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"Sochi Round" Behind, Hard Times Ahead

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  • "Sochi Round" Behind, Hard Times Ahead

    By Armen Gevorgyan
    13:59 / 01/26/2010

    The "Sochi round" of talks over the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict is behind - it has passed into the eventful negotiation
    history. How many rendezvous have been arranged over the last 10-15
    years? You cannot list them all: Key West, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon,
    Minsk, Bishkek. You can call any city on the world map and you will
    find the traces of Karabakh negotiators and their opposite numbers
    from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

    How many settlement schemes have been proposed? More than you can
    count! But no headway has been made.

    The mediators' lack of imagination can hardly be the reason. They
    must have tried all the possible ways of resolving the problem -
    the ways that would not lead back to the starting point, a new war,
    annihilation of the whole people, but that would allow it to live
    and develop. But someone dislikes those ways. Someone is trying
    to impose his own ways by resorting to threats and force, break
    the people's will, trying to prove that it is not people's will,
    but territorial ownership, that is of importance; that it is not
    the people that decide where to live, but the territory "decides"
    where a particular people must live and in what conditions. Someone
    is seeking to once more pass through the crucible of war!

    One thing remains unclear, however: if, 20 years after committing
    its first blunder, Azerbaijan is going to commit a second, why does
    its leader take part in all the rounds of peace talks, shaking hands
    with peace seekers? We can hardly think that the Azerbaijani leader
    went to Sochi to "do some snowboarding", knowing everything beforehand!

    If not, what is then the sense of Baku's blasts of propaganda on the
    threshold of each meeting? Azerbaijani politicians, including the
    President, hardly hope that a people that gained victory in war can
    now be afraid of the demagogic statements and let Azerbaijan have
    the laurels only because of its oil! We can hardly think that Ilham
    Aliyev is calming himself down by stating that Nagorno-Karabakh will
    never be independent, but will remain an autonomous region as part of
    Azerbaijan, whereas he takes quite different positions at top-level
    talks. That is why one gets the impression that Azerbaijan is doing
    nothing but blackmailing the peace seekers, talking to them about
    peace in the language of war. Obviously, when the peace seekers stop
    taking the threats seriously, Aliyev will have to prove his right to
    be called President and politician.

    Sooner or later the Azeri leader will have to account for the billions
    spent on weapons and propaganda and show his and his country's true
    colors - naked aggression.

    The Sochi round is down in history now. Armenia sincerely thanked
    Russia for her consistent efforts to resolve the problem. Official
    Yerevan is well aware that the Gordian knot is not in Moscow nor is
    it in Washington. It is here, in the region. Its name is Panturkism,
    Panislamism. Armenia and its people are in hostile surroundings. You
    cannot conduct a dialogue with your enemy - especially with such one -
    if you are weak. Hardly anything has changed in this region over the
    last 100 years. Turkey is seeking to join the European family, while
    massacring Kurds in its own territory and blocking other sovereign
    states' borders. "Democratic" Azerbaijan, where the son inherits
    power from the father, is violating another nation's rights. Both
    Azerbaijan and Turkey, their total population being 80 million, call
    3-million-strong Armenia an aggressor that occupied other territories.

    But whose territories are they? Are they not Armenian territories if
    we view the reality in the light of historical truth?

    While expressing its gratitude to Russia and United States, Switzerland
    and France for their efforts, Armenia should at the same time expect
    a foul stab in the back at any moment. Hardly anything has changed
    in the region...