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Talks On Armenia-EU Association Agreement Get Underway

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  • Talks On Armenia-EU Association Agreement Get Underway


    July 19 2010

    The talks on the Association Agreement between Armenia and the European
    Union kicked off today. According to the press office of the Armenian
    Foreign Ministry, before the negotiations Armenian Foreign Minister
    Edward Nalbandyan met with the EU delegation headed by Gunnar Wiegand,
    the director of the European Commission's Unit for Relations with
    Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia.

    The negotiations were opened by the Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan
    who noted in his speech that "Our will to deepen cooperation with the
    EU was expressed during President Sargsyan's visit to Brussels in May."

    Edward Nalbandyan also noted that cooperation between Armenia and EU
    has essentially progressed in the spheres of foreign policy, political
    dialogue, justice, freedoms and security, economy and energy, etc.

    He said the "Eastern Partnership" program, the activity of the EU
    Advisory group in Armenia, established of dialogue with the EU on
    human rights pointed out the readiness of the two parties to bring
    the relations on a new qualitative level.

    The minister noted that July 6 the Armenia-EU justice, freedoms and
    security affairs sub-commission successfully ended its first meeting.

    Head of the EU negotiation team Gunnar Wiegand presented the message
    of Catherine Ashton on the occasion of launching of the negotiations.

    The main document regulating Armenia's cooperation with the EU -
    the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement entered into force July
    1999 with 10 year term. According to the corresponding article of
    the document, after the time expires the agreement is automatically
    prolonged with one-year term. The association agreement will replace
    the currently functioning Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. It
    will reflect the guidelines of cooperation in economic integration,
    free move, energy issues. The agreement will also have cooperation
    elements in general foreign and security policy sphere.

    The negotiations over the association agreement will take place in
    three thematic groups which will negotiate over political dialogue,
    foreign and security policy, justice, freedoms as well as economic,
    financial, cultural, energy and other spheres.

    For organizing the negotiation process Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan signed July 15 an order "About Negotiations over Association
    Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union",
    according to which from the Armenian side the coordinator is Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalbandyan and the chief negotiator is deputy foreign
    minister Karine Ghazinyan.

    The head of the justice, freedoms and security affairs task group
    will be deputy justice minister Nikolay Arustamyan, the head of
    the economic, financial cooperation affairs will be deputy finance
    minister Mushegh Tumasyan.

    From: A. Papazian