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BAKU: Turkish media holds round-table on Nagorno-Karabakh

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  • BAKU: Turkish media holds round-table on Nagorno-Karabakh

    Today, Azerbaijan
    July 23 2010

    Turkish media holds round-table on Nagorno-Karabakh

    23 July 2010 [17:45] - Today.Az

    A joint round-table, "The Turkish Media and Nagorno Karabakh",
    initiated by the Azerbaijan's Parliamentary Journalists Union and
    Turkish Journalists Union was held at the Ataturk Center of Baku.

    Chairman of Azerbaijan's Parliamentary Journalists Union Elshad
    Eyvazli and vice-chairman, staff writer of AzerTAc News Agency Khatai
    Azizov said the media of both countries widely cover the events taken
    in fraternal countries.

    The Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict is always in the
    focus of the Turkish media. Atilla Sertel, chairman of Turkish
    Journalists Union, congratulated the Azerbaijani media people on the
    National Press Day. According to him, press freedom is a reality in
    Azerbaijan and wished to develop it.

    The Nagorno-Karabakh developments have been in the center of Turkish
    media for many years, Atilla Sertel underlined. The falsified claims
    of Armenia should be courageously condemned, he said.

    Atilla Sertel noted that prior to the round-table he met with the
    director general of Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc) Mr.
    Aslan Aslanov. The Azerbaijan realities have to be certainly
    disseminated in all Turkish media through AzerTAc, the guest



    From: A. Papazian