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Sahakyan: Ruling of the Hague Court creates a new political situatio

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  • Sahakyan: Ruling of the Hague Court creates a new political situatio

    Bako Sahakyan: Ruling of the Hague Court creates a new political situation
    24.07.2010 13:54

    `Irrespective of recognition of independence of Kosovo, Nagorno
    Karabakh will continue working towards international recognition of
    the Artsakh Republic,' NKR President Bako Sahakyan told reporters in
    Stepanakert. The President assessed the decision of the Hague Court as
    an important event that creates a new political situation.

    In response to the question about the policy Armenia pursues in the
    negotiation process, Bako Sahakyan said: `The policy Armenia
    implements is obviously constructive and contributes to the settlement
    of the Karabakh issue. The Armenian President does not pursue a
    radical policy, a fact welcomed by both us and the international
    community.' `In response to that Azerbaijan takes steps to fail the
    negotiation process,' he added.

    The Karabakhi side is doing its best to contribute to the effective
    activity of the OSCE Minsk Group. However, according to President
    Sahakyan, the Minsk Group fails to achieve better results because NKR
    does not participate in the talks. `The Co-Chairs have also come to
    understand that the solution is impossible without the participation
    of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Karabakh,' he stated.

    Touching upon the possible change of the Minsk Group format,
    particularly Iran's claims, Bako Sahakyan said such changes of the
    format cannot contribute to the effectiveness of the Minsk Group

    According to NKR President, the position of Artsakh has not changed
    over years. `The independence and security of Artsakh cannot be
    subject to any bargain,' he said.

    As to the recognition of NKR by the Republic of Armenia, Bako Sahakyan
    said `this recognition should not be an end in itself. It's a process
    that should have proper grounds. Sure, the Artsakh Republic is most
    interested in this, but it cannot ignore the fact that Armenia has
    certain commitments before the international community.

    From: A. Papazian