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BAKU: Southern Azerbaijan Is A Key Factor To Put An End To Persianis

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  • BAKU: Southern Azerbaijan Is A Key Factor To Put An End To Persianis


    May 22 2010

    Nabi Soyturk: `From national rights standpoint, the Green Movement
    is a trend to replace the tyre of the cart of chauvinism'

    By Arzu Abdulla [translated from Azeri]

    Today marks the fourth anniversary of the 22 May uprising in southern
    Azerbaijan [northern Iran]. This anniversary is now being marked at
    high level worldwide. Our interviewee is Nabi Soyturk, official of
    the Southern Azarbayjan Independence Party for ideological issues.

    [Correspondent] Nabi bay [mode of address], today marks the anniversary
    of our national uprising. How do you remember this uprising?

    [Soyturk] When I heard about the 22 May 2006 events, I pondered on for
    a long time and came to a conclusion that I was not a member of this
    movement. Because an activist should always have a ready answer to "At
    what point is the movement at present" question? However, I realized
    that I did not have the answer to this question in May when the
    uprising broke out. This is also admitted by many national activists.

    I think this has two key reasons: First, we were gauging the future
    development of the movement with our restricted activities under poor
    conditions. And this turned out to be true. That is to say, the first
    outcome (22 May) turned out to be bigger than our activities and work.

    This proves that the roots of the movement are deep. Second, the issue
    is also a factor that misled well-known politicians worldwide. In
    the 1990s no-one could think that the political processes would alter
    political agenda to that extent. The reason for is that the cold war
    of many years reduced the level of political processes to minimum.

    Naturally, this factor also hindered predictions of activists of the
    national movement.

    Now the whole world reckons with the southern Azarbayjan factor

    [Correspondent] In general, what did the uprising of the 2006 give
    to the national liberation movement in the south?

    [Soyturk] A lot can be said to this end, however, the most important
    aspect is a message southern Azarbayjan has sent to the Iranian regime
    and the world. The 22 May uprising has proved the existence of the
    south to the world. Beginning from the American Centre for Strategic
    Researches to Russia, everyone began to read Iran differently. This
    message was also noticed by Armenia and the PKK [the Kurdistan Workers
    Party]. Immediately after the 22 May, [former Armenian president]
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan said "there is a sleeping dragon there; the
    Karabakh issue must be resolved before it wakes up".

    The PKK understood it would not be easy at all for it to take
    control of the Orumiyeh province. After the 22 May, the existence
    of the southern Azerbaijan was heard from tribunes of influential
    international organizations, like the UN, the USA and Europe.

    Naturally, the Persian chauvinism well-versed in the history of Tabriz
    has understood the main point of the message. With this, both Iran
    and the regional countries, as well as far-sighted superpowers, have
    realized that the southern Azarbayjan, which was kept far away from the
    regional processes, will play a serious role in future developments.

    [Correspondent] What has changed over the four years?

    [Soyturk] As to laws, nothing. Though the lack of positive changes,
    our compatriots anxious about Azarbayjan have come under growing
    persecutions and pressure. As pressure has gone up, the enmity of
    the Persian chauvinism surfaced openly. However, the signs of the
    big positive changes are seen for idealists. Bearing in mind that
    Iran has a non-democratic regime and Azarbayjan's past revolutionary
    path, it may clear that the ongoing processes in the south may not
    be visible now; however, it is possible to foresee the outcome.

    As if a clerical current is washing Iran and southern Azarbayjan from
    inside out to purify it. This current seems more effective after the
    22 May events. Over the recent years, the harmony in the public and
    political aspect within the Iranian borders has changed. In 1990s,
    we - nationalists - were considered as forces upsetting pro-Iranian
    way of thinking and Iran's harmony; now those who are against the
    Azerbaijani national movement are considered as those violating the
    overall harmony. This signals serious changes in the mechanism. The
    May events are a proof of successful development of the cultural
    phase in the national movement.

    Although the 22 May 2006 uprising was the preliminary outcome of big
    cultural changes, the 22 May also maybe considered as the key reason
    for the politicization and the beginning of the national movement. Now
    even when we pay attention to football games, listen to slogans chanted
    by over 100,000 fans at stadiums, we come to the conclusions that the
    changes in question are in place. [Passage omitted: The Diaspora of
    ethnic Azerbaijanis abroad gets stronger]

    "Existence of the Azerbaijani state is a guarantee for south's

    [Correspondent] You highlighted the role of Azerbaijan's independence
    in the revival of the national spirit. We wonder, what is the role
    of this factor in the national movement of the southern Azarbayjan?

    [Soyturk] The effect of this factor is simply unparalleled. It is not
    by chance that after Azerbaijan gained its independence, southern
    Azarbayjan has begun to mobilize itself. Azerbaijan's statehood
    has neutralized the insidious policy of the Persian chauvinism on
    southern Azarbayjanis for dozens of years. I want to mention several
    important factors.

    The first aspect is that following the propaganda of the Persian
    chauvinism, some targets of strategic importance were described as
    impossible for Azarbayjanis. For example, "In general, no education
    is possible in Azarbayjani language, this language has defects,
    Azarbayjan cannot build a state, and Azarbayjanis are Iranians and
    are of Aryan descent and so on".

    They managed to set up a similar system of beliefs. As soon as
    Azerbaijan gained its independence, created its statehood and got
    recognized internationally, not only Azerbaijanis as well as other
    nations, including Persians, began to doubt about the system of
    beliefs of the Persian chauvinism.

    With this, the established standard beliefs began to collapse. Without
    Azerbaijan's independence, we would not have managed all these. Now
    nobody would appeal to Tehran's fictions in order to study Tabriz and
    would turn to archives in Baku. More interestingly, Tehran itself
    would not be able to distort and hide to this extend the history
    of Tabriz. From this standpoint, our history, culture, national
    identities have been rescued from the hand of distorters and will be
    preserved in Azerbaijan. The exposure of Iran-written false history
    to a certain degree after [Azerbaijan's] independence is a proof
    of my words. [Passage omitted: ethnic Azerbaijanis in south realize
    their potential]

    "We should not attack the Green Movement, but we also cannot unite
    with them"

    [Correspondent] What is the role of the pro-Musavi camp and the Green
    Movement, the party of those who describe themselves as reformers,
    in the southern liberation movement?

    [Soyturk] In my opinion, the Green Movement should be divided into
    two parts and be read separately. The first are about the leaders of
    the Green Movement. Their aim is to have more political and a little
    bit of ideological changes. The second are those who took to streets
    to protest under the Green Movement. In general, their aim is to be
    free from political and ideological claws of the Iranian regime. The
    factor uniting these two poles is not political or ideological targets
    but forces which received blows from the same source. They are against
    the same camp. If the phase of resistance is over, their unity will
    be shattered when the issue reaches the ideological dimension. No-one
    should doubt about it.

    As for the attitude of the Green Movement to the national movement,
    I should say that Iranian intelligentsia representatives from Western
    countries, like Akbar Ganci, Abdolkarim Sorush and others issued
    joint statements in support of the Green Movement. They spoke of
    democratic rights tenderly. But they did not even mention a sentence
    about the right of nations. As a domestic opposition inside Iran,
    the Green Movement issue democratic slogans. Sometimes, as a slogan,
    they also air the need for the execution of the constitutional items
    with regard to the rights of non-Persian nations. However, we should
    not forget that some of the bans were applied when the Green Movement
    [members] were in power. At present those slogans are of show nature
    and cannot absolutely satisfy the national movement. In short, from
    ethnic rights standpoint, the Green Movement is a trend to replace
    the tyre of the cart of the chauvinism.

    [Correspondent] Do you want to say that the national movement should
    in no way join the Green Movement?

    [Soyturk] This is a very serious question. In my opinion, the presence
    of the Green Movement in Iran and the developments are in favour of
    us. However, it would not be to our advantage to muddy the national
    movement with the Green Movement. The national movement is a strong
    one, however, it is not matured to the same extend. If we muddy the
    national movement with the Greens Movement, it would be impossible
    to separate them later.

    We should be careful that the hatred and feeling of protest against
    the Iranian regime do not mix up with the Green Movement to distort
    goals of the national movement.

    If we share our energy, the future of the national movement may come
    under risk. I think we should not protest against the existence of
    the Green Movement in Iran. We should not fight against the Green
    Movement but must keep distance from it. Some people say that the Green
    Movement might be used as a means, and I agree with this. But not by
    means of joining the Green Movement and not fighting against them. The
    national movement has not entered an absolutely matured period. If
    we face ourselves to serious tests, then as in history, the means
    may overcome targets and the results of the past may repeat itself.

    From: A. Papazian