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Mailbag: Pedestrians Can't Afford To Trust Drivers

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  • Mailbag: Pedestrians Can't Afford To Trust Drivers

    Allan Cate

    Glendale News Press
    Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:12 PM PST

    The high rate of pedestrian fatalities and injuries in Glendale in
    the last decade is indeed deplorable ("A crash course on prevention,"
    Jan. 16).

    In 2001, my then-63-year-old grandmother was struck as she was legally
    crossing at a lighted crosswalk by someone carelessly making a right
    turn at a green light.

    She suffered major injuries but thankfully survived, and is still
    with us today.

    While living in other states and countries during my military service,
    I noticed that pedestrians in those places were more careful before
    they crossed roads.

    They would allow traffic to pass before they crossed, sometimes waiting
    even if they had the right of way. They simply did not trust drivers
    the way that we in Glendale seem to.

    Though strict enforcement of traffic laws can be effective and
    is to some degree necessary, the city should work toward educating
    pedestrians on how to cross roads as safely as possible, particularly
    when one considers the great results of the Walkin' Willie safety
    campaign in the past.

    The city should focus more on pedestrian education rather than citing
    people, both pedestrians and drivers, so heavily that they become



    Keep the term 'race' out of the paper

    I do not know whether the Glendale Police Department discriminates
    against Armenian police. But I do know that Armenians do not form a
    race as the first part of the News-Press article ("Armenian officers
    sue dept." Jan. 26) indicates.

    They form an ethnic group, as the last part of the article makes clear.

    The term "race" has no meaning, certainly no genetic meaning.

    It has been used mainly to stereotype people by dividing them into
    groups and giving them supposedly inherited characteristics.

    Various bigots have written about the Irish race, the Jewish race,
    the Italian race, the African race and so on, in order to claim that
    members of these "races" are born with certain innate traits that
    cannot be changed.

    More than 100 years ago, Mark Twain wrote a novel, "Puddn'head Wilson,"
    to demonstrate that race was simply a cultural concept. It's really
    time the News-Press and the rest of the world stop using the term.

    On the other hand, the claim that the percentage of Armenians on
    the Glendale police force should match the percentage of Armenians
    in Glendale is a very bad idea. It has no legal or constitutional
    support and, if taken seriously, could come back and bite Armenians.

    For one thing, it would suggest that in cities where the Armenian
    population is small, the police should not hire Armenians because they
    would take away jobs from the dominant ethnic group. And as everyone
    should know, the ethnic mix in California cities keeps changing.

    The logical extension of this lawsuit claim is that if the percentage
    of Armenians in the Glendale population drops, the Police Department
    should terminate Armenians to keep up with the decline in the Armenian

    In other words, the notion of an Armenian quota is bad for Armenians
    and everyone else.



    Supreme Court takes power from people

    Regarding the recent Supreme Court decision on corporations and
    campaign finance laws, given that huge multinational corporations
    can now spend unlimited amounts of money to influence U.S. elections,
    we can forget about the principle of "one person, one vote." Now it's
    "one dollar, one vote." Or rather, make that "one million dollars,
    one vote."