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Vahan Hovhannisyan: ICJ decision is a new tool for NKR recognition

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  • Vahan Hovhannisyan: ICJ decision is a new tool for NKR recognition

    Vahan Hovhannisyan: ICJ decision is a new tool for NKR recognition
    23.07.2010 18:19

    Lilit Muradyan

    Member of the ARF Bureau Vahan Hovhannisyan welcomes President Serzh
    Sargsyan's statement that `Armenia will search for other ways if
    Azerbaijan refuses to accept the Madrid Principles,' but says that the
    statement was a little belated.

    The last statement of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries made it
    clear to Azerbaijan that it had no right to select some principles
    over others, he said.

    According to Vahan Hovhannisyan, the decision of the International
    Court of Justice on Kosovo can serve as a new tool for international
    recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    `The verdict is fair and corresponds to our interests,' he said.

    Touching upon the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations,
    Vahan Hovhannisyan said `the process has hit a deadlock, since we put
    the emphasis on the ratification of the protocols, not the opening of
    the border.' According to him, the correct decision would be the
    withdrawal of our signature from the protocols.

    From: A. Papazian