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Calcutta Armenian College Current Affairs

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  • Calcutta Armenian College Current Affairs

    Calcutta Armenian College Current Affairs
    [ 2010/07/24 | 12:31 ]
    Feature Stories society

    Dear Readers,

    This following statement by me is not disputing or commenting on the
    many opinions of well wishers, old students, parents, teachers and
    others who have shown their deep concern over the recent events in the
    Armenian College & Philanthropic Academy in Kolkata. The reader
    must understand how this noble Institution has come to this pass. It
    has been a gradual process. Personally, I am deeply saddened and pray
    that sanity will return.

    You must be made aware that between Rev. Oshagan Gulgulian and Rev
    Koren Hovanessian all Christian teachers were dismissed from the ACPA
    and students were not allowed to speak with a teachers out of class.
    Cameras were installed everywhere. I earnestly hope there will be
    action by His Holiness who is responsible for the Management of the
    ACPA. Unfortunately, He was unaware of Rev. Gulgulian's management
    skills and may be had thought that with a position of such high
    responsibility Fr. Khoren Hovanessian would prove himself worthy as he
    was given a second chance as clergy.

    The deterioration has been a gradual process and it appears one of the
    reasons, to save money. The cuts were in the provision of clothes,
    basic necessities and nutrition. Large amounts were spent in
    unnecessary renovations and repairs. If the menus for the students
    were wholesome why did the previous Manager and the present one not
    partake of the fare. Their meals are from expensive restaurants.

    In India and all civilized countries corporal punishment is prohibited
    by law. Mental torture, fear, disgrace, humiliation and senseless
    tasks like writing texts thousands of times. Making children stand
    outdoors under the hot sun are also unacceptable. All these measures
    and actions by the Managers who were too elated by their own egos.
    School discipline is the prime responsibility of the Principal of the
    school. Unfortunately he is only a figure head and is not given the
    opportunity to carry out his duties.

    In defence of the two Managers it can be said that they were unaware
    of the implications of their actions as Education and Child's
    Psychology is not their forte or else they would not have used
    unacceptable measures to keep discipline. Discipline is gained by
    mutual respect. Not all children are the same. Each has his or her
    personality and problems that need attention. The students in the ACPA
    are thousands of miles away from their parents and homes (that is why
    I introduced children going home every three years during the school
    summer vacation at the expense of the Institution).

    Both the Managers have depleted the corpus in the Institution on
    anything except the advancement of Education. I had left a corpus of
    26 ½ crores of rupees which is roughly $ 5777777 which I had built up
    for the ACPA and Davidian Girls School. It would be embarrassing for
    the Managers and Etchmiadzin if details are given.

    May be some repetition of history is needed. When the ACPA were facing
    closure in 1955 all the students were farmed out to various schools in
    Kolkata. 8 were sent to my school Moir Hall School I did not take any
    admission, session or tuition fees for the students. They studied in
    my school for 3-4 years. The teaching staff in the ACPA attended the
    Institution only to sign the Attendance Register and leave as there
    were no students to teach. The Class IV staff were encouraged to
    accept severance pay but they did not fall to the prey as they knew
    they would have difficulty in getting employment.

    Steps had to be taken to re-open the school. I made it my
    responsibility to challenge the School Committee for their action when
    I discovered that the Committee had changed Clause 28 of the School
    Constitution giving them the right to sell property belonging to the
    ACPA. The previous Clause restricted such action. Surprisingly, this
    was the only change in the rules and it was done and known only to the
    8 members on the Committee. The 2 Wardens on the Church Committee were
    on the School Committee and that is how I came to know of the action
    to be taken. Immediate remedy had to found. 3 members of the Armenian
    Community and myself gate-crashed the school Committee meeting and
    stopped the ratification of their plan. I had also had an injunction
    served on the meeting. The meeting though held was void as the
    proposed plan for the property was unacceptable. A suit in the High
    Court of Calcutta followed to save the ACPA. The only recourse was to
    put the management in safe hands and to stop the property from
    changing hands.

    Surely every Armenian has faith and trust in the Holy See of
    Etchmiadzin with Karekin I of blessed memory. A highly qualified
    person. An Oxford student and one who spoke many languages. There were
    many discourses with His Holiness in Armenia, London and Paris to take
    over the management of ACPA. Many matters had to be settled and His
    Holiness realized the necessity for the ACPA to be safe and agreed to
    take over the management. Accordingly the Petition in the Calcutta
    High Court was filed. The Chairman of the School Committee
    (opposition) did not contest the action of the hand over to His
    Holiness Karekin I of blessed memory. This court action and others
    leading to it cost me personally Rs. 6 lakhs. In foreign money it may
    not be a large amount but in India can be one's life savings. I
    thanked God for his mercy and the school was reopened, but not without

    For those of you readers who were unaware about the condition of the
    ACPA when it was closed to education the following will be harrowing
    the school Committee had permitted some 15 - 20 senior Armenian boys
    ages ranging from 20 - 25 to take residence in the ACPA. They were
    being supported financially by the Armenian Church Committee. These
    old students were at a loose end and their activities both in the
    Institution and outside were ruining their lives. It took time and
    reasoning with the Armenian Church Committee that instead of
    supporting them forever and aye; each one to get a lump sum so that
    arrangements could be made for their future. This was done and each of
    them was rehabilitated in a country abroad. Each was given sufficient
    finance in hand to manage for some months. This exercise took a great
    deal of planning and field work but it was accomplished. I became very
    unpopular at the time for my action as these old boys were playing
    Rugby for the Armenian Team. The benefits were realized when these
    young men settled down in the various countries. Some continued
    studies but all lived useful and purposeful lives. They have
    appreciated the steps which were taken.

    This epistle is being related to show that anyone in a position of
    responsibility must try to help young people in their education and
    prepare them for their adult hood. Not to thwart them with punitive
    actions and curtail the education process.

    When the ACPA was opened His Holiness Karekin I of blessed memory
    requested me to manage the Institution and I was appointed officially.
    I took on the duty in an Honorary capacity and later on persuaded
    Michael Stephen who was the caretaker of St. Mary's Church in Chennai
    to become the Asst. Manager to learn the work. He was given quarters
    in the College premises.

    I am an educationist I have my own school since 1957 which is still
    functioning. I administrate and teach. I have taught in reputable
    schools. Have been an overseas Examiner for the Senior Cambridge
    Examinations in Calcutta for 25 years. Examiner for several local
    exams. Also for the Calcutta University and Teachers Training Courses.
    Served as a member on the La Martiniere School Board for several
    years. I did not have a problem with the management as for many years,
    my husband and I ran the Carlton Hotel alongside the Oberoi Grand
    Hotel. Dealing with the labour problems and the catering was no new
    avenue for me. I never interfered with the education process in the
    ACPA as there was an able Principal MA in English Honours and M. Ed,
    LLb. I only gave advice when approached.

    The school was flourishing with 146 students the largest number to date.

    When Kareken I of blessed memory expired Karekin II was appointed and
    there was a change in the policy of the management. Rev. Oshagan
    Gulgulian was appointed Manager. A young enthusiastic priest but
    unfortunately no background of Education management. Even in his
    tenure there were many problems specially with the teaching staff whom
    he showed little respect and dismissed many on frivolous grounds. His
    activities are universally known and not my prerogative to enumerate
    them. Eventually His Holiness Karekin II had to remove him, only to
    send him back after 2 years during which time he served in Cologne in
    Germany. During his tenure in the ACPA Decaon Bhagumian was appointed
    as the Administrator whose attitude was aggressive and showed little
    respect to anyone. He was also recalled and ordained a priest. In his
    place another clergy was appointed.

    Eventually His Holiness Karekin II was compelled to recall Rev.
    Oshagan Gulgulian and was replaced by Rev. Khoren Hovanessian. Those
    who keep a close match on our clergy will know that he had been
    defrocked but forgiven and then given the responsibility to prove his
    worth as Manager of the ACPA.

    One does not understand the rationale that a school which now has
    barely 80 students has a Principal, Manager and Administrator. All
    these posts are very highly paid. The Manager and Administrator have
    luxurious apartments and equally luxurious life styles. For instance
    the Managers quarters were made sound proof and an imported commode
    (cost 1 ½ lakhs) installed all of which cost 25 lakhs was this
    expenditure necessary for the enhancement of education?

    Letters, statements and opinions from well wishers, old students and
    others are storming the website in response to the recent happenings
    in the ACPA most of the comments are justified and I personally am
    very saddened at the way young lives are being suppressed by fear. The
    slightest mischief attracts the ultimate punishment of deportation.
    Severance from education, stress and trauma. The students have taken
    the regular daily doses of corporal punishment, humiliation and suffer
    from fear psychoses as part of their education. But, there must come a
    time when saturation point is reached and what was it? Some boys
    pleading with the Manager for a lad who has only a few months left for
    his final examination in Class XII and that too in a very reputable
    school La Martineire for Boys. Such a pity as he is intelligent and
    keen on his studies. How can a priest not respond to a plea of mercy
    when he is practicing the teaching of Jesus Christ our Saviour who
    said `I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for
    the sheep'. The priest should protect the children as if they are
    `his' sheep.

    For someone who has been entrusted as the post of Manager - can he not
    sort out whatever problems arise? What was the necessity for 30
    policemen to be called and that from Special Branch and were in the
    college for 6 hours and not 30 minutes has been reported. Police
    intervention is acquired when there is a crime committed or a breach
    of peace, which cannot be contained. Now, the students have yet
    another fear; the police. Those of you who are parents, Doctors and
    educationists, you will well understand the long term implications on
    a child's mind which can even haunt them in adulthood. This action of
    calling in the police must have been advised by the Chief Accountant
    A. K. Ghosh. His influence on the Managers has made them make many
    wrong decisions. His advice of deliberately prolonging court cases
    costing the college a pretty penny. He has had his salary raised to an
    exorbitant amount and has always had a life style far beyond his
    means. Not to mention the properties he has constructed for himself.

    The students for once cried out for help and those who heard them did
    their best to avert drastic consequences. But the situation has not
    eased as Fr. Khoren was determined to send the lad back to Armenia.
    Somehow Father has to be councelled not to go to the extreme and show
    mercy and understanding and to go by the guidelines in Education. To
    allow the Principal of the school to deal with the discipline which
    comes under his duties as the head of the Institution.

    The atmosphere in the college should be a happy and free of tension and fear.

    Sonia John

    Ex Hony. Manager, ACPA, Kolkata.

    Ex-Chairman, Armenian Church Committee, Kolkata.

    From: A. Papazian