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Russia keen to build military ties with Armenia

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  • Russia keen to build military ties with Armenia

    Public Television of Armenia
    July 20 2010

    Russia keen to build military ties with Armenia

    [Presenter-read report] It is possible that drills of the Rapid
    Response Force of the Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO]
    be held in 2011in Armenia, the CSTO secretary-general, Nikolay
    Bordyuzha, has told journalists in Yerevan. He said it is absolutely
    realistic that the drills planned for 2011 are held in Armenia.
    Bordyuzha, speaking about threats of war by the Azerbaijani president,
    said that he considers forceful solution of any conflict absolutely
    unpromising and that international community perceives this very

    [Correspondent speaking over video of a meeting] Armenia and Russia
    will launch cooperation in the sphere of military industry in five
    directions. This is the first positive result of the visit of a
    Russian delegation during which heads of over 10 Russian
    military-industrial enterprises visited similar Armenian enterprises.

    [Armenian National Security Council Secretary Artur Baghdasaryan
    speaking at a meeting] The establishment of joint enterprises will
    provide opportunity to develop the military-industrial complex in this

    [Bordyuzha speaking in Russian at a meeting with voiceover Armenian
    translation] This is one of priorities of our activities and at
    present we are carrying out a pilot project in the framework of that
    cooperation - establishing [enterprises] on Armenia's territory or
    involving Armenia's military-industrial enterprises into activities of
    Russian enterprises in order to have a higher level of cooperation and
    joint activities aimed at creation and maintenance of new types of
    arms. The Armenian president very actively promotes and assists this
    work in every way possible. The secretary of the National Security
    Council [Baghdasaryan] has the most active role in this cause and at
    present we already have certain results. I hope we can report to our
    bosses on practical steps and results of establishment of joint
    enterprises in the near future.

    [Correspondent reports over video of a meeting] The Russian president
    ascribes great importance to cooperation in the CSTO framework and
    speedy restoration of former cooperation between our countries
    [Armenia and Russia], the man in charge of Russia's military-technical
    agency [Konstantin Biryulin, the deputy head of Russia's Federal
    Service for Military-Technical Cooperation] said.

    [Biryulin speaking at a meeting with voiceover Armenian translation] I
    believe we will see in the near future how agreements are being
    implemented. Our industry is very interested in achievements of the
    Armenian industry, which have been recently exhibited in Moscow. These
    are of course antimissile defences and spare parts produced for them.
    Besides there is great mutual interest regarding maintenance of
    helicopter and armored equipment. It is important to always keep them
    in combat-ready condition. I would say another group of projects are
    from the sphere of national economy - mechanical engineering and other
    directions, which will emerge during our cooperation.

    [Passage omitted: Bordyuzha on not deploying CSTO troops in Kyrgyzstan]

    [Correspondent reports over video of a meeting] How will CSTO act if
    the Azerbaijani president tries to carry out his threats of war

    [Bordyuzha speaking at a meeting with voiceover Armenian translation]
    I will definitely say, by the way - not on my behalf , foreign
    ministers of the OSCE [co-chair countries] held a informal meeting in
    Almaty literally a few days ago and the prevailing majority of foreign
    ministers of all 57 European states spoke about that forceful
    settlement of any conflict is totally unpromising and is perceived
    extremely negatively by the whole international community.

    [Bordyuzha speaking voice at a meeting] I believe this refers to the
    Nagornyy Karabakh conflict as well.

    From: A. Papazian