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Hayk Babukhanyan: Heritage Party Should Be Banned

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  • Hayk Babukhanyan: Heritage Party Should Be Banned


    29.01.2010 14:00 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Following the latest developments in the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Armenian
    authorities should think about suspending the activities of Heritage
    party, which pursues an anti-national policy, said Hayk Babukhanyan,
    the leader of Constitutional Right Union party.

    "Why can Turkey ban a party in parliament and Armenia can't? There
    is an increasing risk of war in the region, so Armenia should become
    a power," he told a news conference in Yerevan on Friday.

    Touching upon the 'football diplomacy', he said it helped discussion
    of the Armenian Genocide issue on international level.

    The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which held
    its first session in Strasbourg on 10 August 1949, can be considered
    the oldest international parliamentary assembly with a pluralistic
    composition of democratically elected members of parliament established
    on the basis of an intergovernmental treaty. The Assembly is one of
    the two statutory organs of the Council of Europe, which is composed of
    the Committee of Ministers (the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, meeting
    usually at the level of their deputies) and the Assembly representing
    the political forces (majority and opposition) in its member states.

    PACE has a total of 642 members - 321 principal members and 321
    substitutes - who are representatives of each member state. There
    are also 18 delegates from the Canadian, Israeli and Mexican observers.

    The size of each country determines its number of representatives and
    number of votes. This is in contrast in the committee of ministers,
    where each country has one vote.

    Each State member selects its method of designating its representatives
    to the parliamentary assembly; however, they must be chosen from among
    the members of the respective Parliaments. Moreover, the political
    composition of each national delegation must reflect the representation
    of the different parties within the respective parliaments.

    Current President is Mevlut Cavusoglu, a member of Turkey's ruling
    Justice and Development Party