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ICC To Consider Charges Against Sudanese President On Feb. 3

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  • ICC To Consider Charges Against Sudanese President On Feb. 3


    29.01.2010 19:45 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The
    Hague said on Thursday it would decide on Feb. 3 on whether Sudanese
    President Omar Hassan al-Bashir should be charged with genocide,
    Reuters reports.

    The ICC issued an arrest warrant for al-Bashir in March 2009 for
    war crimes in Darfur, but held back on issuing an arrest warrant on
    charges of genocide.

    The International Criminal Court is a permanenttribunal to prosecute
    individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the
    crime of aggression (although it cannot currently exercise jurisdiction
    over the crime of aggression). The court came into being on 1 July 2002
    - the date its founding treaty, the Rome Statute of the International
    Criminal Court, entered into force - and it can only prosecute crimes
    committed on or after that date. The official seat of the court is
    in The Hague, Netherlands, but its proceedings may take place anywhere.

    As of October 2009, 110 states are members of the Court, and a further
    38 countries have signed but not ratified the Rome Statute. However,
    a number of states, including China, India, Russia and the United
    States, are critical of the court and have not joined.

    The ICC can generally exercise only in cases where the accused is
    a national of a state party, the alleged crime took place on the
    territory of a state party, or a situation is referred to the court
    by the United Nations Security Council. The court is designed to
    complement existing national judicial systems: it can exercise its
    jurisdiction only when national courts are unwilling or unable to
    investigate or prosecute such crimes. Primary responsibility to
    investigate and punish crimes is therefore left to individual states.

    To date, the court has opened investigations into four situations:
    Northern Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central
    African Republic and Darfur. The court has indicted fourteen people;
    seven of whom remain fugitives, two have died (or are believed to
    have died), four are in custody, and one is appearing voluntarily
    before the court.

    The ICC's first trial, of Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga,
    began on 26 January 2009. On 24 November 2009 the second trial
    started, against Congolese militia leaders Germain Katanga and Mathieu
    Ngudjolo Chui.