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"Power Change Is Not Impossible"

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  • "Power Change Is Not Impossible"


    Leader of the People's Party of Armenia (HzhK) Stepan Demirchyan
    says Armenia's interior and exterior problems are resulted by lack
    of justice inside the country.

    "Why shouldn't our citizens be allowed to stroll freely at Liberty
    Square?" Mr. Demirchyan said regarding the recent confrontation
    between opposition supporters and riot police at the square.

    "It seems that the authorities have nothing else to do but blocking
    opposition's entry to the square. The authorities pressurized
    opposition activities violently removing them from the square. We
    condemn the incident and call on the authorities to release journalist
    Ani Gevorgyan and the two other opposition activists detained after
    the clashes," said the HZhK leader.

    Mr. Demirtchyan reminded the Armenian leadership that opposition would
    continue rallying people unless the last political prisoner was set
    free, and the authorities held free and fair elections in the country.

    Stepan Demirchyan is astonished at people finding pleasure in the
    authorities' failures.

    "When the opposition fails it means the country is on the brink of
    downfall. If authorities do not aim to take the path of free and fair
    elections they must be forced to do it by the public. Sooner or later
    people will succeed in their efforts. They cannot fail for ever. Power
    change is not impossible. We do not want Armenia to follow the example
    of Kyrgyzstan. We want a change of power by traditional methods."

    President Serzh Sargsyan yesterday announced in Rostov-on-Don that
    Armenia's political sphere is stabilising and anti-corruption programs
    proved effective.

    Commenting on the president's speech Mr. Demirtchyan said: "It is
    needless to speak about stability. You can only talk about apathy,
    depression and demoralization. But by and large, our society has not
    resigned and will not tolerate injustice and violence. Undoubtedly,
    the struggle will yield fruit. Today we witness increase in social
    tensions, polarization and emigration. This is the real picture

    From: A. Papazian