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Russian And Japanese Executives At Davos

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  • Russian And Japanese Executives At Davos

    By Ian Bremmer

    Foreign Policy
    Friday, January 29, 2010 - 11:34 AM

    I'm seeing a lot of Russians in Davos this year, but surprisingly
    little Russia. It's hard to say if it's a conscious decision by
    the Russian government, but if so, it strikes me as a pretty sound
    strategy. After all, Russia as a topic generally comes across as
    a negative in global circles--revisionist geopolitics, resource
    nationalism, and strongly authoritarian (albeit charismatic, in a
    fashion) domestic leadership. Instead, there are a healthy number of
    Russian executives going about their business, presenting on panels
    along with colleagues from other countries, and generally integrating
    well. It's probably their best Davos in a good long while.

    The Russians have nothing on the Japanese execs, who are here in
    serious force. Though absolutely none of whom are actually talking
    about Japan. Indeed, the only attendee I could find giving a bullish
    Japan story is Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi, who apparently is making
    money there cans over fist. For everyone else, it's a story of a
    dwindling population and flat consumption, but world-class technology,
    strong regulatory structure, and top-notch management. Japan's model
    apparently is to become a bigger Singapore.

    Speaking of Singapore, a sad piece of trivia I just heard: after
    lots of lobbying and prodding, an Armenian friend of mine (full
    disclosure: my mum's also Armenian) recently got Singaporean minister
    and mentor Lee Kuan Yew to spend three days in Armenia. But the
    Armenian government initially didn't want to meet with him because
    they didn't know who he was. Land-locked, no resources to speak of,
    and apparently they don't read the paper. Oy.

    Ian Bremmer will be blogging from Davos this week sending reports
    and commentary from inside the World Economic Forum.