign strategy. Coakley's initial
    allergy to the press bore a striking resemblance to Murray's.
    Women: Massachusetts still has an abysmal record of electing women to
    higher office. Coakley joins the ranks of women who get past the party
    faithful only to be stopped by a wider electorate, some of whom don't
    like women at all.
    Conventional wisdom: Here was Tuesday's biggest loser. Everybody wrote
    Brown off, including members of his own party. Everyone thought
    Coakley - running for a seat long held by Ted Kennedy and in
    Massachusetts, no less - could coast. Lots of these were folks who
    didn't just believe in, but loved, the idea of Massachusetts as a
    liberal enclave, as the state which sent back to Washington again and
    again the senator the right hated and feared the most.
    Now they wonder where they live.
    Yvonne Abraham is a Globe columnist. She can be reached at
    [email protected].