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Well, At Least The State Of The Union Address Was Televised On C-SPA

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  • Well, At Least The State Of The Union Address Was Televised On C-SPA

    Jacob Sullum

    Reason Online (blog)
    January 28, 2010

    Yesterday I noted that President Obama, in an interview with ABC news
    anchor Diane Sawyer, had acknowledged his failure to deliver on his
    oft-repeated promise to televise health care negotiations on C-SPAN.
    "It's my responsibility," he said, "and I'll be speaking to this
    at the State of the Union, to own up to the fact that the process
    didn't run the way I ideally would like it to and that we have to
    move forward in a way that recaptures that sense of opening things up
    more." So how did he address the transparency issue in last night's
    speech? There was this, referring to the health care debate:

    This is a complex issue, and the longer it was debated, the more
    skeptical people became. I take my share of the blame for not
    explaining it more clearly to the American people. And I know that with
    all the lobbying and horse trading, the process left most Americans
    wondering, "What's in it for me?"

    Obama did not acknowledge that the public's suspicion may have been
    magnified by his failure to do what he promised to do: make the
    process fully transparent, so that everyone knew what was going on
    before Congress voted on the final legislation. Instead, as usual,
    there was a sense that our elected representatives were deciding our
    fates behind closed doors, the better to facilitate all that "lobbying
    and horse trading." The C-SPAN coverage that did not happen (that was
    in fact blocked by the Democratic leaders of the House and Senate,
    with nary a protest from the president) was symbolic of this failure.
    Last night Obama was even less forthright in accepting responsibility
    for the lack of transparency than he was in the interview with Sawyer,
    saying only that he should have explained things more clearly, as
    if the problem could have been solved with a really good Powerpoint

    Later in the speech he bemoaned "a deficit of trust~Wdeep and corrosive
    doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years."
    He blamed this deficit mainly on "the outsized influence of lobbyists"
    and condemned the Supreme Court for making them more powerful by
    overturning restrictions on political speech by corporations. He
    urged Congress to "pass a bill that helps to correct some of these
    problems"~Wa pointless exercise if by that he meant reinstating the
    sort of speech restrictions that the Court said cannot be reconciled
    with the First Amendment. In addition to lobbyists, Obama blamed
    CEOs who earn higher salaries than he thinks they should, reckless
    bankers, TV pundits who "reduce serious debates to silly arguments,"
    and politicians who "tear each other down instead of lifting this
    country up."

    Hmmm. Is anyone missing from this list? How about a president
    who during his first year in office broke a series of conspicuous
    promises, including not just the one about televising health care
    negotiations but also the one about changing the way business is done
    in Washington by reducing the influence of lobbyists, the one about
    "fiscal responsibility," the one about not raising taxes on households
    earning less than $250,000 a year, the one about taking a more modest
    view of executive power and the "state secrets" privilege, the one
    about closing Guantanamo by this month, the one about ending raids
    on medical marijuana providers, the one about allowing five days of
    public review before signing bills, the one about cutting earmarks to
    1994 levels, and even the one about recognizing the Armenian genocide. counts 15 broken promises so far, and its standards
    are conservative. In addition to the clearly broken promises, there
    are the positions (not quite promises) from which Obama has retreated,
    such as his opposition to an individual health insurance mandate and
    the Defense of Marriage Act.

    I hope that Obama will not think I am simply trying to tear him down
    (instead of lifting this country up), or that I am reducing serious
    debates to silly arguments, when I suggest that a president who
    breaks so many big and small promises, who generally does not own
    up to doing so, who persistently misportrays the arguments of his
    opponents, and who misrepresents his own policies may bear at least
    a little of the blame for the "deficit of trust."