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Eu-Armenia Association Agreement Negotiation To Be Launched On July

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  • Eu-Armenia Association Agreement Negotiation To Be Launched On July


    EU launches negotiations on Association Agreements with Armenia,
    Azerbaijan and Georgia

    The first round of negotiations on an Association Agreement with
    Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia will take place in the capitals of the
    three South Caucasus countries next week. The Agreements presuppose
    commitments of the parties to a set of shared values and will cover a
    wide range of areas, including Political dialogue, Justice, freedom
    and security, as well as trade and cooperation in sectoral policies
    and will help the countries to take on board key elements of the
    EU~Rs legislation and standards..

    The EU is launching the negotiations on the occasion of first
    Plenary Meetings to be held in Batumi (Georgia), on 15 July, in Baku
    (Azerbaijan) on 16 July and in Yerevan (Armenia) on 19 July.

    The decision to open negotiations for an Association Agreement
    reflects an evolution of a continuous strengthening of relations
    building on the first agreements that entered into force in 1999. It
    also demonstrates the EU~Rs commitment towards its Eastern neighbours
    in realising the opportunity to widen and deepen relations with the
    EU within the framework of the Eastern Partnership initiative.

    The main objective of the Association Agreements is to achieve closer
    political association and gradual economic integration between the EU
    and the three Southern Caucasus countries. The negotiating process
    will be guided by the principles of inclusiveness, differentiation,
    conditionality and joint ownership, as well as by a strong commitment
    of the parties to shared values and principles, including democracy,
    the rule of law and respect for human rights and good governance.

    Attending the event in Batumi and welcoming the launch of negotiations,
    the EU~Rs High Representative/Vice President of the Commission
    Baroness Ashton said: ~SArmenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have shown
    a clear ambition to intensify their relationships with the EU. I
    am personally convinced that through establishing a comprehensive
    Association Agreement this should impact positively not just on
    political relations but on the lives of citizens, in terms of economic
    opportunity, people-to-people contacts with the EU, the environment,
    just to name a few. This agreement will be a catalyst to the domestic
    reforms in these countries and can help us to focus resources on the
    key institutions needed to make further efforts. '

    Negotiations on the Association Agreement will cover the general
    objectives and principles of relations of the EU with each of the
    three countries, political dialogue and co-operation on foreign and
    security policy, Justice, Freedom and Security issues, co-operation
    in specific sectors, people-to-people contacts (including areas such
    as education and research) and trade.

    The EU is currently negotiating similar Association Agreements with
    Ukraine and Moldova.

    From: A. Papazian