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Armenian Genocide Film "Aghet" Screened At Capitol Hill

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  • Armenian Genocide Film "Aghet" Screened At Capitol Hill

    22.07.2010 11:35

    A standing room only crowd of legislators, staff and community
    activists applauded the Capitol Hill screening of "AGHET: A GENOCIDE,"
    a powerful documentary by German filmmaker Eric Friedler depicting
    Ottoman Turkey's annihilation of 1.5 million Armenians from 1915
    to 1923 and calling attention to the costs of the current Turkish
    government's ongoing international campaign of genocide denial,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    Congressional Armenian Genocide Resolution author Adam Schiff (D-CA),
    who hosted screening, offered poignant opening remarks thanking film
    producer Katharina Trebitsch and Friedler for his "tenacity and his
    wonderful work." He went on to note that the Turkish Embassy had, in
    the days leading up to the documentary's first-time showing on Capitol
    Hill, sent him a letter objecting to the screening. The California
    legislator was forceful in his rebuke of foreign pressure to block
    Congressional discussion of the Armenian Genocide. "Unfortunately for
    the Turkish Ambassador and his government, the infamous Section 301 of
    the Turkish penal code, which makes it a crime to insult Turkishness,
    does not apply here, and we are free to speak the truth and admire the
    work of others like Mr. Friedler, who have stood up to the threats,
    the bullying, and the intimidation," explained Rep. Schiff.

    Characterizing 'Aghet' as an "important movie," Rep. Brad Sherman
    (D-CA) called special attention to its focus on the dispatches of
    the German government during the Genocide, highlighting the vastly
    different ways the German government and the Turkish government have
    dealt with their respective legacies of genocide. "One is the approach
    taken by the German government, acknowledging the Holocaust and then
    trying to build on that and trying to make sure that you do not see
    genocides in the future," explained Rep. Sherman. "The other extreme
    we see is the actions of the Turkish government, illustrating that
    genocide denial is the last step of the genocide, when after trying to
    extinguish a people you try to extinguish the memory of that terrible
    act. And it is also the first step in the next genocide, the one thing
    that links the Armenian Genocide and Turkey on the one hand and the
    Germany on the other is the fact that Adolf Hitler was famously able to
    convince his cohorts that they could get away with genocide, for after
    all the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Turks, have been able to do so."

    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), in
    his remarks, noted the critical role of documentaries like "Aghet"
    in educating Congress about the Armenian Genocide. "I think this is
    really important because obviously we will continue to fight to get
    the [Armenian] Genocide resolution passed and this is an important
    part of that effort," explained Pallone. He went on to urge continued
    grassroots efforts to end U.S. complicity in Turkey's genocide denial.

    "You are out there endorsing candidates - for President, for Congress,
    for Senate, whatever it is. That is what is going to make the
    difference," concluded Pallone.

    The filmmaker, Eric Friedler, with modesty, noted: "I do not know if
    my film 'Aghet' will have any impact on the way the American Congress
    will deal with the issue of Armenian Genocide in future. It is more
    than amazing and absolutely unusual that a German documentary might be
    considered to have any meaning to a political decision-making process.

    I feel very honored to be invited to Washington and that 'Aghet'
    is seen by members of the Congress."

    The screening was followed by a robust 90-minute panel discussion,
    sponsored by the Armenian National Committee of America, featuring
    the director, Eric Friedler, former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John
    Evans, SCREAMERS Director Carla Garapedian, and Vartkes Yeghiayan,
    Director of the Center for Armenian Remembrance. The discussion was
    moderated by ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.

    "Tonight's Capitol Hill premiere of Aghet offered Members of Congress
    and their staffs an excellent opportunity to explore the costs and
    consequences of Turkey's ongoing denial of the Armenian Genocide,"
    said Hamparian. "We want to say a special thank you to Congressman
    Schiff for hosting this historic screening and are, of course, deeply
    appreciative of Eric Friedler's compelling contribution to America's
    civic discourse on this vital subject. We are greatly pleased that
    Ambassador John Evans, Carla Garapedian, and Vartkes Yeghiayan were
    able to join in making the panel discussion such a success. We look
    forward, in the days and weeks ahead, to this powerful film's ongoing
    impact on our nation's progress toward full and formal condemnation
    of this crime against all humanity."

    From: A. Papazian