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Armenian-Azeri Tensions Mount Despite New International Push For Kar

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  • Armenian-Azeri Tensions Mount Despite New International Push For Kar

    Emil Danielyan

    Georgian Daily
    July 15 2010

    Tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan has risen significantly over
    the past month despite a renewed international push for a resolution
    to the Karabakh conflict.

    The US, Russia and France are again pressing the conflicting parties
    to finalize a framework peace accord drafted by the three mediating
    powers. They hope that the Armenian and Azeri foreign ministers will
    make decisive progress at their upcoming meeting in Kazakhstan. Yet,
    with both sides ratcheting up mutually hostile rhetoric and continuing
    to make markedly different interpretations of the mediators' peace
    proposals, the prospects for a peace accord appear slim.

    The latest upsurge in their bitter recriminations was sparked by a
    deadly firefight that took place in the northernmost section of the
    main Armenian-Azeri "line of contact" around Karabakh on the night
    of June 18. One Azeri and four Armenian soldiers were killed in what
    Yerevan says was an Azeri attack on a Karabakh Armenian army outpost
    (Armenian Public Television, June 19). The fact that they all lost
    their lives in Armenian-controlled territory was cited by the Armenian
    side as proof that the most serious ceasefire violation in the conflict
    zone reported in over two years was instigated by Azerbaijan.

    Authorities in Baku blamed the Armenians for the fighting. An Azeri
    foreign ministry spokesman said it resulted from the "continuing
    occupation of Azeri lands" (Trend, June 19). Baku claimed to have
    held one of its largest military exercises, monitored by President,
    Ilham Aliyev, in the following days. Speaking after the reported war
    games, Aliyev again threatened to win back, by force, Karabakh and
    Azeri districts surrounding it, if the long-running peace process
    yields no agreement acceptable to Baku (APA, June 25).

    Meanwhile, Armenian President, Serzh Sargsyan, and Defense Minister,
    Seyran Ohanian, paid apparently urgent visits to Karabakh,
    highlighting what some observers see as the increased risk of
    another Armenian-Azerbaijani war. Sargsyan met with Karabakh's ethnic
    Armenian leaders, inaugurated a new Karabakh Armenian military base and
    visited hospitalized soldiers who were wounded in the June 18 incident
    (Statement by the Armenian presidential press office, June 24).

    The firefight occurred the day after Sargsyan and Aliyev met in St.
    Petersburg for fresh talks hosted by Russian President, Dmitry
    Medvedev. In an ensuing statement, the Kremlin said the two leaders
    narrowed their differences on "several contentious provisions of the
    text of the basic principles of the settlement." It did not elaborate
    any details.

    Armenian officials said later that Medvedev presented Aliyev and
    Sargsyan with a newly revised version of the "basic principles" that
    were first put forward by mediators in Madrid in November 2007. They
    claimed that unlike Sargsyan, Aliyev did not like those proposals and
    ordered the truce violation to demonstrate his frustration with the
    new twist in the negotiating process. The Azeri leader reportedly cut
    short his trip to St. Petersburg and cancelled his participation in
    a Kremlin-sponsored international economic forum that began on June 18.

    "Clearly, Aliyev was unhappy," Deputy Foreign Minister, Shavarsh
    Kocharian, told the Yerevan newspaper, Iravunk, in an interview on
    July 9.

    Azeri officials insisted, however, that Medvedev did not propose a
    new peace plan on behalf of the US, Russian and French co-chairs of
    the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk
    Group. Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Elkhan Polukhov, told journalists
    that the co-chairs stand by what they call an "updated version" of
    the Madrid principles that was submitted to the parties in December
    2009 and January 2010 (APA, 5 July). Baku has maintained that it
    accepts the principles "with several exceptions," whereas Yerevan is
    dragging its feet. Armenian leaders have commented rather ambiguously
    on that document, saying only that its original version remains a
    "basis for negotiations."

    The mediators themselves have avoided publicly clarifying the
    situation, just as they stepped up their efforts to broker a
    peaceful settlement. In a rare joint statement issued on June 27
    during the G8 summit in Canada, Medvedev, US President, Barack Obama,
    and French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, urged their Armenian and Azeri
    counterparts to "complete the work on the basic principles to enable
    the drafting of a peace agreement to begin." They stressed that the
    peace framework must also be based on the OSCE's "Helsinki Principles,"
    which include the territorial integrity of states, peoples' right to
    self-determination and non-use of force (Trend, June 27).

    Both Baku and Yerevan reacted positively to the statement, with
    each side saying that Washington, Moscow and Paris upheld its own
    vision of Karabakh peace. In particular, Armenian Foreign Minister,
    Edward Nalbandian, singled out the mediators' support for the
    principle of self-determination championed by the Armenian side
    (, June 28). The Armenian authorities say
    that under the Madrid principles, Karabakh's predominantly Armenian
    population would be able to vote for independence, reunification with
    Armenia, or return to Azeri rule in a future referendum.

    Nalbandian's Azeri counterpart, Elmar Mammadyarov, insisted on July
    9 that the existing peace plan contains no such provisions. He said
    it only envisages the creation of a "committee" of representatives
    of Armenia, Azerbaijan and the mediating nations that would decide,
    by consensus, "how to solve the issue of status" (Trend, July 9).

    The ambiguous wording of the joint Obama, Medvedev and Sarkozy
    statement only facilitated such diametrically opposed interpretations.

    The statement's English-language original says vaguely that the main
    issue of contention would be settled through "a legally-binding
    expression of will." However, its official Russian translation
    released by Medvedev's office (and cited by Armenia) stipulates
    "the determination of the future final status of Karabakh by a
    legally-binding expression of the will of its population."

    The three leaders also said they are instructing their foreign
    ministers to "work intensively to assist the two sides to overcome
    their differences" before and during Mammadyarov and Nalbandian's next
    meeting due on the sidelines of the OSCE's July 16-17 ministerial
    conference in Almaty. US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, did
    that during her July 5 talks with Aliyev and Sargsyan in Baku and
    Yerevan respectively. However, Clinton afterwards gave no indication,
    at least in public that an Armenian-Azeri peace deal is likely in
    the weeks or even months to come.

    From: A. Papazian