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ANCA-WR Announces Its 2010 Annual Banquet

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  • ANCA-WR Announces Its 2010 Annual Banquet

    ANCA-WR Announces Its 2010 Annual Banquet

    Friday, July 23rd, 2010

    LOS ANGELES - The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
    ANCA-WR) will host its 2010 Annual Banquet at the Universal Sheraton
    Hotel on Sunday, October 24, 2010. The event will begin with cocktail
    hour at 5:30 PM, followed by dinner and program at 7:00 PM.

    The ANCA-WR Banquet represents the single largest annual gathering of
    Armenian American community activists and leaders in the Western
    United States. The Banquet is attended by more than a thousand
    benefactors, supporters, and members of the community media as well as
    prominent federal, state, and local officials.

    During the event, the ANCA-WR also honors those who have strongly
    supported the organization's cause. Previous Annual Banquet award
    recipients have included Senators Joe Biden and Robert Menendez, Human
    Rights Scholar Samantha Power, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
    President Ronald Reagan and many other well known artists, film
    makers, authors and public figures.

    For sponsorship opportunities and ticket sales, contact the ANCA-WR
    Office at 818.500.1918.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the
    largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy
    organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination
    with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the
    Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country,
    the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community
    on a broad range of issues.

    From: A. Papazian