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ANTELIAS: HH Aram I addresses Int'l Jt Commish for Theological Dialo

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  • ANTELIAS: HH Aram I addresses Int'l Jt Commish for Theological Dialo

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
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    ARAM I

    Addressing the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue
    between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, meeting at
    the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, Antelias, Lebanon, His Holiness Aram
    I emphasized the crucial importance of bilateral dialogues for the future
    course of the ecumenical movement. He said that multilateralism and
    bilateralism need to be taken in their inter-connectedness, complementing
    and strengthening each other on the way towards the visible unity of the

    Referring to the theological dialogue between the Oriental Orthodox Churches
    and the Catholic Churches, the Catholicos reminded that in the course of
    history several initiatives have been made in the form of ecumenical
    encounter, theological talks and joint actions between the Catholic Church
    and the churches of the Oriental Orthodox family. In 2003 these churches
    formally embarked on theological dialogue. Catholicos Aram I drew the
    attention of the Joint Commission to the following points:

    1.- After so many years of christocentric ecumenism, he said that the last
    decade has witnessed an increasing move towards ecclesiocentric ecumenism.
    According to His Holiness, ecclesiology must remain a priority on the
    ecumenical agenda. The churches have different concepts of unity because
    they have different ecclesiological teachings; the churches are divided in
    respect to ethical issues, because they have different ecclesiological
    self-understanding. Catholicos Aram also emphasized the need to develop a
    holistic perspective which will enable the churches to have interactive
    approach to ecclesiology, ethics and missiology.

    2.- His Holiness reminded that the churches are existentially exposed to the
    moral-ethical repercussions of secularism, syncretism and of so many "ism"s,
    and are more divided in their response to these issues than in doctrinal
    matters. Therefore, he strongly suggested that bilateral dialogues seriously
    tackle these issues and their theological and pastoral implications.

    3.- According to His Holiness, who has a long experience in bilateral
    dialogues, these dialogues must shift their emphasis from consensus-oriented
    agreement to convergence-oriented processes. In his opinion, consensus
    implies negotiation within a given time-frame; it is a static reality while
    convergence is a dynamic process which is not confined to any time-line and
    agenda and provides open space for greater and creative interaction.

    4.- His Holiness also proposed to develop a new perception of reception that
    involves the whole people of God. He said that the findings of bilateral
    dialogues must be appropriated by the people; otherwise they become sheer
    academic exercise. He said that people-oriented reception process implies
    awareness-building and collaboration on the local level. Reaching out to the
    people must become an ecumenical priority, otherwise ecumenism will lose its
    relevance and credibility.

    5.- Aram I underscored the need to affirm the commonalties that exist among
    the churches. Bilateral theological dialogues deal with controversial issues
    and project the divided image of Christianity. We must affirm our God-given
    unity, at the same time articulating our commitment to heal the brokenness
    of the church. This must become our ecumenical strategy, stated His Holiness
    Aram I.

    View the photos here: tos/Photos435.htm
    The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
    the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
    activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
    the Catholicosate, The Cilician
    Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
    Antelias, Lebanon.