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Ararat Ghukasyan: Rise In Refinancing Interest Rate Reflects Current

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  • Ararat Ghukasyan: Rise In Refinancing Interest Rate Reflects Current

    Ararat Ghukasyan: Rise In Refinancing Interest Rate Reflects Current Situation

    25.01.2010 15:59 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Refinancing interest rate in Armenia is an indicator
    of the proper liquidity level, Ararat Ghukasyan , chairman of the
    Union of Banks of Armenia told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. "And
    this step, as the Central Bank has already stated, was aimed at
    reducing inflationary pressures and, of course, indicates to the
    proper liquidity level. In my opinion, rise in refinancing interest
    rate reflects the current situation," he said.

    As for the CBA policy's consistency, according to Ararat Ghukasyan,
    "the Central Bank is faithful to its policy: it is always reviewing
    the interest rate: increasing or reducing it".

    The CBA Board at its meeting on January 21 2010 decided to raise the
    refinancing interest rate to 0.5 percentage points, setting it at
    5.5 per cent.