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Deniers of the Armenian Genocide Should Be Punished in Europe

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  • Deniers of the Armenian Genocide Should Be Punished in Europe

    Avenue de la Renaissance 10
    B-1000 Bruxelles
    Tel/ Fax: +32 2 732 70 27/26
    Website :Eafjd [1]



    The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy wishes to
    highlight the case of Armand Sag, a Dutchman of Turkish origin, who
    falsified on the blog `_Dagelijkse Standaard_' (Daily Standard),
    the remarks of a Dutch politician referring to the Armenian Genocide.
    According to the press, the Turkish blogger refused to apologize for
    his fallacious assertions, confirming his intentions as a genocide
    denier, which are widely evident throughout his website under the
    pre-text of being a `researcher on the 1915 events'.
    The European Armenian Federation points out, among many cases in
    Belgium, the January 17th concert of Arif Sirin in Saint Josse, where
    the singer performed his songs glorifying Hrant Dink's murderers.
    The organizer was a Turkish association affiliated with the extremist
    right movement of the Gray Wolves, which is widely known to justify
    the extermination of the Armenians and the repression of other
    minorities. Of great concern was the active role played by Socialist
    Provincial Parliament member, Mr Yves Lardinois, who serves as
    President of his citizen platform in the area.
    The Federation recalls the commendable judgement in France, on
    January 5th, of Sirma Oran-Martz for `bringing a frivolous civil
    lawsuit' against Jean-Paul Bret. Sirma Oran accused the Mayor of
    Villeurbanne of racial discrimination following the Mayor's request
    to Sirma Oran to clarify her position concerning the Armenian Genocide
    while Sirma Oran was candidate in the 2008 local elections. Facing the
    determination of the outgoing Mayor, Sirma Oran refused to give an
    opinion, adopting an attitude in line with her opposition to the
    Genocide Memorial in Lyon, which was expressed by her participation in
    the Turkish demonstration against this Memorial.
    The Federation notes the Turkish State's progressive
    sophistication of arguments in its rhetoric of denial. `The
    political community has the duty to be concerned about the
    proliferation of these denialist ideas in European countries, be they
    from Turkish natives or not, be they explicitly displayed or under the
    pretext of the right to freedom of thought and expression, or even the
    right to indifference,' declared Hilda Tchoboian, the President of
    the European Armenian Federation. `We condemn the perversity of
    these new sophisticated forms of genocide denial, which consist of
    denying, glorifying, minimizing and relativizing the seriousness of
    the most abominable crimes against Humanity,' affirmed Hilda
    The Federation is concerned about the total impunity under which
    these deniers are acting. It emphasizes that the EU Framework-Decision
    against Racism and Xenophobia should be integrated into the national
    legislations before the end of 2010 and thus, calls on the governments
    of the European Union to take into consideration the increase in cases
    of denial of the Armenian genocide in their implementation of this
    Framework-Decision into their legislation. `Only by implementing
    into the Member States' legislation will we be able to contain this
    plague on a European scale,' affirmed Hilda Tchoboian.
    The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy gives its
    total support to all the political and civic forces in Europe which
    act against the proliferation of cases of the denial of the Armenian
    Genocide, the Holocaust, and the Tutsi genocide.

    The European Armenian Federation is the biggest and most influential
    Armenian grassroots organisation in Europe

    [1] /extern/url.php?u=3479&qid=1014925
    [2] /extern/url.php?u=3480&qid=1014925
    [3] /extern/url.php?u=3481&qid=1014925