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ANKARA: US Reaffirms Position Welcoming Armenian Court Ruling

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  • ANKARA: US Reaffirms Position Welcoming Armenian Court Ruling


    Today's Zaman
    27 January 2010, Wednesday

    Washington has made clear that it regards the Armenian Constitutional
    Court's decision to approve two Turkish-Armenian protocols as a
    "positive step forward" in the ratification process of the protocols,
    aimed at normalizing Turkish-Armenian relations.

    US Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Philip J. Crowley
    was asked at a daily press briefing on Monday whether reported remarks
    by Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
    Philip H. Gordon welcoming the verdict of the Armenian Constitutional
    Court reflect the official stance of the US administration.

    In a written statement released after the briefing, Crowley said,
    "Gordon was on the record with the following information," and
    added: "We view the court decision as a positive step forward in the
    ratification process of the normalization protocols between Turkey
    and Armenia. The court decision permits the protocols, as they
    were negotiated and signed, to move forward towards parliamentary
    ratification and does not appear to limit or qualify them in any way."

    Following the Armenian Constitutional Court's decision on Jan. 12,
    which found the protocols signed on Oct. 10 of last year in Zurich
    in conformity with the Armenian Constitution, the Turkish side has
    been uneasy over the court's detailed reasoning for the decision.

    The Turkish Foreign Ministry expressed its anxiety through a statement
    saying that "the decision contains preconditions and restrictive
    provisions which impair the letter and spirit of the protocols."

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu conveyed Ankara's concerns to US
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a telephone conversation
    on Friday.

    "We are confident that both Turkey and Armenia take their commitment
    to the protocols seriously, and we urge timely ratification of the
    protocols by both countries. Our position remains the same. We support
    the normalization process, which we believe contributes to peace and
    stability in the Caucasus. What is critical is to keep the parties
    focused on the vital importance of moving ahead," the statement by
    Crowley concluded.

    27 January 2010, Wednesday TODAY'S ZAMAN ANKARA