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Journalist Naomi Klein Slams Turkish Hypocrisy At Istanbul Conferenc

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  • Journalist Naomi Klein Slams Turkish Hypocrisy At Istanbul Conferenc


    Jan 26th, 2010

    ISTANBUL (Hurriyet)-Activist and journalist Naomi Klein, a staunch
    critic of Israel's policies in Gaza, turned her guns on Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday for ignoring human rights
    violations both domestically and internationally.

    Klein was speaking at a conference at Istanbul's Bogazici University,
    held in memory of slain Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. In her
    remarks, she criticized the Turkish government for ignoring the rights
    of its own Kurdish and Armenian population while voicing solidarity
    with the plight of Palestinians. She said it is easy to stand up for
    Palestinian rights in Turkey because it is "popular, populist."

    "How can we simply cheer that solidarity when it comes out of a
    system that persecutes Kurdish citizens or denies the existence of the
    Armenian Genocide?" she said. "How can we simply cheer when it comes
    from a government that claims with regards to Sudan, and this is a
    quote, 'that it is not possible for those who belong to the Muslim
    faith to carry out genocide?'"

    "How can we cheerfully defend freedom of speech for Turkish TV to
    show the brutality of Israeli soldiers...when Hrant Dink lies dead
    because of state prosecution and persecution of his freedom of speech
    here in Turkey. How can we simply cheer?" she said.

    "Hypocrisy is collectively corroding us, making us suspicious of
    gestures we would so love to simply celebrate," she said.

    "Demonstrating a commitment to universal standards makes the argument
    for Palestinian rights stronger not weaker. Not only is it simply
    just, but it takes away Israel's most potent political tool, which
    is the claim that its critics are hypocrites," she said.

    "This principal needs to be understood everywhere in the world
    including here in Turkey. Because as difficult as it may be for me
    to voice solidarity with Palestinians in the strange North American
    context, voicing solidarity with Palestinians is as easy here as it
    is difficult in North America. It is popular, it is populist, it's a
    way to get votes, it isn't a risk," said the Jewish Canadian, who has
    written books critical of the Western economic and political system.

    It was "enormously" important for Erdogan to speak out in Davos
    against Israel and its Gaza war crimes last year "to pierce that
    little bubble," said Klein, in reference to when Erdogan walked out of
    a discussion panel in the Swiss town after voicing serious criticism
    in the face of Israeli President Shimon Peres.

    "Consistency is not an intellectual exercise it's not about making
    ourselves feel good," Klein said. "It is about building a movement
    that is actually credible enough to win some victories for some people
    who desperately need them."

    "For that we need not look further than Hrant Dink's legacy of
    commitment to human rights," Klein said.