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BAKU: Baku Dismisses Criticism From Armenian Defence Minister

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  • BAKU: Baku Dismisses Criticism From Armenian Defence Minister

    July 21 2010

    Eldar Sabiroglu Azerbaijani Defence Ministry spokesman Eldar
    Sabiroglu has dismissed Armenian accusations that Baku threatens
    regional stability.

    Armenian Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan made the accusations in an
    interview with Russian news agency Interfax. A few hours after the
    interview was released yesterday, Interfax removed it, but it remains
    available on other media with reference to the original source,
    1 reported.

    Azerbaijani spokesman Eldar Sabiroglu commented that the interviewer
    seemed to be biased: "It should be noted that the very formulation of
    the questions in the interview favoured the Armenian minister. The
    journalist who put the questions clearly had close relations with
    Ohanyan, but this is a personal matter for the information agency
    and we don't want to interfere."

    On the Karabakh conflict, Sabiroglu said that the Armenian minister
    had spoken openly and in a more excited tone about the commitments
    on protection given to Armenia by Russia and the Collective Security
    Treaty Organization. "Ohanyan completely showed his hand," 1
    reported the spokesman as saying.

    "To oppose this, I state that the need to settle the Karabakh conflict
    within the framework of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is
    an irrefutable fact that will ensure stability in the South Caucasus.

    There is no other way. The longer they draw out the occupation,
    the more difficult will be the situation in the region," Sabiroglu

    Referring to the Madrid principles which the OSCE would like to see
    as a basis for peace talks, Sabiroglu said, "Ohanyan talks about
    everything but the Madrid principles and it's clear why he does so.

    Until the Armenian leadership gives up on the idea of continuing the
    occupation, a peace settlement will remain on the back burner."

    "Voicing his concerns that the Azerbaijani military budget has topped
    $2bn, Ohanyan accuses Azerbaijan of a bellicose policy. However,
    elementary logic dismisses Ohanyan's words since Azerbaijan has not
    occupied an inch of anyone else's land, not even Armenian territory.

    It is Armenia that is occupying Azerbaijani land.

    "Therefore, the choice of any admissible way to liberate its lands from
    occupation is Azerbaijan's sovereign right. Armenian aggression has
    continued for 20 years. Over a million Azerbaijanis lost their homes
    as a result of this aggression and a great many cultural monuments
    and cemeteries have been ruined. The world knows about it.

    The UN Security Council and the Council of Europe adopted four
    well-known resolutions against the occupying policy of Armenia which
    name the occupier and the country that is pursuing this bloody policy.

    Certainly, the Armenian minister cannot speak about it, since his
    role in the unjust policy and the Khojaly tragedy is also great,"
    the spokesman said.

    "This is all clear. The resolution of the Karabakh conflict beyond
    the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is admissible and President
    Ilham Aliyev has said this repeatedly and openly. International
    law also does not refute this. The Armenian minister should know
    full well that no international organization or state recognizes
    Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent structure. This is absurd. The
    continuation of unsuccessful attempts in this direction may cause
    damage to Armenia," Sabiroglu said.

    The latest spat between the Armenian and Azerbaijani defence
    ministries follows the unsuccessful talks at the weekend between the
    two countries' foreign ministers, mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group. In
    an uncharacteristically blunt statement after the talks the mediators
    said, "The efforts made so far by the parties to the conflict have
    not been sufficient to overcome their differences."

    From: A. Papazian