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Listening to the Wind of Change: Renewable Energy in Armenia

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  • Listening to the Wind of Change: Renewable Energy in Armenia

    Sohigian: Listening to the Wind of Change: Renewable Energy in Armenia
    By Jason Sohigian
    January 30, 2010

    The Armenian Weekly
    January 2010 Magazine

    A 2 kW photovoltaic station assembled and laminated by specialists at
    the State Engineering University of Armenia was installed on the roof
    of St. Sarkis Church in Yerevan (Photo source: EU-Armenia Web Portal
    on Renewable Energy)
    Armenia relies on a diverse mix of energy resources, and renewables
    present a range of challenges, strategic advantages, and market
    opportunities. In 2009 alone, the World Bank announced an investment
    of $1.5 million to assess sites with geothermal potential and
    Armenbrok OJSC announced an initial public offering to raise $9
    million to construct three hydropower plants in Nagorno-Karabagh.
    Nuclear power, natural gas, and hydropower have been analyzed to a
    large extent, so this analysis is focused on the market opportunities
    and strategic advantages of solar and wind in the context of Armenia's
    overall energy situation. Domestic fuel resources are hydropower,
    nuclear power, wind power, fuelwood, and solar and geothermal power,
    while natural gas consumed in the energy and other sectors is imported
    from Russia. In 2005, 42 percent of the energy consumed was generated
    by the Medzamor Nuclear Power Plant, 30 percent was produced by
    hydropower and wind, and 28 percent was generated by thermal power
    plants fueled by imported natural gas and coal. Armenia does not have
    any significant domestic fossil fuel reserves, so the natural gas for
    the thermal power plants and Armenia's gas-powered vehicles is
    imported via pipeline through Georgia. The supply has been disrupted
    for political and economic reasons over the past 15 years, but there
    is a new pipeline under construction in the south which is expected to
    open up an alternative source of gas from Iran.

    Medzamor NPP is an important part of the country's energy system,
    although the plant is scheduled to shut down in 2016. The European
    Union and United States have pressured Armenia to close the plant, but
    the government has refused over energy security concerns. In fact, the
    government issued a tender in 2009 for a new plant that would likely
    be a safer third generation design. In the meantime, Armenia imports
    nuclear fuel from Russia, so energy is dependent on the cost of
    uranium and natural gas which may fluctuate according to economic and
    geopolitical factors in the region. The basic principles of the Energy
    Sector Development Strategy adopted by the government in 2005 are
    achieving sustainable economic development, enhancing energy
    independence, and ensuring efficient use of domestic and alternative
    sources of energy. Overall the energy security plan is based on
    renewables and conservation, nuclear energy, and diversification of

    The capacity of the Pushkin Pass wind farm is 2.64 MW and it comprises
    four 660 kW Vestas wind turbines (Photo source: Implementation of the
    Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism in Armenia)
    The analysis of Armenia's energy situation is done at the national
    level and accounts for power plant production, but it rarely factors
    the use of fuelwood for heating and cooking among the population,
    which is quite common. A national survey conducted by the Turpanjian
    Center for Policy Analysis in 2007 revealed that 30 percent of the
    population uses fuelwood for heating or cooking. This is significant
    since a study published in International Forestry Review reported only
    eight percent forest cover, so a comprehensive energy strategy should
    address sustainable forestry.

    In addition to the absence of domestic fossil fuel supplies and
    subsequent reliance on imported fuel that fluctuates in price and
    availability, the driving factor behind Armenia's energy policy is an
    understanding that as economic development advances there will be
    increasing demand for energy. Armenia's GDP has grown at an average of
    10 percent over the last several years, and energy demand will
    increase as the population becomes more affluent and urbanized.
    Therefore, a proactive policy is a positive step to ensure that
    efficiency and renewable technologies are an integral part of the
    energy mix.

    Solar Market Potential

    Armenia began thinking about energy independence after the 1988
    earthquake, when Kenell Touryan was approached at the U.S. National
    Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado about the potential for
    bringing renewable energy to Armenia.

    Yerevan State University and the State Engineering University of
    Armenia have been working on photovoltaic (PV) cells for 25 years, a
    Solar Institute was working on wind and solar hot water, and Armenia
    had experience with wind turbine assembly, according to Dr. Kenell
    Touryan who is now vice president of research and development at the
    American University of Armenia. As part of a nonproliferation program,
    the U.S.

    A significant percentage of Armenia's vehicle fleet are powered by
    natural gas, which burns cleaner than petroleum fuel. (Photo by Jason
    Department of Energy funded research by former Soviet weapons
    specialists in the 1990's to do research and development in renewable
    energy that could be commercialized.

    Currently, SunEnergy LLC and SolarEn LLC are selling solar thermal
    units for buildings, the Viasphere Technopark is working on a PV
    tracking system, the State Engineering University of Armenia is
    working on a PV cell coating technology, and a California-based
    company is funding research to manufacture its PV system in Armenia,
    according to Touryan.

    Dr. Artak Hambarian, who is associate director of the Engineering
    Research Center, began working on a rooftop solar monitoring station
    at AUA in 1995, and a Solar Driven Desiccant Cooling Demonstration
    System (DESODEC) was designed and installed soon after. The project
    involved the collaboration of scientists from Portugal, Germany,
    Russia, and Armenia.

    The 40 kW solar hot water project got SolarEn LLC started building its
    own panels, and it uses a desiccant cooling system to cool a 154-seat
    auditorium in the summer. Desiccant cooling has been in use since the
    1960's, but the unique thing about this installation is that a 5 kW PV
    system provides the necessary electricity. In this system, the air is
    pumped through a chamber of several desiccant wheels which use a gel
    to remove humidity and have the capacity to lower air temperature from
    100 degrees to 60 degrees F. `It is more efficient and comparable in
    cost to a chiller system,' emphasizes Hambarian.

    The two-wing PV array relies on eight batteries that are each six
    volts to store power, and the roof support structure spans across
    three rooftops using a structure that is flexible for earthquake
    protection. Currently the largest array in Armenia, the PV system was
    installed in 2004 and it produces just over 5 kW of power from 72
    80-watt panels. The panels were manufactured by experts from the State
    Engineering University and American University of Armenia.

    A 2009 market study by Danish Energy Management indicates that Armenia
    has proven experience in PV technologies and significant deposits of
    raw materials for developing a local technological chain. This
    extensive study co-authored by SolarEn LLC points out that the
    existence of a wide variety of siliceous raw material of various types
    and morphology, local experience in PV technologies, and a highly
    competitive research and development potential give Armenia a
    comparative advantage in this sector.

    `From the various PV technologies analyzed, [a] few can be considered
    ready and some of those can be applicable for PV industry development
    in Armenia. Technological chains based on local raw materials and
    existing infrastructure can offer a certain degree of competitive
    advantage for investors. Today in Armenia a number of companies and
    organization exist that can help jump-start the PV industry
    development,' notes the report optimistically.

    Wind Market Potential

    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed a map of wind power
    resources for Armenia in 2003, in collaboration with SolarEn LLC. This
    analysis assesses a wind power potential of 4,900 MW from seven sites
    that cover an area of 979 sq. km. This corresponds to an area of three
    percent of the territory of Armenia that is limited to remote
    mountainous passes at an elevation of 2,000 m. or higher. Armenia's
    Energy Sector Development Strategy of 2005 includes a series of
    renewable targets to reach by 2025 that include 595 MW of hydropower,
    500 MW of wind, and 25 MW of geothermal. The Energy Law of the
    Republic of Armenia also guarantees the purchase of 100 percent of
    electricity generated from renewable energy sources including wind
    from licensed entities for 15 years.An analysis by Ara Marjanyan
    estimates that the addition of 500 MW of grid-connected wind power to
    achieve the national goal by 2025 would require an investment of
    US$870 million to $1 billion.

    According to Dr. Vardan Sargsyan of the State University of Economics,
    the economically viable capacity for wind energy is comparable with
    nuclear in Armenia. During a 2006 NATO conference in Istanbul on
    energy, sustainable development, and environmental security, Sargsyan
    indicated that the government is planning to generate 10 percent of
    its electricity from wind power by 2025, and that several prospective
    sites have been identified.

    In 2005, the first in wind farm in the South Caucasus was put into
    operation at Pushkin Pass in northern Armenia. The total installed
    capacity of the farm is 2.64 MW and the `Lori 1' project comprises
    four 660 kW Vestas wind turbines. The wind farm was funded by a $3.1
    million grant from the government of Iran, which is also working on a
    natural gas pipeline and hydropower station along the border of the
    two countries.

    Negotiations are underway with international investors to expand the
    `Lori 1' wind farm at Pushkin Pass. The project was initiated in 2002
    with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Netherlands and the
    total installed capacity was intended to be 19.5 MW, using 23 turbines
    with 850 kW of rated power and a total anticipated cost of $37

    Dr. Ara Marjanyan, who is the Renewable Energy Project coordinator of
    the Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund, outlined a
    series of outstanding financial and policy issues that are necessary
    for Armenia to achieve its renewable energy targets for wind. First,
    consistent with the tariff procedure for small hydropower, wind
    tariffs should be fixed so developers can perform project feasibility
    analyses for a typical project life span of 20-25 years.

    Second, the initial costs of wind power projects may be reduced by
    lowering the burden of the value added tax (VAT) on imported equipment
    for renewable energy projects, since there is no local manufacturing
    of modern wind turbines in Armenia. Currently the cost of wind
    turbines are approximately 60-80 percent of the total initial cost of
    a wind project, and the VAT in Armenia would subject this to a 20
    percent tax.

    According to Touryan, there is a high level of international interest
    in investing in wind power projects in Armenia, and he cites proposals
    from Germany, England, Sweden, Italy, and Greece who are investigating
    claims to the top rated sites for wind power potential. `The
    government is interested, and there are trained engineers that can
    work on it,' states Touryan, who added that they are discussing
    incentive programs with the government to finance wind and other
    renewable energy programs.


    Given Armenia's lack of fossil fuel reserves and its economic and
    geopolitical circumstances, its national leadership seems to
    appreciate the importance of the renewable energy sector and has
    adopted an `Energy Sector Development Strategy in the Context of
    Economic Development in Armenia.'

    The underlying principle is the understanding that as the country
    develops and the standard of living improves, the economy will become
    more energy intensive even while pursuing energy efficiency measures.

    As studies in solar and wind power demonstrate, there is a high level
    of scientific expertise in the country that has already been working
    on renewable energy technologies. Currently organizations such as the
    Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund (R2E2) are
    developing feasibility studies and offering preferential financing in
    a revolving loan fund to attract investors in this sector, according
    to R2E2 director Tamara Babayan.

    At the same time, experts are working to improve the regulatory and
    economic conditions to nurture the development of the renewable energy
    sector through tax incentives, reviews of tariff structures and
    methods, and legislation that demonstrates a commitment on the part of
    the government to incorporate clean technology into the energy system.

    Already, Armenia uses renewables to a large extent, primarily with
    hydropower that meets 30 percent of the country's electricity needs.
    While wind is competitive in the U.S. with power from traditional
    sources of fuel, in Armenia hydropower is competitive because it
    benefits from existing tax and tariff incentives.

    Solar and wind power are at an earlier stage of development than
    hydropower, and it is likely that similar incentives will be made
    available to project developers in these sectors. Research and
    development in solar technology is at an advanced stage and the
    current goal is to create a manufacturing infrastructure for domestic
    consumption and an export industry for PV panels.

    Wind is at an earlier stage of development since there is not much
    local experience operating or building large wind farms, although the
    NREL wind resource assessment indicates the availability of adequate
    wind resources that could make a project profitable if the government
    responds to industry recommendations on tax and tariff barriers.

    Since Armenia is a landlocked country facing difficult geopolitical
    circumstances, there are challenges for transportation and market
    access. However, the Armenian Diaspora has been proactive in its
    leadership in the high tech field, and industry leaders in the
    renewable energy field are attempting to introduce their products in
    Armenia and nurture new industry development.

    This has been welcome because it will create jobs in a country where
    there is still widespread poverty and underemployment.

    Ultimately the renewable energy sector can help Armenia achieve its
    energy independence and sustainable development goals, while at the
    same time emerging as a global leader in the clean energy sector.


    The author would like to thank the following individuals for their
    assistance during the research for this article: Tamara Babayan
    (Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund), Artak
    Hambarian (American University of Armenia), Diana Harutyunyan (United
    Nations Development Program), Ara Marjanyan (Armenia Renewable
    Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund), Tatevik Mnatsakanyan (World
    Bank), and Kenell Touryan (American University of Armenia).