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BAKU: Palestinian Ambassador: Mahmoud Abbas Will Visit Azerbaijan Th

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  • BAKU: Palestinian Ambassador: Mahmoud Abbas Will Visit Azerbaijan Th


    Jan 22 2010

    Nagorno Karabakh problem is similar to Palestinian problem

    Baku. Lachin Sultanova, Ibad Bagirov - APA. APA's interview with
    ambassador of Palestinian Autonomy to Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan Asad
    Al Asad

    -When will Palestinian embassy begin functioning in Azerbaijan?

    -As you know my office is located in Tashkent. The aim of my visit to
    Azerbaijan is to get acquainted with the building allocated for us,
    the house, where I will live, open our embassy here. We consider that
    the embassy will officially start functioning within two months. I am
    glad to be in Azerbaijan. I will return to Uzbekistan and after the
    handover process leave for Azerbaijan. I feel that I have friends,
    acquaintances here. Azerbaijan's rapid development makes me happy. I
    am sure that Azerbaijan will become a modern, developed sate in a
    few years, Azerbaijanis will be proud of their country.

    -How many embassies does Palestine have?

    -Palestine has embassies in 93 countries.

    -What changes happened in the relations of the two countries after
    the visit of Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Al-Maliki to Azerbaijan?

    -The relations began to strengthen after this visit. The minister's
    visit once more demonstrated that Palestine and Azerbaijan have deep
    relations, these relations will develop. Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev invited Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to Azerbaijan.

    Palestinian leader accepted this invitation with great pleasure. He
    is expected to visit Azerbaijan soon this year.

    -What is the level of political, economic, commercial and humanitarian
    relations between the two countries? What is being done to expand
    and deepen these relations?

    -Azerbaijan and Palestine have historical relations - we have a
    common history. Hundreds of Palestinians graduated from Azerbaijani
    universities. Tends of Palestinians are studying in Azerbaijan. 18
    Palestinians entered Azerbaijan Medical University last year. It shows
    that Palestinian authorities and people are satisfied with the level
    of education in Azerbaijan.

    -Do the students study at the expenses of Azerbaijan, or their own

    -Some of the students get scholarship, some study at their own
    expenses. Palestinians are also studying in the Diplomatic Academy and
    other universities. We plan to increase the number of these students.

    - Are there economic relations between the countries?

    - Yes, there is cooperation between the private sectors. Business
    people attend the chambers of trade and exhibitions. More active
    cooperation is in the field of agriculture, but these relations are
    not in the government level. We hope that the economic relations will
    be developed and intergovernmental agreements and contracts will be
    signed after the opening of Palestinian embassy in Baku.

    - Is Palestine satisfied with the position of Azerbaijan regarding the
    Middle East problem? Can Azerbaijan mediate solution to this conflict?

    - The Palestinian state is satisfied with the position of Azerbaijan,
    which keeps solidarity with the Palestinian people and is against
    the isolation of Gaza Strip. Azerbaijan always votes in favor of
    Palestine in the UN Security Council. I don't consider Azerbaijan's
    mediation real.

    - Are you satisfied with the approach of the Organization of the
    Islamic Countries?

    - OIC is representing 57 Islamic countries and its position describes
    positions of all of these countries. Undoubtedly OIC is against the
    Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands. We are the OIC member
    and agree with its position.

    - Do you know Nagorno Karabakh conflict? What is the Palestinian
    attitude toward this issue?

    - Nagorno Karabakh problem is like the Palestinian. When Jewish people
    faced with Holocaust in Europe, they took refuge in the Palestinian
    lands, but then they expelled Palestinians from their homeland. The
    same problem was experienced in Nagorno Karabakh. Azerbaijani people
    gave asylum to the Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh. Armenians were
    settled in Azerbaijani lands and they committed grave crimes against
    the Azerbaijanis expelling them from Nagorno Karabakh and occupying
    the Azerbaijani lands. We hope that justice will win in both Palestine
    and Nagorno Karabakh.

    - Is the appointment of Arab League's ambassador to Turkey related
    to the diplomatic scandal between Israel and Turkey last week?

    - I don't think that they are related to each other. Turkey is the
    Islamic country and has principal position on the Palestinian problem.

    We respect the Turkish people and government. We are same Umma with
    Azerbaijani and Turkish people. Turkish and Palestinian people have
    same roots. Turkey is an influential country in the world. Therefore
    it is necessary to establish relations with the Arab League, UN and
    European Union.